
Format MD4 log view differently

Laura 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 3


I have a log where I can't see the values of the right site of the screen. Because of the length of the name of the log.

Image 2186


And a measure group where the value is visible. Why is the visualisation not the same?

Image 2185

Can the layout of the log show the values and shorten the name?

I am using Iqan design 6.02 and have simulated this application to make this views

ALso the size and width of the font is different. 

Kind regards



Propagated function group outputs disappears

Pierre Fagrell 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 6

I have had two different applications where a previously propagated output stops being propagated.

Usually after adding function group inputs or outputs in other places.

Sometimes it keeps working and no problem is shown in the project check until later.

I now have one example that is running fine, a propagated output is used in a function but it is not shown as propagated in the origin.

Image 2181

Image 2182


New Channel Type Suggestion : Stack Channel

Nick Pridham 4 years ago in IQANdesign 0

I have a few Qcode situations now where I have a large group of say 1000 variables and I want to find out:

Highest Value

2nd Highest Value

3rd Highest Value

I do have a very long winded solution to this in Qcode but I would love to have a  something more efficient.  


One Qcode approach would be some additional array commands such as

ArrayIndexOfMax-1(Array)// 2nd highest number

ArrayIndexOfMax-2(Array)// 3rd highest number

ArrayIndexOfMax-3(Array)// 4th highest number


ArrayIndexOfMin+1(Array)//2nd lowest number

ArrayIndexOfMin+2(Array)//3rd lowest number

ArrayIndexOfMin+3(Array)//4th lowest number


This is one approach we have used on other projects

int i=0;

int max_values[3] = {0,0,0};

int array_of_values[1000] = {1,2,45,67,45 ... };



//if this item is larger than the largest then save it

if(array_of_values[i] >= max_values[0])


//push the largest values down the list as we have a new largest

max_values[2] = max_values[1];

max_values[1] = max_values[0];

//now save newest (as it the largest)

max_values[0] = array_of_values[i];



printf("The largest Value is %u",max_values[0]);

printf("The Second largest Value is %u",max_values[1]);

printf("The Third largest Value is %u",max_values[2]);



Change Source Address of Sensor

Roy den Drijver 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 5

Good Afternoon,

For a project of mine, I am using a MHC0150MN06F3J013FD sensor from tempotronics with the source address of 253. I can reach this sensor using the JFIN channel on this source address with PGN65535. What I would like to do is add another of these sensors which have a standard source address set to 253 and change that source address to, for example, 252. I have looked into the datasheet of the sensor and it seems this should be done by changing Byte 9 on PGN 65240 using a JFOUT channel. My problem however is that I cannot reach Byte 9 because of the maximum length of 8 Bytes per data package of the J1939 protocol. In the IQANDesign datasheet, I can see the multi-packet option available (to send a second package for the source address) for the JFOUT function but in my IQANDesign 5 it does not show up in the property manager. Am I looking in the wrong direction here? Is there a standard function for changing the source address of a connected device? 

Thank you in advance!

Kind Regards,

Roy den Drijver


J1939 multipacket support was implemneted in IQAN 6.


Wrong pin is shown in error message

Edzard 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 4

On one of our mobile control systems we have encountered a situation where the wrong pin reference is shown on the display.

We have added a low-side output to our XC43, but it is not connected yet. The channel we have added is C2:65. Since we have not yet connected this output, it shows in IQAN with a red open-load indictor.

On our MD4-5 display however, the error message indicates C2:64 as the faulty channel. Might this be a refence error?



IQAN MD4-5 (touch) master

CAN A: G11

CAN B: HS Exp: XC43

CAN C: Exp: XC21


DM1/DM2 Viewer MD4 Wrap text or Select To View Full Message

Chris Litwin 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 2

The built in DM1/DM2 viewer is a great function, but it seems to be really limited. When using an MD4 in portrait mode there isn't enough room to display everything. It would be great if it could text wrap or if the line could be selected to read the whole text. Another option could be only displaying SPN and FM1 then select to bring up the dialog again that contains all the information.

Also, is the DM1 viewer able to show more than 1 message at a time? In simulate it does not?


Import DBC : J1939 Format Support

mdaigneault 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 2

Hi IQAN Team -

It would be great if the Import DBC feature allowed to import J1939-formatted DBCs. We use this format quite often to have scaled and offset signals. However, the IQAN import feature only supports the import as Generic CAN ! I presume this is just an oversight, and should be an easy fix for the IQAN devs.

We are almost there...

Thanks !


G11 Name

Pawel Pekala 4 years ago in IQANgo updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 4 years ago 1


Where can I change G11 properties, so when it is populated on machine list it is listed as a unique "name"

Thank you   


IQANdesign video tutorials on functional safety

Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Pierre Fagrell 4 years ago 3

Two new IQANdesign video tutorials:

IQAN-MC4xFS tutorial part 1, redundancy and diagnostics

This tutorial on the Parker IQAN-MC4xFS functional safety controllers show how IQANdesign can be used to build up safety functions, focusing on the concepts of redundancy and diagnostics.

IQAN-MC4xFS tutorial part 2, safety related function groups

This second part of the tutorial about Parker IQAN-MC4xFS functional safety controllers show how IQANdesign is used when organizing safety functions in safety related function groups.


IQANgo replace IQANrun (for tablets) and IQANsync from end of June 2020

Our current apps IQANrun for tablets and IQANsync for smartphones will be replaced by the newly released IQANgo from end of June 2020. IQANgo will contain the same or more functionality as the apps it replaces and will be easy for the users to learn how the new app works.

New versions of IQANrun and IQANsync will only contain information that the apps have been replaced by IQANgo and that users are recommended to go to the app store or google play store to download the latest version of IQANgo. This is valid for both iOS and Android versions.

Read more about IQANgo in our store:


Image 2113