
IQANscript Expand All Action Groups

Brendon 7 months ago in IQANscript 0

Would be nice if there was an 'Expand All' option for Action Groups in IQANscript.

Under review

Log error code 1:40

Marcel 8 months ago in IQANdesign updated 6 months ago 14

Is there a list of the error codes that can appear?

I have 'Error Log 1:40'.

No idea why...


IQANRun 7.01 Measure Statistics doesn't appear to work

705David 8 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 2

The Statistics Window of IQAN Run 7.01 Measure screen doesn't appear to work.

I would expect the Value 1, Value 2, Min Value, Max Value. Peak to Peak, Rise Time, and Mean Value would populate when you select a signal in the Graph Items Window.

These values always remain 0


IQANRun 7.01 should autosafe measure files somewhere if you hit record

705David 8 months ago in IQANrun 0

The Record button is too close to the menu button you need to access to save.

If you accidentally click record again after stopping a measure, your measure file becomes lost.

Two possible solutions to this could be to autosave the measure files in this scenario, or prompt the user asking if they'd like to save the current measure before moving forward.


Simulink Test Point Channel

Marcel 8 months ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 5


is it possible to use the value of the Simulink Test Point Channels in iQan? Or is it nessecary to create an Output port to use the value? Or a workaround maybe without changing the Simulink Function Group?

Best regards,


Image 4125


Display Page Lines Don't Highlight On Selection When Inside Group

Chris Litwin 8 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 1


In IQANdesign when editing a display page, selecting a line control in the function inspector list highlights that line control in the page preview window. If that same line control is grouped selecting it in the function inspector no longer highlights it. This makes it difficult to find which line you want to edit. You also can't select said line in the preview window because it is in a group.


Make lines inside of groups highlight in preview window when selected from function inspector.

Add a right click option to "Select Other" in preview window for selecting controls inside of groups.


PIN Code Dialog not showing in 7.01

Daniel Small 9 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 10

I am trying to use a PIN code in a new project using IQAN design 7.01 to place some settings behind a PIN.

I have a single object VDIN in "showing" for the default function of the PIN code.  I am not using a state machine as a function selector for the PIN code.  I tested both a physical MD-4 and IQAN Simulate.  When I press the VDIN button, I can see the VDIN go to true but no PIN dialog pops up.

I duplicated the project in 6.08 and the PIN dialog works fine.  

I ran "compare with" between the two programs and the only differences are the project ID, checksums, last change and the passwords and pin show up as dots on the project you are comparing too.  But the meat of the project is identical.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?


Issues with system reboot after remote update using 7.0.1

Anders Olsson 9 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 8

Variant projects are not reliable, check project systematic crashes the application, no compare file option available

OLIVIER CÔTÉ 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 3

*****IMPORTANT ! Do not touch to IQAN 7 variant projects before a serious update ! ***** Current crashing version:

Not even a "Warning pop-up" like : you will never could get back to normal project if you save as:

The time you switch to variant project, even if you delete those variant variables, you won't be able to come back to a standard project.

The problem is that this is not ready for using ! ****YOU MIGHT GET SYSTEMATIC IQAN design 7 APPLICATION CRASH **** on "project check" since I switch to Variant project and there is also no way to use the file compare to back track all my changes to go back to a "normal project".

Thanks in advance for developper team to give a following to this serious issue :

-1) Give at least possibility to switch back to a standard projects .idax type when variant variables are not used

-2) Correct stability of the check project crashes

-3) Make possible the compare function between any kind of project type (.idax, idsx, idvx)


create new topic at this forum not working properly

Laura 11 months ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 2


When I try to sumit a new topic at this forum and I change the header in the Submit new topic form, the fields to fill in the descripion disappear and the suggested topics appear. There is no possibility to return to the form, only cancel is an option.

You can start over again for describe your problem. This is very annoying

Kind regard
