
Adjust parameter is disabled in MD4 when out of range

toby 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Lars Bolduc 2 years ago 3

So we are running into an issue where we have an integer adjust parameter that had a range of 0-400 and we decided to change the range to 0-60, but if we update systems that have a value set greater than 60 then the adjustment slider in the MD4 is disabled and you cannot set the value, without going through the IQAN go app to force the parameter into the range. Is there a way to either have it set the parameter to either the max value or to the default value during an update? Preferably it would just keep the value and allow you to update using the slider, jumping into the new range. Thanks


Include unit in DBC export

Christopher Fridstaden 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated 1 year ago 6


I've stumbled upon something that maybe you guys could clarify or just acknowledge:

I exported a Generic Frame(GFIN) with associated Generic Parameters(GPINs) to a DBC-file but the units for the parameters don't get exported. Everything else works just fine!

I selected the GFIN in the Function Group and then clicked "File" -> "Export" -> "Export CAN database..." and saved the file but upon opening it the units for the parameters are nowhere to be seen.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

I am using IQANdesign

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Christopher Fridstaden


SV Camera Power Cycle

Lars Bolduc 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Pierre Fagrell 2 years ago 3


I have an SV Camera and an MD4-7 on separate power supplies.
They're communicating over a wireless link.

If I power up the SV Camera before I power up the MD4, it never links up. Always shows 'No Contact' for the camera.

Is there a way to avoid Power Cycling the camera?

I could see a static IP avoiding the need for the DHCP process, but I don't believe you can configure the SV Camera to have a static IP.


Channel values obstructed while in measure mode

Pawel Pekala 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 3

Channel values are obstructed by green box while in measure mode. It would make more sense to move green box to far right.

Image 3131


IQANrun send .idsx stripped project file

Pierre Fagrell 2 years ago in IQANrun updated 2 years ago 0

Now since IQANrun is updated almost with every release of IQANdesign, would it be possible to include firmware so we can send stripped files with IQANrun? 

This would make it more efficient to store many versions and also especially when emailing projects to a customer since they are often above 25MB.

+1 updated. Why some channels are now yellow?

Pasi Hangasmäki 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by I CAN GO 1 year ago 10

I just updated IQANdesign to Why some of the IDC, SMC and DMAC channels are now yellow?


Simulating digital inputs

Tim M 2 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 5

If I run a simulation using IQANdesign/IQANsimulate 6.08 with all digital inputs used, DIN-A through DIN-T all show OK, while DIN-U through DIN-AR all show False: Disabled.  If I do the same thing with IQANdesignIQANsimulate 5.05, then all digital inputs show OK.  Can you explain this?


I/O Status & DM1 Messages

Gord 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1


I am attempting to setup DM1 Out messages in a project utilizing a MC43 and running into a few challenges. 

1. How can I propagate the status of a I/O to a Math or IDC channel? I am mapping a I/O to intermediate channels so that a single application can support multiple machine models and hardware layouts. The Math/IDC channel have a Equipment Model configured as a function selector. I want to use that Math/IDC channel then in the DM1 Out container as a Status type so that a FMI can be set based on the status of the actual I/O.

Is there a way do this?

If would be nice if StatusOf(VIN-A:MC43FS[0]) spit out a integer which could be used in the FMI field of a Value type DM1 out.

2. I've noticed that I get a project error if I create a Status DM1 out and a Value DM1 out that use the same SPN number. It would be nice if you could mix these as long as the FMI configured for the Value type did not overlap with the FMIs used in the Status Type. Is there a possible way to have a Status and Value type DM1 out that utilizes the same SPN number?

Thank you,


Under review

Communication error when simulating

Pierre Fagrell 3 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 2

I am running IQANdesign 6.08 and Simulator 6.08

I have started the simulation from within IQANdesign. Whenever I navigate to a certain disabled function group I get the following error:

Message data size wrong (was 11, but expected 2 bytes).

Image 3044

After the error, measurement is terminated but the simulation keeps running.

The function group in question is disabled, and has a number of inputs and outputs.


IQANanalyze menus and text is very small

Pierre Fagrell 3 years ago in IQANanalyze updated by Michael Carlyle 3 years ago 1

When using a modern monitor the menus and text is very small in analyze compared to design, almost unreadable without magnifying glass.

Here is a picture with them side by side for comparison:

Image 3034

Is there any way to change the scaling?

Windows 11 Pro

Resolution 3840x2160

Scale 150%