IQAN video controls

Hard Amin 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1

Hey folks - Did anyone notice warnings if camera video is of certain pixel even if it is within design boundary in IQAN design user interface ?

Image 3810

Image 3811

ircx and irsx files

chuck streb 1 year ago in IQANrun updated 6 months ago 3

So I have two file with little information about them. I know I can copy a clone of a program from a machine with Parker ECU's. So now I have a copy, does it come with the parameters? or not?  When I go to open it in design it asks "Do you want to import the setting in the clone file to the application default? What exactly does that mean?  also I can download  irsx files, I believe these are the parameter files. I know I can overwrite the parameters with IQANRun. I need a detailed explanation of these files as I know they are extremely important and should always be downloaded as back up else you loose your parameter. Thank you


J1850 CRC8 Generating incorrect checksum

george zalesski 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 8

HI,  i have been struggling with this for a while now.   Keep getting wrong checksum. 

I'm sending out this data   and getting checksum incorrect checksum.  the only difference in these massages  is the CVC

Receiving with CAN identifier (YES):

Image 3805

for example the checksum for fist msg should be 0x89 not 0x94

Thanks for any help with this.



Simulink with lots of inputs and outputs

Marcel 1 year ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1

We are working with a Simulink model with a lot of in and outputs (20+ at the moment). Every time I get a new model (we are testing the machine) I need to relink al the in- and outputs by hand. I foresee I have to do this a lot in the near future. Is there an easy way so I don't have to relink al the in- and outputs by hand every time the simulink model is updated? Or combine all or some of the inputs to one for example. Now we use digitals, integers and reals.

Thank you!


Simulink model iQan crashes with Webview

Marcel 1 year ago in IQANdesign 0


We are trying to load a Simulink model in iQanDesign. We did some tests with a simple demo model with the Option 'Webview' on and it worked. Now, after making a new (bigger) model and Webview on, iQan is trying to load the model when I add it, but than crashes (stops and disapears without a message). If we try to load the same model without 'Webview' it works. Webview can be helpfull for us at this moment.


COUT configuration for Danfoss PVHC

Deanne 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated 1 year ago 11

Does anyone have experience with programming a Danfoss PVG with PVHC 12V coils? I'm trying to configure with COUTs and PWMs with an MC42 but I keep getting an open load error. Trying to get joysticks to control the current output and I am getting a very small mA reading


Converting CAN Joystick signal

Deanne 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 1 year ago 3

I am configuring two 2-axis joysticks. I am able to read the raw CAN signal of the joystick's position. I am wondering if I need to convert this signal further to then control a cylinder (current out). This is what I have so far, but not entirely sure as I am trying to program non-IQAN joysticks. 

Image 3790

Not a bug

IQANDesign 6.07 COUT program limit is 1350 mA?

jerry rowe 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 3

Why is the IQANDesign 6.07 COUT limit 1350 mA? 

An MC43 shows 2500 mA limit. How can the current be increased within the program?


JPOUT Hex changing value on the bus

Michael Carlyle 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 1

I am sending a 4 byte Hex JPOUT (0x45564153 starting on bit 33).  When sniffing the bus - the 53 is being sent as 80.  Is there some reason for this?  I changed it to two 2-byte JPOUT's and it seems to work as a workaround.  Is there a problem with how Iqan handles integers in this case?

Image 3785

Image 3786