IQANdesign video tutorials
We just posted the first video in a series of IQANdesign tutorials to
Part 1
IQANdesign tutorial part 1, adding modules and channels from IQAN on Vimeo.
Part 2
IQANdesign tutorial part 2, simulation from IQAN on Vimeo.
Part 3
IQANdesign tutorial part 3, Object List, from IQAN on Vimeo.

Option to disable MC4x DOUT Open Load detect
I am using several DOUT channels on and MC43 and XC44 to drive LED lights. When we crank the engine or run the electric hydraulic pump, I get open load errors on these channels. I already have undercurrent detection turned off on these outputs. I am using IQAN Design This is a 12 V system. The LED light is a Grote BZ101-5, 16 W total power. The channels are set up as a Digital Out HS. The pins used are MC43 C1-46, C1-48 and XC44 C2:49 and C2-50.
I have installed a 120 ohm pull down resistor in parallel with these lights to prevent the error. This is a costly and undesirable way to fix this issue. I am requesting an that the open load detection be software configurable to prevent these errors from occurring.

Version 5.02, news in IQANdesign and IQANrun
Version 5.02 of IQANdesign, IQANsimulate, IQANrun and IQANscript are now released on check for updates. These are the highlights:
DBC -file import
On the tools menu, there is a new CAN database feature for .DBC file import. After importing a DBC it is easy to automatically generate JFIN/JPIN, JFOUT//JPOUT, GFIN/GPIN and GFOUT/GPOUT channels from the database.
J1939 features
J1939 library
A J1939 library is included in the CAN database menu in IQANdesign. It gives easy access to creating channels with the standardized PGN and SPN numbers and names. Note that timeouts and transmit rates needs to be set manually.
DM1 out
There is now a built-in function for generating outgoing DM1 messages based on channel status. Drag the channels to the DM1 out container and set a unique SPN number for each.
The length of the outgoing message is determined by number of channels with a warning or error status. FMI is set based on the channel status.
New channel type: JTOUT
The J1939 text output channel is used to send text to an external system. It supports multi-packet when text length > 8 bytes.
Support for J1939 address claim
Forces IQAN master modules to claim their J1939 address before starting other J1939 communication. Enabled by a property on the J1939 bus.
Support for J1939 Time/Date
External systems can now set the date and time in a master module using J1939 TDA. Enabled with property on master module.
Connect button
A Connect button with a drop-down for selecting the communication interface has been added to the IQANrun start page.
The IQANrun multimeter button brings up a free floating window where it is possible to make a new measure group on the fly.
Channels can be added from the existing measure groups, and also the module block diagrams and application view if this is visible.
More IQANdesign features
IQAN expansion bus
The use of IQAN expansions in systems with short cycle times is improved by two small changes. Property 'Sample rate divider' is clarified by changing it into "Polling cycle time", and an estimated CAN bus utilization project check is added for expansion buses.
Property to disable undercurrent detect on Digital out HS+LS added.
Zoom support in page editor
Makes it possible to zoom in and out in the display page editor.
For more details see release notes and IQANdesign 5.02 user manual.

Identify Pull Up / Pull Down Digital inputs on MCxx hardware in IQAN Design
We had an issue with a customer where we were expecting to have pull-down on digital inputs on an MC41. (we were always true on the digital input) We identified the problem and moved to some other pins that were pull-down. It would be very helpful if the pictorial in IQAN design would identify this on the pictorial. (Similar to how the MC2 shows low side outputs).

Convert Machine ID to numbers?
Is there an easy way to convert the machine ID (which I believe is a text variable) into numbers (each character or the whole number woudl work) as we use this as machine serial # and need to change parameters based on certain digits.

IQANdesign 4.00 released
Highlighted features
New programming method: Qcode
Qcode is a text-based programming method available on all channels with function. For each function, it is possible to select whether to use Qcode or the classic method Object List.
Qcode makes it easier to implement more complex operations in fewer channels.
New channel type - Finite state machine
Improved state machine with transition conditions, this makes it easier to implement functions like sequence controls.
New component type - Comment
Comments can be placed anywhere in function groups.
New channel type - Array Channel
The array channel is used to store multiple values in a single channel. The stored values can be accessed in other functions by indexing the array. There are also special array functions that perform operations on all values in the array such as finding min, max or average.
Multiple instances open at the same time
Now possible to have multiple instances of IQANdesign open at the same time. Copy and paste works between instances.
Graphic measure on display
Line and bar graph display controls for IQAN-MD4. Used to draw a graph of a channel value over time.
When using an array channel the complete array is drawn as a graph:
Channel scope
Channels can now be made visible in other function groups than its own, either in sub function groups (protected) or the entire application (public). This reduces the need to create FGI's to access channels in other function groups. To make a channel available throughout the application, make it public. When using these as inputs, they will show up with a dashed line.
PDF viewer
It is now possible to add PDF files to project files for viewing on IQAN-MD4.
New module type - IQAN-SV
The IQAN-SV is an Ethernet camera which requires minimal configuration. More information will follow.
Improved decoding of J1939 PDU1 (DA)
Added property "Destination address (DA)" to JFIN/JFOUT. The new property is enabled when PGN is in PDU1 range. In previous version, this had to be calculated as part of the "PGN" property.
Resizable object group windows in function inspector
Resize the object groups to make Object List more visible.
New connection type: IQANconnect
A new way to connect remotely via Internet where you pay per connection. The IQANconnect service is available for beta testing, more information on this will follow.
For more details on the IQANdesign 4.00 news, see release notes.
IQANdesign 4.00 is fully compatible with project files created in version 3.
Use check for updates in IQANdesign 3 to download IQANdesign 4.00
A hint is to look through the examples and solution library files that install with version 4, you find them under:
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\IQAN Files\
these files have been updated to give examples of the new functionality.

Using Windows/Android Tablet for HMI Display
Good Afternoon,
Our company is building multiple custom orderpickers for a warehouse and we are considering using IQAN control system.
Does anyone out there know if there would be any possible way to use an IQAN MC43FS module for the I/O and then use an Android or Windows tablet for the main HMI?
We would like to do this so that we can use that same tablet for other apps relating to inventory control, etc.
Thank you for your input.

IQANdesign 6.05 released
Main updates
Support J1939-76
SAE J1939-76 is the standardized functional safety protocol for J1939. It meets the requirements on bus communication set out in IEC 61508, and is designed to coexist with regular J1939 traffic. Implemented in IQANdesign using new J1939 FS frame in/out channels.
Example shows the J1939 FS frame in channel. It reads a Safety Data Group (SDG) consisting of a Safety Data Message (SDM) and a Safety Header Message (SHM). The SDM is an ordinary J1939 Parameter Group (PG) and is defined by this channel. The reception and validation of the SHM is done automatically by using the IQANdesign JFSIN channel.
Improved request and generation of passwords
The method for request and generation of passwords is improved. Now multiple safe passwords can be requested, generated, and installed in single step operations.
Also see separate news article in knowledge base, describing each step.
Support for SVG images
Vector images in SVG format is supported in display page editor.
Use automatic value on width to maintain easily maintain aspect ratio.
Add more ISO images to library
Added more relevant ISO 7000 symbols to library. Cleaned up old library images.
Language support for external functions
Languages and translations can now be added in external functions.
When updating, languages are first matched on name and language code, then manually if needed.
Improved MD4 page navigation
The IQAN-MD4 is now switching faster between display pages.
MD4 GUI Improve state picker
The state picker has more room for text.
MD4: Improve robustness of settings
In some rare cases, an MD4 could have a bluescreen resulting from erroneous content in settings memory. If this happened, a blank application had to be sent to recover. The MD4 now recovers with application default from any settings error.
Improve MC4x under voltage recovery
Before IQANdesign 6.03 undervoltage on the MC4x could cause it to enter critical stop, requiring manual restart. Version 6.03 introduced recovery, but some outputs were still indicating error and had to be toggled to regain OK status. Now the module will restart (at a lower voltage), so that all outputs can start up with OK status.
For more features and fixes, see release notes:

Re-introduce XA2/XS2 as legacy modules in IQANdesign 6
When IQANdesign 6.00 was released about a year ago, only modern modules recommend for new designs were included.
Looking back, I think that the focus on focus on MD4- and MC4-series as the master modules on the platform has really helped in keeping up the pace on new developments.
On the other hand, there has been some debate about this decision.
While the older master modules like MD3 have reached their limits in terms of functionality growth, it is more feasible to keep software support for XA2/XS2 expansions in the modern master modules.
I see two main cases for having XA2/XS2 in version 6:
-Upgrade the many MD4 + XA2/XS2 systems that exists to benefit from version 6 features.
-Adding XC4x modules to existing MD4 systems without having to remove all XA2/XS2:s at once, for example to avoid having to rewire a complete machine when prototyping.
It won't change the fact that the XA2/XS2 are mature products no longer recommended for new designs, but we are now planning on having them on a legacy tab in version 6.

Text Project File to Support Revision Control Systems
I would like to see support for text-based project files so that iQANdesign projects can be more easily used with an RCS like Git. I wouldn't expect to see integrated support for Git from within iQANdesign, but just the ability to read and save back to a text-based project file.
There is already support for saving to text (albeit using an explicit operation) so that you can use external tools to perform a diff:
However, because iQANdesign is unable to read (as far as I know) these text project files it prevents making use of other RCS features like merges. Binary formats (when used with an RCS) are generally treated as direct replacements, whereas text allows a system to track more granular changes to a project which is invaluable for documentation purposes (i.e. seeing which portion of the code is changed vs. replacing one file for another and hoping that all of the changes were described somewhere...).
At my company, we use a git-based repository for many of our software projects so we can collaborate more easily across locations, and I see where this same ability would be useful for iQAN and (with the text-based save option) support is already partially there.
Customer support service by UserEcho