
Effective strategy to scan errors into an array rather than declaring each error type in QCode as a function.

J Kelly 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 6 years ago 1

Say for example there are 100 fault types all with their own range conditions and I only wish to store errors which become active. I am aware that all limits can be declared individually as a function which may become lengthy. 

However, what would be the most versatile Qcode strategy to list error codes in the sequence that they occurred in? 

Is there a method for this to be performed using a csv look up table to declare limits? 


Simulate Input and Output Statuses

Chris Litwin 6 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by WareTech 8 months ago 8

Is there a way to set the statuses for inputs and outputs in IQAN Simulate 5? I know I can set COUT channels, but that option is greyed out on all other channels.

Under review

Status propogation and assignment

Greg R 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

We often need to handle values differently based on input status that occur somewhere else in application. This requires us to check the status as it comes in and pass a status along with the actual value. This would be much more convenient if the status was propogated to any function that used that value.  It would also be great if we could set the status. This could allow us to clear an error or set a low/high warning based on calculated thresholds. The image shows how a status is lost after passing the value to another function.

Image 1416


Help: Directional pulse count losing memory position when pushing a new program.

C. Harp 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 4

I have a program that uses a directional pulse count channel. I have sent the program with all of the boxes UNchecked for send get options but it still resets the channel. Can anyone offer insight on what the proper settings should be that will retain the accumulated position when you load the program so that it doesn't reset to 0. I am sure that there is small that i am missing, but i need some help with it. 

Here are my current settings:

Send/Get OPTION SETTINGS: (I have attempted sending with all of these unchecked but still get the same result)

Directional pulse count channel: (the IDC does not fire until a button is pressed on a remote screen which is inbound from a canbus display. 

Image 1313


CAN Open Safety Device Communication

Kevin 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 4

I'm researching CAN open safety sensors and trying to establish how the communication works. I'm under the impression that CAN Open safety is not a totally new protocol but rather a way of transmitting data between devices in a safe way, using standard CAN Open protocol by anti-phasing some of the message contents.

Will the MC4xFS modules support CAN Open Safety communication with the specification of a device that is compliant with SIL 2, pLd as detailed below?

CAN interface (hardware):

According to ISO 11898-1 & ISO 11898-2 (also known as CAN 2.0 A/B)

CANopen application layer and communication profile:
CANopen Safety protocol: EN 50325-5, CANopen protocol: EN 50325-4 (CiA 301 v4.0 & and 4.2.0)
CANopen device profile for inclinometers: CiA 410 version 2.0.0

The common ground between the two is the CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B, does this mean i can achieve CAN safety communication?

Has anyone had any experience with these devices or perhaps a template application they could share?



Iqan Design 5 System Layout

Pawel Pekala 6 years ago in IQANdesign 0

Preferred System Layout in Iqan Design 4 


State Parameter Channel-Feature Request-Set Default State

Nick Pridham 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated 5 years ago 1

State Parameter Channel

Input Channel = None

Feature request: Set the default state to a value other than state 0.

I want the same behaviour as a function parameter.


Standardized Menu Translation tool

Nilaksha Das 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3

Hi All,

Could anyone please let me know if there is a tool for the IQAN suite that can translate the contents of the Menus and the standard messages from IQAN (Overloads, open load, no contact, etc)? 




Script for IQANRun for Tablet

Frank GUO 6 years ago updated by Laura 3 years ago 3

Can IQAN script file work on IQANRun tablet? If not, is there any plan to have it in future?

Under review

Simulate I/O diagnostics cases for HS or LS digital output on MC4X

Fredrik Lorenc 6 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 4

It is possible to simulate different I/O diagnostics cases for i.e. current outputs on the MC43 by left-clicking on them and selecting status. A list of different I/O faults appear for the given output. However, when trying to do the same for a HS, LS or HS/LS digital output, the "Status" option is grayed out. I find this strange as the manual for the MC4X states that there are diagnostics for these output types as well.