
Alarm Management

Gord 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 3


Is there a way to list all active alarms? I am looking for a mechanism to list all active alarms after the dialog boxes have been closed and for a easy way to determine if there is an active alarm after a dialog has been closed.

The Active Error Level SIC channel will only have a value of 1 (alarm) or 2 (error) if the alarms are NOT acknowledged. Once the dialog is closed the channel's value returns to 0 even if the alarm/error is still active. I like to use this status to turn on a lamp on the dash if any alarms/errors are present even if the dialogs have been closed and then provide the operator with a place to go to to look at all active alarms when that lamp is turned on.

Perhaps having the ability to connect the Reactivation property for System Dialog Boxes to a channel could be a means to force all the alarm popup to be displayed again by changing the time to 1s when the user presses a button, otherwise set it to some large value.

Thank you 

Under review

Unable to update machines remotely

Christopher Fridstaden 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by chuck streb yesterday at 7:48 a.m. 8


We have problems updating our machines remotely. We are not using IQANconnect.

We have three controllers in the machine: MD4-10, MC42 and MC43. After sending a new project to the machines and during the reboot this is displayed on the MD4:

Image 3609

And there it stops. After a while we power cycle the MD4 and it boots up normally. However, the MD4 has no contact with the other controllers and, if I am remembering correctly, we have a "System mismatch". Rolling back to the previous version restores everything. Trying to update the machine with the new project results in the same issue as mentioned before. And we are in a loop...

Connecting directly to the MD4 with an ethernet cable works flawlessly so I am suspecting a communication issue. Connecting directly to the MD4 means we have to travel across half the country for an hours work though...

Our communication solution has worked great in the past. I've talked to the IT department and they say that nothing has changed regarding our communication solution so I am reaching out to you:

What is going on behind the scenes at the moment the picture was taken?

Do you have any suggestions on how to solve the issue?

At the moment we hesitate to update our machines because of this. To be honest, just thinking about an update makes me sweat :)

I will be happy to provide you with any information you may need as this is very urgent.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Christopher Fridstaden


Frequency input seems to be filtered instead of raw on an MC43. How does the MC43 Frequency input filtering work? Is the input filtered over x milliseconds? Is it filtered over x impulses?

Andrew Slaght 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 4

How does a frequency input of the IQAN module work? i.e.:

a) Filtered over x milliseconds

b) Filtered over x impulses

c) Resolution 1 rpm = x digits

Under review

Multipage Byte Qty

Todd F Reddick 2 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

Hi, are you able to expand the # of bytes sent from 42 we are limited to now? The issue with sending individual pages to compensate is that we are limited by buss speed/scan time. My current requirement is over 100 bytes but the project is also expanding. Are you able to get to the 1785 byte limit? 


Copying Adjust group

Brandon Devine (KTC) 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 3


Question. I have an adjust group full of Integer Parameters. Lets called this adjust group A. I have copies of the same Integer Parameters that are tied to a different Input that I want to put in adjust group B. I want to take these copies and put them into another adjust group and use the same minimum, maximum, and step size as the integer parameters in adjust group A, into adjust group B. My problem is that whenever I copy adjust group A to make adjust group B, and then change the channel to one of the copies, it not only changes the channel for adjust group B. It changes the channel for adjust group A as well. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

Under review

State Machine Channel (SMC) editing improvements

toby 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by jan 1 year ago 5

Upon adding a new state to a SMC, the SMC channel name is selected instead of the new state name and you have to go back and click the New State again to edit its name. This is very annoying and often results in changing the name of the SMC instead of the new state name.


Override Automatic IO Fault Messages with custom text and severity.

705David 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Pierre Fagrell 2 years ago 3

The ability to override, disable, or modify the automatic message displayed when there is a fault on a specific IO point (High Error, Low Error, Open Load) would be beneficial for us.

There's a scenario where a PWM HS+LS signal is used to monitor an interlock loop. Some of the devices in the loop require a PWM signal to accept the interlock as valid. We would like to monitor the Output status for open load to determine if the loop is broken, so using a HS output and disabling Open Load Detection wouldn't work in this scenario.

If we could override the message text and severity for each IO Point individually, it allow Parker to keep the Open Load Detection where necessary, but we could have a more friendly interface for the operator without nuisance alarms.


Active Display page reference

Chris Litwin 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Lars Bolduc 2 years ago 4

It would be nice if a display page could be used as a channel somehow. Say I want to disable something while on page 1, if I then reorder the pages it is no longer linked to the correct page. Also, a component navigator link from the SIC active display page to the pages would be helpful to trace functions that would be affected by changes to page order.


Manage project properties externally

Wilfred Sijtsma | Hytrans® 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Chris Litwin 2 years ago 5

Within our company we have a document management system. This system provides an automatic version management of drawings, Word and Excel documents, but also the IQAN project files. The document management system provides the correct file name, display version in the file, etc.

We run into the problem that we cannot arrange this in IQANdesign. My question: is there an API available to read and edit the project properties (of the IQAN file) so that they can be managed from our document management system.

Image 3489

Image 3490


Eye friendly active state tab

Richard 2 years ago in IQANdesign 0

Easy one this, when you are doing a large state machine after a while the state you are on becomes a little hazy, perhaps instead or as well as a lightly raised tab, a color code might make it easier on the eyes? So instead of:-

Image 3424

we could have something like: -

Image 3425

Just a thought.