
Support for Kvaser BlackBird v2

Jason H 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 1

The USB interfaces page mention Kvaser Leaf as being a supposed USB to CAN interface, but is the Kvaser BlackBird v2 (https://kvaser.com/product/kvaser-blackbird-v2/) fully supported as well?  I have one that I can get to work with IQANanalyze but it can't find a master module to connect with when used in Design.  It is recognized as an interface under Tools>Options>Communication as a CAN adapter but I an error message when trying to connect (see screenshots below)

Image 4468

Image 4469


Populating dual object value bug

Kevin 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 weeks ago 2

Sometimes using a dual object as a limiter on a dual direction math it does not store the value entered. Not sure if its the same on other functions.

Enter value into Out 1 then hit down key rather than return key and the value fails to store although appears to be saved in the property section.

Enter value into Out 2 then hit up key the value fails to store.

Clicking off the channel in the main workspace and then reselecting it shows it has not remembered the value you entered in property section, and instead goes with the value shown at the bottom of the page.

I had multiple instances where I thought I entered a value and found it had not stored correctly, but seems intermittent, made worse if you key down to Out 1 (to enter a value) from the 'input' selected (highlighted) first rather than using the mouse.

IQAN Design 7.02.

Image 4458


Program update via USB display port

Pawel Pekala 3 months ago in IQANdesign updated by chuck streb 3 months ago 1

It would be a nice addition to the MD5 family if we had option to upload/update programs via onboard USB port. Rather than relaying on proper cell coverage we could simply email the file and have the end user push an update via the USB port. It appears to me that most of other controllers have that feature build in. 


Reliable software updates in field

chuck streb 3 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) yesterday at 10:17 a.m. 19 2 duplicates

We are starting to get a large fleet of equipment out in the field. currently to update a md4/mc43 pair we need to wire to the md4 and push the software. This is not convenient because the machines are all over USA. When I use the G11/12  locally we may get 7 of 10 to complete and update, the other 3  lock up the md4.  Doing an update remotely i think would be asking for trouble.  is there an easy way to push updates to people? currently the reliability isn't there. Thanks


IQANscript Variablename

rrodriguezh111 3 months ago in IQANscript updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 3

When ever I call the variable name in a table "%TIME%" seems like I am bot getting the data when ever the script is running in IQANrun. Can someone tell me how can I get the variables to be read when running the script in IQANrun?

Image 4443

Image 4441

Image 4442


Log decimals

Jacob Meng 3 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 3

Is there a way to log decimal numbers in the event log? The values I have now are stored as whole numbers with ".00" after even through the actual channel they were reading has decimals. For example, a channel value of 5.4 is logged as 5.00.


Step Size

Josh Holt 3 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 1

I have a function parameter with a step size of 50 that the user can adjust. This is working fine when they use the + or - to adjust the value, but when they bring up the keypad (MD4) it is allowing them to enter values outside of the specified step size. Is there anyway to fix this?


Expected restart interval

Veeresh 3 months ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 1

In IQAN-MC4x_XC4x instruction book, C4x-SMR-011:A Expected restart interval says

“The module shall only be used in application where it is expected to be shut down or restated within 48 hours after startup”

What will happen if i keep MC43FS ECU running beyond 48hrs?


Lamp off Image Library Issue

Jamy 3 months ago in IQANdesign updated 2 months ago 3

Design Issue When adding a lamp component from the stock image library, the system does not permit the selection of an "off" image from the same library.

Under review

Better frequency Input resolution

Fred A. Bland 4 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 months ago 6

When monitoring a slower frequency input, less than 50 HZ, is there a way to achieve better resolution that 1 HZ? 

The frequency input channel itself appears to be a float variable as it displays two zeros after the decimal point. 

The application I am working on the frequency signal range is approx. 7.48 Hz to 16.72 Hz.  The two extra decimal places would be extremely helpful in calculating an accurate speed.  In most situations I would suggest to increase the number of pulses per revolution to increase the frequency reading, but in this situation it is not possible. 

Is increasing the resolution of this channel something that can be implemented?