
Loosing external reference when Grouping/moving Code

Jean-Marc Zanni 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 4
One of the most difficult or time consuming task is to keep our code organized has it evolves. I do not know about others but our code is evolving with time as we encounter new options and configuration for our hardware. Sometimes a modification starts with the addition of a few functions but after few month we end up with a real spaghetti very difficult to troubleshoot. Since often those modifications are done under the gun during commissioning it is not easy to know where it is going to go.
The biggest reason why it is difficult to re-organize a code after the fact are all the external references of the objects. If we decide to move them into a new or existing function group to help clean-up the code all those connections are lost and we need hours to re-create them. That is if we where smart enough to first identify them. More specifically I am referring to:
-Display object
-Adjust group
-Log object
-measuring object
It would be so much nicer if those connections could be kept.

Configure video priority

Frank Guo 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1
Is it possible to configure the video priority level in IQAN Design? Sometime I may need to set the video as background. It would be good if in IQAN Design allowing me to set the layer of the video.

Linear or circular bar animation crash program

Tuomas 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 6

-Design latest version

-MD4-5 display

-When using linear or circular bar the program crash down

-Only fixing by removing these elements

I believe these elements animation cause this because when bar animation goes to end then program will crash. Can you disable animation from these elements?


SAE J 1939

Masia Jean-Baptiste 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 2

On a original Tigercat vehicule Image 111 ,

We can find :one MD3 ,one XA2 , one XS2. The Md3 send (TSC1 : SAE J 1939 frame) and receive SAE J1939 from the ECU.
see the original drawing:

Image 112

My custumer want to add one MD3 and one MC2 in the tigercat to drive one other accessories
my system:
Image 113
My VIN must accelerate the engine and my proportionnal outputs. ( automotive system )

We would to like a new MD3 ( MD3(2) ) send a TSC1 (SAE J 1936 frame) and the old MD3 receive SAE J 1939 frame CAN . We have affraid that the engine received 2 TSC1 message and the engine stop !!! ( conflict !!!!!! )
Image 114

I don't have the original program of the vehicule (picture (1) MD3, XA2, XS2).
Do you have a solution for stop the TSC1 transmission on the original MD3 or other solution?

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions .
Not a bug

Iqandesign 4.0 multiple TSC channels

Michael Carlyle 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

I have to send throttle commands on PGN 0 for speed and PGN 00001 for torque limitation.

This is possible in Iqandesign 3.19. In Iqandesign 4.0 I get an error message "Multiple TSC1" and the program won't run.


Sequential execution/validation

David Dufour 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 8

I need to find the best method to do a sequencial communication.

Actually I need to send canopen packet in order and I need to respect this order.
As I can have multiple item, required or not (enabled/disabled) to send.

Case 1:

For example, with a scanreco remote control LCD screen I need to :

- Clear screen
- Activate FrameID of each component required to be visible on the screen
- after this I'll need to update each FrameID value with a 250ms timing.

Actually I was able to do this for testing purpose, but the program is a bit messy.

Case 2:

Sequential safety validation. Each step need to be validated in a specific sequence and in case of condition lost, I'll need to start again from the first step.

- Press "bypass" mode status on the screen
- Open the fence (Signal OFF)
- Close the fence (Signal ON
- Open the door (Signal OFF)
- Close the door (Signal ON)
- Activating bypass activated signal

In case of lost of the fence or door signal, I need to restart from the beginning this sequence.

I have in mind to use IDC + counter to do this, but I'm not sure to be in the right way.

I'm looking if you have example or recommendation to do this ?
I'm sure you notice that it's my very first project!

Best regards,


When is IQAN Design 3.15 due to be released?

Kevin 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2
We are waiting for a couple of fixes to be released in 3.15, and I think 29th January was mentioned previously for the release of the updated software, can you confirm when its being released please?

Working raport

Tuomas 9 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3
Any solution how to get simple working raport from MD3 (our machines have a laptops what have been connected with USB to MD3)?

Machine driver have to measure working hours and other working details into simple raport and then send it to customer or employer with email.

I have made a save button what saves necessary details into special log file. But the problem is to get this log file easily out from MD3.

I know that, it can be done with IQAN RUN, but its still too complicate to machine driver to learn how to use IQAN RUN then go to right function, and copy paste right values to his/her email.

Is it possible to save this working log file into special directory (like MD3/raports) and then plug the MD3 into laptop, go to right folder and send this raport file to customer?

Or any other more easier way to do this?

Multitouch Functionality on MD4

Richard Staite 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3
Can you give me any pointers as to whether it is possible to achieve multi touch functionality on the MD4. I need to be able to activate two on screen buttons simultaneously and in this case toggling one and then activating the other is not really appropriate.
Incidentally it would be nice on Virtual digital inputs to be able to reset the toggle by means of an external channel - so that the button stays depressed (colour changed) until it is reset either by touching it again or by the channel selected.

Bug: Conflicting windows

Jean-Marc Zanni 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 3
I was working with the Navigator window opened in the center of my screen, working on logic. I mistyped the variable and the type ahead error Pop-up appeared. But it was behind the navigator page. I could not close the navigator or reach the pop-up. I had to kill the application to unlock the system.
I would also suggest that this lookahead error pop-up is very annoying. If I mistype one letter (which happens often) it shows up I have to switch to the mouse to clear. Why not wait until I press the tab button to give me a chance to correct my typing mistake?