Under review

Language issue MD4

DavidH 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 5

On an MD4 with alternate languages some languages will not show characters until that language has been selected by the user in the preferences menu. Also, once an alternate language is selected, the program pauses for about 15 seconds. When the MD4 is power cycled with an alternate language selected, the MD4 will have a blank screen for 15 seconds until the home page appears with the alternate language.

In the case of these screenshots, the missing language is Japanese, but Korean does the same thing.

Image 443

Image 444

Image 445

After a language has been selected, it will now show on the screen:

Image 446

Image 447

IQANdesign version

  • Japanese language code: ja
  • Japanese font: Arial Unicode MS

  • Korean language code: ko
  • Korean font: Arial Unicode MS

Any suggestions? Is there another font we could try for Japanese and Korean?




Overload. What does it mean?

Luke Ricker 8 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 2

From time to time on various pieces of our MDL2 equipped machines, we'll get get an "Overload" error on a COUT channel.

The COUT channel connects directly to a 350-650 mA valve solenoid that runs an engine cooling fan.

What exactly does "overload" mean in this context? If a COUT channel is basically a PWM output with current monitoring, how can the controller ever overload the output?

What are the specifics that the controller looks for to register an overload error on a COUT?




Measure groups Item selection

Masia Jean-Baptiste 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 5


It would be nice to add a box to select or deselect the information integralité statements.
Then add a coming information to see on the statement.

Image 398

Best regards


Make a lever function of a slider control to create an onscreen joystick

Conrad Elektro 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 7

We would like to use slider controls on a display page functioning as a proportional lever. So when you adjust the slider on the screen the parameter changes. When you release the slider control it goes back to 0 or whatever you choose as reset value. This way we can make proportional joysticks on the screen.

My idea is to implement it asap! ;-)


Translated Languages on Display Pages

DavidH 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 2

Is there any way to change the language shown on the display pages without simulating and selecting the alternate language? It would be really nice to see and adjust the translated text while viewing the pages in IQAN Design.


MD4 the startup page password

Adem Dilbaz 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 6


 It would be great adding the pin code on MD4 the startup page. 
We hope that every user have user name and password to run the all system. 
Is it possible for MD4 master display?Image 323
Best Regards.

DM1 Outgoing

Nick Pridham 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 6
I have two applications that could use DM1OUT

For one application I need to recycle engine DM1 because the interface device does not have another CAN port to listen to. In this application I do not want to add proprietary J1939 to the engine and transmission bus.

For the other application I have a lot of safety flags that could use DM1 and FMI. The current work around is to package them up into a single CAN frame as simultaneous 2 bit values. (32 errors per PGN)

Calculation Order - Send to top.

Nick Pridham 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3
Calculation order - "send to top". Sometimes functions require custom calculation ordering. In other words, for stability reasons you may wish to force some values to be calculated before others.  It is therefor not possible to use the auto order function and the calculation order has to be done manually.

Some channels like FGI's and FP's automatically need to go to the top or beginning of the calculation order. If the object list is > 1 page then this can mean alot of scrolling.  I would like to right click on an object in calculation order and select a command that sends it to the beginning or top of the calculation list.


jesse kilde 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1
I would like to select a state machine or state parameter for units so when an operator selects metric or english this can be driven in to the units categories. this why when it is displayed on the screen i can just select show value and units with out several more channels and two perameters feeding into different value boxs.

IQAN Creative Studio 3.18 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 0

Highlighted features version 3.18

8448 TSC1, add message counter and message checksum

Some engine controllers (e.g. from Volvo Penta) may require the use of checksum and counter in the J1939 TSC1 message.
Image 158

New property "Use checksum/counter" added to TSC1 channel. Select Yes to enable SPN 4206 (message counter) and SPN 4207 (message checksum) in the TSC1 message. When setting this property to no, the legacy setting is to set byte 8 to 0xFF.

19820 Ethernet direct connection
When connecting via Ethernet, the default is that MD4:s on the network are automatically detected. With this feature it is now also possible to enter a private IP address for the module you want to connect to, the address ranges are:
  • -
  • -
  • -
Image 159

This alternative is useful when it is not possible to detect all modules on a network, e.g. when there are routers or a VPN in between the PC and the module.
It is now also possible to assign a fixed IP address to master modules with Ethernet, as a property on the master module. The default value for this is to use DHCP.
Image 161

24921 J1939: Add 500 kbps as selectable baudrate
Most J1939 networks are running at 250 kpbs, but the standard can also be used on a 500 kpbs bus, this is now possible to select on the J1939 bus properties:
Image 160

25295 Allow smart device connections for MC3 when there are no safety related function groups
This is the property under Security that was previously named Allow IQANrun for tablets. IQANrun for PC is certified together with the IQAN-MC3 a safety related parametrization tool, while the use of IQANrun on other platforms has not yet been certified, and the connection to IQAN-MC3 is currently restricted.
With this change, the restriction is now limited to only those MC3 applications that contain safety related function groups.

25261 MC3: Import/convert 2.x settings
In version 3.11, a function was introduced in IQANdesign and IQANrun to automatically upgrade settings from a 2.x system (case 19927). This was not implemented on IQAN-MC3, so when sending a 3.x project file to a 2.x module, all settings were reset to application default (safe values) if the target module was an MC3.
Now this function has been even more thoroughly tested, and the MC3 settings are now imported and converted by IQANrun. A warning is presented if the project file contains safety related function groups.