
restoring from a backup file

Richard Staite 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 5


I have been working all morning on a sequential application and on doing a save - Iqandesign has completely frozen and eventually crashed windows!

Unfortunately I made the fatal error of not pressing the save button frequently enough and so the only live file on my machine is the one I started with at 8.30 this morning!!

There is a backup file which appears to be from just before the crash but when I try to open it Iqan is telling me that it was made by a previous version of Iqandesign 4

Is there any way of finding out which version and is it possible to download older versions - I can't find them on the parker website - only the latest version.


Pin Code Time and Date Entry V2.63 MD3

Marc Gregoire 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3

Is there a method available to protect, via pin code access, changing the time and date entry via preference date/time display page in an MD3?

We have been experiencing issues with operators on one of our end-user sites with our mobile equipment. We have implemented a method of tracking the operator that is currently using the equipment via a terminal access key value being transmitted to the MD3 over J1939 bus and then capturing the data via event logs. The events are time/date stamped, works well. The new issue we are experiencing is that the operators are now manipulating the system time and date and I would like to inhibit them from being able to do so.


User input of values

Mark 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 2

I have an application where I am using an Intellinder cylinder that has the position feedback. I need to be able to allow the user to input the value of the position that he wants the cylinder to go to (extend or retract) and then execute the movement through a PID loop. I am having difficulty with the user input of "ending" position. The precision can be up to 0.01". I can use an adjust item to input the value, but I don't see a way for the default value to read the current cylinder position nor do I see a way to have the adjust item display on the home page instead of in the adjust sub-menu. Any thoughts, ideas, etc. are greatly appreciated. I could use some urgent help desperately.



IQANdesign 4.02.14, update for IQAN-MC2

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 0

IQAN-MC2 modules older than the MC2-M14 will stop and show an internal error blink code if running version 4.02.13 and connecting via USB. Some more details about this problem were posted here a couple of days ago:


An update to resolve this issue is now released on check for updates.

Release notes here:



f´: Derivative - example??

ksilovich 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 3

By any chance are there any examples of using the derivative function?

I am trying to measure the gallons per min of a water pump we have. In the pump there is a linear (0.5v to 4.5v) sensor. So I am trying to use the derivative function to calculate the in/sec at which the sensor is traveling to calculate the GPM. In addition to just reading the in/sec I need to know in which direction the sensor is moving, because the amount of water is different on the return stroke due to the rod diameter.

I am currently using the derivative, but the issue I am facing is that when I am reading the sensor and applying the derivative the value is very finicky (jumps around alot) and if I apply any sort of filter to the sensor input the calculated flow lags the actual flow too much for our application.


Need to display a particular screen based on a condition in MD3 (Software I QAN Studio 4 Ver)

SANDEEP RAJAN 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1


I need to directly display a screen (ex:screen 4 out of screen 10) based on a condition.


Particular Case: Consider i had used MD3 display and switching it ON again after 3 hours of gap. during this case the display should prompt user to view screen 4 directly instead of showing screen 1.

Normal Case: Consider i had used MD3 display and switching it ON again after 1 hour of gap. during this case the display should prompt user to view screen 1 (which is normal) as per my sequence.


Sandeep R

Larsen & Toubro

Product Development Centre


Using Array Function in MD3 (Software I QAN Studio 4 Version)

SANDEEP RAJAN 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3


Am using MD3 (Software I QAN Studio 4 Version) for one of the development project in L&T India. I wanted to know how to use ARRAY Function in I QAN Studio 4

Not a bug

Language issue in 3.19 - with MD3

Aaron Wilkes 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 3

I have added a French language option to an application and it will not change the internal IQAN menu’s/messages to French even though I have selected the fr-ca language code. It does change all our own translated messages. It does not seem to be an issue unique to this application since I tested adding a language to a blank program with only an MD3 and it also did not change to French. I was using and tried downloading from the divapps archive which did not make a difference. This happens with the Simulator and with an MD3.

Below are some screenshots from the blank program.

Image 364

Image 365

Menu after language change - still English

Image 366




G3 Modem

Nuri ALAŞAHİN MPG 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 7 years ago 9

Hi, where is IQAN-G3 modem in IQAN-Design V4.02?


LTC - Interpolation

Zach Dockter 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 1

Is there any way to change the LTC so that when interpolation is set to "Off" it rounds up or down instead of rounding to the closest?

For instance, say my radius is 10 and my length is 38.6, can I make it show 51000 for my result?

Image 362