
Array and Channel Group function, Matrix function

Jean-Marc Zanni 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2
This is what one of my code look like. Do you think this looks well organized/planned and/or readable?
Image 149
Part of the problem is that we are collecting a lot of information from an external device and it needs to be distributed. It would be extremely useful if we could group signals into Channels(record) which would allow the efficient transfer of data from one function group to another without having this humongous plate of spaghetti, It would be wonderful if the receiving module would automatically inherit all the sub elements without having to recreate them.
Array/Matrix operation. Like wise it would be nice to have the ability to manipulate large quantity of data of the same type. We are dealing with Lithium batteries. We have 120 cells and 120 temperature data point to manipulate. Do you know how long it takes to create the code to read the incoming CAN messages to collect the data and then display them in groups? And God help you if you made a mistake and need to re-organize it. And forget about trying to calculate min/max and average. In almost any other language a for to loop and an array structure make dealing with such items a breeze.

Component Navigator in IQANRun when having full access password?

Mirre 10 years ago in IQANrun updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2

md4 bilinear bar display

Zach 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jean-Marc Zanni 9 years ago 5
I had some bilinear bars for reverse and forward on the MDL2 display.
Can't find them on the MD4 display.
Is there one?

IQANdesign 4.01 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 0

Highlighted updates

New gateway module IQAN-G11 added

The IQAN CAN bus to bluetooth dongle IQAN-G11 added in IQANdesign. More information will follow when hardware and apps are released.

Image 298

Qcode improvements

Show most sever error as status on row.

Improve Qcode auto-completion.

Include Qcode instructions in channel hint when Qcode is selected


Added module for Generic camera as alternative to IQAN-SV.

Functionality similar to IQANdesign 3.x

Image 299

Show unit on scaled max and scaled min


Also added unit to reset value for MEM, TMR. PCNT, DPCNT

Image 300

New solution library examples

Added IQANdesign example files for:

  • Start button NO NC (both project file .ids4 and simulation file .isa4)
  • J1939 Fluid Property Sensor (FPS)
  • J1939 particle counter IPDR (iCount)

Added IQANscript example files for:

  • Get system info and clone (.iss4 script file, installs with IQANscript


IQANsimulate 4.00 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANsimulate updated 9 years ago 0

Highlighted features

Signal generator

It is now possible to control the value of a simulation item using a signal generator. The signal generator contains a table with time/value pairs.

Image 256

Import of measure file creates simulation items for each channel in the measure file that can be simulated (inputs). Values from the measure file are also imported so that you can play back a measured scenario.

Image 255

Interface to other simulation software

ActiveX support implemented. Makes it possible to read and set values from external software, e.g. Microsoft Excel. There is an example file for this under the examples folder.

Image 254

Remember input values and settings between simulations without having to save

Simulations can be manually saved as .isa4 files. There is also an automatically saved simulation, that stores the input values and all the settings between the simulations. When launching IQANsimulate, there is an option to select whether to use a saved simulation file or create a new one.

Image 257

Keyboard shortcut for small input changes

In the simulation group view the arrows are used to select channel. Ctrl+arrows are used to change the value of the selected track bar. Added shift+ctrl+arrows to change values in raw value steps of 1 (smallest step available).

Possible to add channels to simulation group while simulating

You can now drag a channel from the functionality viewer to a simulation group without having to stop the simulation first. There is also a default simulation group, so it is not necessary to first creating a simulation group.

"Set value" function more accessible

Added a small popup below selected channel containing controls for setting values on the channel. Same method used for physical channels and for the "set value" function for stored and adjustable channels.

Image 258

For more details, see release notes.

Under review

Dyamic range for Gauge and Bar control

John Wambold 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 5

There are many applications that require a variation in units. Currently if I want to display a pressure gauge, I would need to create a PSI pressure gauge, and a BAR pressure gauge. Then control the visibility properties of the gauge to display the desired gauge.

It would be helpful to tie an integer parameter to the "Min value" and "Max value" of the gauge control or bar control. By doing this it would also be necessary to change the "Tick count" value with an integer parameter. This way the programmer would only need to make one gauge and control the properties inside the "Display application" as opposed to multiple gauges.


.DBC file import

Frederick Prigge 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 16

It would be fantastic to have a script to import .DBC files that would generate automatically the GFIN/JFIN GFOUT/JFOUT as well as the associated JPIN/GPIN JPOUT/GPOUT. That would literally save be weeks of typing and may mistakes!


IQANdesign 7.02.33 update

A release update to 7.02 is now available, IQANdesign 7.02.33


This version has a bug fix update for IQAN-MD4, we found and fixed an old issue where bursts of errors on CAN could lead to an MD4 watchdog reset. It is very unusual to be seeing this symptom even on machines with problematic CAN installations. But over the years there have been a number of events that can now be explained, and avoided by updating. 


MD5 update solving MD5-10 touch issues. 

See Release notes - IQANdesign 7 

Under review


OLIVIER CÔTÉ 1 month ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 weeks ago 4

Does Parker IQAN team has any plan/interest to implement CAN-FD (Flexible Data Rate) capability in the future ? 


COUT Minimum Current

Josh Holt 1 month ago in IQANdesign updated by Joshua Holt 1 month ago 3


I am trying to run a Mitsubishi VFD that takes a current input of 4-20mA to change what hz the connected motor is running at. The VFD says it's not receiving a current command.

I see this excerpt in the manual:

Minimum current
There are several diagnostics methods that are active, one of these methods is based on
measuring current. The threshold for detection has been selected based on the
assumptions that currents below specified minimum current does not cause movement.
Error detection limits and delay
The COUT has two separate measurements of current, and is capable of detecting drift
faults on the closed loop control of the output. To avoid spurious trips, it is designed to
tolerate some deviation. The worst-case detection time for the most severe type of
faults are listed in the table below:
Since the MC4xFS COUT channels are grouped in pairs sharing an internal high-side
driver channel, shutdown of one COUT will cause shutdown of both COUT channels
in the pair. Restart conditions are controlled by the application.
Appendix B has detailed lists of failure modes focused on output wiring faults.
C4x-SMR-027:A Minimum current when using COUT
Safety related output functions controlled by COUT shall be designed so that
movement can only be activated if the output current is > 100 mA. 

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if the minimum current is 100mA, why does it let me set a COUT range of 4-20mA without throwing an error?