
How to replace a master module in an existing project

Samuel Pittet 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Kerry Brock 1 month ago 4

Hi, I have a project built around a MC43. I would like to copy this existing project and replace the MC43 with a MC43-FS. How this can be done within IQANdesign?


IQANgo 6.08

Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago in IQANgo updated 2 years ago 3

Support for IQAN-G12

The IQAN-G12 is a new version of the G11 CAN-Bluetooth adapter, with increased speed, range and enabling enhanced security.

Image 3004

IQAN-G12, next version of CAN to Bluetooth gateway

Pairing with G12

When connecting to an IQAN-G12 for the first time, pairing is required.

Image 3005

In systems created with IQANdesign 6.08 or newer, pairing enable and passkey is controlled by IQANdesign properties. See IQANdesign 6.08 news post. If the IQAN-G12 is used in a system with 6.07, the passkey is all zeroes but pairing is only temporary.

GUI improvements

Send to machine, Send button is moved to the line with the selected file.

Image 3006

Send to machine confirmation dialog now show firmware versions of both file and the system that is about to be updated.

Image 3008

Android specific updates

Increased minimum version

Minimum android version is increased to Android 9. Users of Android 7 and 8 can continue to use IQANgo 6.07.

Export file and Import file in Files manager task menu

Image 3009

With Import file, one or more files in a folder or another app such as Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive can be selected.

With Export file, the selected file can exported to the Downloads folder on the device.

iOS specific updates

Shortcut to the Files app added to the Files manager.

Available on Google Play and Apple App Store

IQANgo - Apps on Google Play

IQANgo on the App Store (apple.com)


Get logs without additional hardware or licenses

Ville Laine 3 years ago updated by Mack 2 years ago 1

I would like to see a tool or some way to get the logs from the controller without additional hardware or licenses.

Just thinking that we should be able to get the needed logs out from the system without additional costs and harware.

We have an external reporting application that needs log files as an input.

This Reporting application is used by end customer and it makes no sense to purchase IQANRun license to every customer that needs this reporting.

I think the easies way would be make an program that is just script engine and just performs the scripts without the IQANRun.

This way we can invoke that script engine from our software to do needed actions. I know this can be done starting IQANRun silently, but it still needs that license.

Or even if we can get the API for integrating needed feature to our reporting program that would be the best solution I think.


Delay off/on

Lars Bolduc 3 years ago in IQANsimulate 0


When simulating and/or troubleshooting in IQANrun delay on and delay off (for IDCs for example).

It would be great to know the current value of the delay.

Displaying a live timer of the internal value being counted down.

So if the IDC has a 240,000 msec delay on, you could tell how far along this delay was.



Premature "no contact" error between MC43 and MD3

minh lam 3 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 1

We have a system that utilizes an MD3 inside the cab and a MC43 installed outside of our cab. Both are controlled by 2 separate relays to turn on power, one inside the cab the other outside. We are receiving a no contact error upon start up and we suspect this is because of maybe a timing issue of the 2 separate relays turning the modules on. Is there anyway to suppress the no contact error for a period of time at start up?


watchdog reset with MD4 (6.06) blue screen

Frederick Prigge 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 weeks ago 3

Since updating to 6.06 I get random bluescreens with MD4s. It has been appearing on multiple devices and multiple projects. It is completely random, from many hours to minutes between events. The bluescreen complain about the watchdog timer reset. This is really a big problem since I can't rollback my project to 6.0X (it refuses to open, instead of just a warning like it was in the 5.X). Also, since going to 6.06 I get many CAN errors that I did not get before.

Image 2696


IQANdesign 6.06

Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated 3 years ago 5

Feature highlights 6.06

Set access level for unrestricted send settings

It is now possible to set an access level that allows unrestricted sending of settings. 

Image 2627

Useful for field service technicians that need to send a clone or settings files where the application has a higher access level on some adjust groups, e.g. production settings.

Related to this, IQANrun will now ask user to login with higher access level if needed to update everything.

DM1 out, New DTC out item

The new Value DTC Out is triggered by the value (True/False) of a digital channel, and triggers sending of a DTC with a set SPN and FMI.

Image 2628

The DTC out from previous versions that automatically set FMI based on channel status is renamed Status DTC Out.

DM1 in, always show SPN number in list

The SPN and FMI is shown before clear text channel name. 

Image 2629

Select the individual DTC in the DM1 list to shows SPN, FMI and clear text below the list. 

MD4 log view updated

Select log record to view longer logged texts in info bar below the list. 

Image 2630

In landscape mode this bar is one line, in portrait mode two lines.

Button shortcut to modules and remote logs

Buttons can now be linked directly to modules and logs. 

Image 2631

Navigating to a J1939 module will show the DM1 list.

Multi-line label control

Labels can now span over multiple lines. 

Image 2632

Enter line breaks manually or set fixed with to also have automatic line breaks. 


See release notes for more features and fixes:






Copy info from iQanRun

Marcel 3 years ago in IQANrun updated 3 years ago 2

It would be nice to be able to select and copy the info of the hardware and software in iQanRun for my own documentation.

Its easy to make a type fault if you want to save the info for future reference.

Just an idea.

Image 2604


Choose Dialog Priority for SPN in channel based on FMI number

Ian W 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Mack 1 year ago 1

Using the built in DM1 in channel and associated SPN in channels, would it be possible to make it so that you can have the option to set the dialog priority for the SPN in channel based on the FMI? For example, if I have SPN 100 with FMI 1, 2  and 3. I would like to set it up so the following happens:

FMI=1, dialog priority is warning

FMI=2, dialog priority is alarm

FMI=3, dialog priority is critical


Customize Access to Menu System

Kerry Brock 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 2 1 duplicate

In and IQANdesign project file with multiple masters, is there a way to access particular sections of the Menu system?

As an example, I would like to use a button to access the menu page for logs so the user can see logs from all masters in the system and then be able to select the logs for a particular master. It appears I can only use a button to access the log file for the master that has the display page.

I would also like to access the menu page for other items such as Adjust Groups, Measure Groups, etc.  The customer would like a custom Main Menu page that fits their branding image and then be able to access the different areas of the menu system using a custom button based on their branding requirements.  Below that level the standard IQAN look will work.