Under review

Reference channel

Kevin 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 4

We have customers that frequently remote onto machines using IQAN Run Pro for tablet to adjust parameters in the system. When  adjusting the parameters, the reference channel is not displayed making it a very slow process as they have to go into measure then back to adjust groups to fine tweak.

The reference value works in IQAN Run for windows as shown, is it something i am doing wrong as I cannot get it to display on the tablet version? 

Windows displaying reference channel:

Image 1906

Tablet version with no 'live' reference value:

Image 1907


State Machine Channel and TP

Pawel Pekala 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2


Would it be possible in future IQAN 6 releases to expand capabilities of TP such that we could tie in MAC or sensor values directly into text parameter itself?  Please see attached picture.

Image 1898

We could then take this TP and have it displayed. It would be even better if text colors would change based on SMC in this case Smart Cylinder Sensor SMC

Image 1899



License renewal update

Jean-Marc Zanni 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 3

Just coming up on the one year for my Iqan Design license and got a reminder message.  Went and paid for renewal.  Received new license number instead of just extending existing.  But i cannot find tools in Iqan design to update the License number... Do i Have to uninstall then re-install the license.  Seems cumbersome and does not match what is in the FAQ Section:" 5. What is IQANdesign update subscription?
IQANdesign update subscription gives you bug fixes and new features for one year at a lower cost. Even major updates are included. When you purchase a new IQANdesign license, you will get the first update subscription for free. A year after the purchase you will receive an offer to extend your subscription for another year. It is also possible to enable auto-renewal of the subscription in the IQAN store."

Do not seem to find an Auto renewal option.



MD4 - Axis P7214 Encoder

Jimmy Sheen 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1


As Axis is obsoleting P7214 and replaced with P7304. 

IQAN MD4 is now not streaming (showing connecting/connected & keep looping) with the exact setup we had previously with P7214.

I am wondering if there is any other Encoder that has been successfully work with MD4.


Whats happened to the remote option on IQAN Run for tablets?

Kevin 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 12

We used to have a remote login option so somebody who had IQAN Run Pro on a tablet could access a machine at another location through IQAN Sync. Now we seem to have just WIFI or Bluetooth, no remote. Running IQAN Run Pro 6.00.8. Is there something I am missing?

Not a bug

Public scope channel in external function

Rick 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

Not sure if this is exactly a bug, but it is annoying nonetheless.

In IQAN Design 5.03 or prior, it was possible to make Global Scope Variables inside Library blocks. So made a whole bunch of libraries, using that feature. Works all fine, until IQAN 5.04 or 6+, where these Global Scope variables cannot be accessed anymore.

We  "fixed" this for some machines by changing the libraries, turning global scope vars into Function Group outputs and doing some re-wiring of the blocks. But many of the older software versions didn't have this change.

Now as long as you open these older versions with IQAN 5.03, everything is ok. But open them with 5.04 or newer (accidentally), and the file is basically broken once it is saved.

Can Global Scope Variables inside Libraries return in newer versions of IQAN 5 or 6?


PWM output resolution

Rick 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

What is the min/max resolution for PWM outputs? We have an output with its min and max set to 13 and 22%, which is, I think, quite narrow. Making the max 1% higher makes a big difference already - does it help to provide floating-point numbers (ie, max := 22,3 %) or will these numbers get rounded internally?

Same question for the actual output. Does 13..22% mean the output will only have 9 steps? Or could it deliver an output of, let's say 16,35 %?

For the info, we are using a MC43 "single pin" output, C1:47, on a 125 Hz frequency.


Change J1939 Transmit Speeds By Math Channel

Carl 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2

Hi Guys,

Since in J1939, Transmits speeds of CAN messages can very, i.e. 1 second transmit rate, changing to 100ms on function, at present, only a set figure can be put in to the transmission speed.

If this could also be available to look at a math channel, then thing like DUELs could be used to change the speed.


What are people using IQAN script for?

mgoutier 5 years ago in IQANscript updated by Nick Pridham 5 years ago 1

I am starting to play with IQAN script and trying to see what the real benefits are. Any insight as to what people are using it for, or if anyone is willing to send me some files to look through and play with (other than the example) I would be interested in dissecting it a bit. 

Any insight is appreciated, thanks in advance.  


IQANdesign slow

Andy Pauly 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 15


I am working with IQANdesign5.04  and IQANdesign6.00. I have a new computer with the hardware of

Intel Core i7-8565U CPU 1.80 GHz  RAM 32GB 64Bit System Windows 10. The latest Hardware and Software update are done 

and IQAN is very slow on large application file (27.323KB).  

It take 1 Minute and 18 Seconds to open parallel to IQANdesign also the Simulator and during this boot up time the CPU is used  by only 27% and Memory only 27% and graphicCPU by 6% during this boot up time . 

Image 1712


The computer is for 1-2 Minutes out of order by copying a state machine with 60stages. Afterwards it takes almost 5-15 second for any change inside the stage machine. I can only work on the IQAN application software without losing my patient by safing and open the software again. Only then the software is fast again. Here the CPU is only between 12-18%; memory by 14-21%. What can I do that IQAN uses the full potential of the available hardware?


Andy Pauly