Updating MD3/4.07 to MD4-7/6.08, any shortcuts for realigning the program?

Forrest 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated 1 year ago 3

With MD3s no longer being available, I am being forced to upgrade my hardware and software.

If I just cut and paste the contents of the application over, all the IO links break.

I haven't even started on my dozens of screens yet.

Any tricks or shortcuts to make this upgrade easier?


Trying to connect remotely

Richard Kowalczyk 1 year ago in IQANconnect updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 6

Image 3840


Iqan Run Icons and symbols Legend

Lessard Sylvain 1 year ago in IQANrun updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 1 year ago 1

We are to develop a training dedicated to technicians using Iqan Run in service.

May we get a legend, or a chart describing each icons and symbols seen in Iqan Run?
(See Picture attached)

We are not referring to programmed HMI, only when using the application logic viewer.

In Iqan Run pdf manual, there was minimal information, whereas Iqan Simulate and Iqan Design documentation, these icons and symbols are only detailed as the software is presented, or some are not shown at all.

Usually, a legend or a chart is produced when symbols are to be used. 

Thank you very much!

Parker IqanRun Icons.PNG


IoT Module no contact

Deanne 1 year ago in IQANconnect updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 3 1 duplicate

Trying to hook up an IoT module to our project and we are getting no contact. We checked the wiring and it was okay - we are wondering if the way we have our CAN bus set-up has something to do with it. We have an IQANconnect license, but I am  not seeing the IQANconnect key field under the project's Security tab.

Image 3832

Image 3833


i want to password protect a button. or use a security level. how?

chuck streb 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 2

having difficulty protecting a button, or hiding a button based on security level or password.

I want a screen to be available to maintenance when they have the correct security or password

I can find a way as of yet


Language issue - Chinese character fonts

Richard 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1

Hi, my application includes English and Chinese languages, up until recently I used Arial Unicode MS font for the Chinese language and although it took a while to load it did work. Since updating my Design package from a previous 6.08 iteration to Design 6.08.32 this font is showing as invalid, and when I load an updated IDA file the language does not appear when selected, 

I have tried various fonts - Microsoft YaHei Light, Microsoft YaHei UI, NSimSun and various others, all seem to work in simulation but do not work when loaded to the MD4/7 units.

When I load the old software using IQAN run which has not been updated the Chinese language is there with no errors, however I need to move forward with the design, any ideas?


    Baud rate for MD4 Diagnostics over CAN

    JackT 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1


    I have reviewed the forums and have seen some comments from around 2 years ago stating that the diagnostics over CAN for the MD4 units using IQANdesign require 250kbps baud rate. Is that still the case or can we use a bus network at 500 kbps? Thanks.


    Software Comment Area

    chuck streb 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 1 year ago 4

    Would be fantastic if there was an area we can write comments about version changes over time.

    Have it built in ... That way we know what we wrote :)

    It might even be there I just havent found it


    Input arguments in external functions

    lbartik 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 2

    How can we pass arguments to external functions (use non-external channels within external functions)?   I cannot find a way to use FGI or public channel scope to create inputs for external functions.  I figured out VDINs can be used in external functions, what about other data types?  How would I create an external function that reacts to an IDC or manipulates integer data?

    Image 3815


    Multiple JFOUT Multi-Packet Messages from Different source addresses

    JackT 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated 1 year ago 5


    I have a couple J1939 messages that are longer than 8 bytes (EC1 and RC) which are 40 and 19 bytes respectively, that I wish to transmit from the IQAN display on a J1939 network, each from a different source address. 

    When I select multi-packet for the JFOUT, the source address is no longer configurable and must be set as the default source address. Is there a way around this or any advice? Thanks.