
Same pin, program selected functionality

mgoutier 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 6

I maintain 1 program for multiple machines that are very similar, one issue I have to dance around from time to time is if 1 program uses lets say C1:25 on an XA2 as a digital in, and in another program I want to use it as a voltage in, I can not switch it as in the system layout I can only define it as one thing. My workaround is enabling or disabling the XA2's based on my IO assignments, which creates tons of duplicate logic. 

It would be nice if a warning showed up instead of locking this functionality out, giving me the flexibility of assigning IO anyway I choose. A way of safely doing this could be to force an SMC when doing this functionality. This could prevent user mistakes. I personally would rather just have the flexibility to do what I want and have my logic be the functionality decider, but with an SMC I could at least get rid of multiple modules doing 99% of the same tasks. 


Multiple screens sharing VDINs over master bus

C. Harp 6 years ago in IQANdesign 0

I like the current features of the master bus for shared information. 

I have written several programs that require multiple screens to work as if they were the same user stations. It would be great to have the VDINS added to the master bus so that the data can be shared. Currently I am having to dedicate a J1939 bus as well as write CAN frames each way for output and feedback to control VDINs. 


Converting project 2.63 version to version 3.19

Peter Nyman 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 0

I have a project that is version 2.63 and need to upgrade it to 3.19.

Shouldn't be a problem, but when opening it in 3.19 all math functions become Real-type which i don't want, some should be integer. Is there a way to handle this without needing to change everyone manually? Its about 150 functions which would take forever and most certainly go wrong here and there. Also all of my generic parameters in and out becomes J1939 parameters instead. I want them to be generic parameters.

Is there a function where you can select a channel and then replace it with another? For example I select a math (real) channel and choose replace with math (integer) channel, keeping all the functions inside.

Otherwise Is there like a texteditor where you can open the project file and search and replace function codes?


Iqan Design and 4K display scaling issue

Jean-Marc Zanni 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated 3 years ago 18

You probably already know that but just in case.  I use a multi screen set-up with 1x4K Display and  1xFull HD display as set-up for my work station.  Both displays are set with different scaling for text so my old eyes can read. 

When editing properties in IQanDesgin in the 4k display, the edit box location does not properly line-up with property title and the font size does not match the box height making it very difficult and sometimes impossible to edit.  Problem become more and more profound as you go down the list of properties . Probably the other programs have similar issues also but I rarely use them on the Work station so I cannot comment.


Remote diagnostics failure G11 to MC43

Cole Koster 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 4

I am trying to flash an MC43-MD4 system using the G11 module and IQANsync and it will not accept the push.  I am running the latest versions of IQANrun and IQANdesign, as well as the updated firmware on IQANsync. 

When I click to send the program, the "sending request" dialog box comes up, completes the request, and then this dialog box comes up:

Image 1365

As soon as this box comes up the MC43 apparently shuts down and disconnects from IQANsync. 

We were able to pull the program off the machine but we cannot flash new programs, even after logging into the machine with root password.  All connectivity security prompts are set to "Always"

Any thoughts as to why I cannot push the program?

Cole Koster 6 years ago

Update: I have discovered the problem, there was a flaw in the circuit design. The G11 was powered by a relay that was being controlled by the MC43. When the MC43 reset after the download request, it cuts off all outputs thus turning the relay/G11 off and kills the connection. Solved by moving the power supply of G11 to a constant source. 


IQAN connect server status

C. Harp 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 2

Needing some help with understanding an issue with connecting remotely to a module. Needing to know if the Sync connection runs on a different server apart from connecting directly with IQAN Connect through (verified) local internet connection. 

I attempted and i am able to pair my phone to generate a connect key through IQAN Sync app. However when i go to connect through IQAN Connect through design,  it does not generate a connect key. 

Also if these are running on separate servers, is there a link we can use to check status of each server?


Analogue Video Encoder

Jimmy Sheen 6 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 0


Wondering if anyone happy to share analogue video encoder (brand / model / channels) that have successfully working with MD4x display?


Dual MD4-10 displays and common display pages

Mark 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 5

What is the best way to have two displays use the same display pages? Is there a relatively easy way to achieve this? The operator will have two displays to access multiple display pages and I want to be able to let them access all the display pages I create on either display. I am in a severe time crunch so any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks all


Show larger numbers in Qcode results

Kevin 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2

When monitoring Q Code live in IQAN Design 5.03, we are unable to 'see' the complete number generated by a line of code. See image below of the issue we are experiencing, there does not appear to be any way of increasing the 'live result' window size so we can see the whole result, rather than partial (you can see the numbers continuing off the page towards the left on both values in the image). This is particularly problematic when checking if you have the correct expected answers. Understandably its an issue when dealing with larger numbers and we have come unstuck sometimes because of minus signs missing and unable to tell its because its covered up. Is there a way of increasing the size of this box?

Image 1330


Parameters-Feature Request-Set Min/Max/Step Size In Function Group

Nick Pridham 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 1

I would like to request the capability to set the min, max and step size from within the function group. Its much easier to set appropriate values when you are designing the function rather having to jump across into the adjust area.

Of course it should still be possible to change the min/max/step size from the adjust area.