
G11 to Generic CAN

ksilovich 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated 6 years ago 1

Not sure how possible this would be, but I have a few programs that only use Generic CAN networks (no J1939), and it would be really nice if there was a way to get the G11 to function off of one of them, as I don't have another CAN port to add the G11 to. 


Comparing function groups.

John Olsen 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 6 years ago 0

It would be nice to compare  only function groups or only particular channels. Both within the application or in different applications. I have some channels  with a lot of  Qcode instructions. They should behave equal, but they does not. Is it possible to do such a comparison in latest version ? 


Generic "Get All Logs" Action in IQANScript

JamesV 7 years ago in IQANscript updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 7


Is it possible when using a script to login and get logs, to just get all logs without having to pick them from the application? I'd like to make 1 generic script that logs in with the Root access and gets all logs for a long list of projects that have differently named logs and different arrangements. 



Report filename depending of the machine ID

Laura 7 years ago in IQANscript updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 1


Is it possible to program the report filename in a script report so that the machine ID is placed in the report filename with a piece of text in the windows explorer.

Now all filenames of the different machines are the same.

They are placed in several folders with the machine ID, but it is not a unique name.

Kind regards,


Image 1100


TFC Value and Unit

Joe 7 years ago in IQANdesign 0

When using a channel reference in a TFC channel, it would be nice if the 'Show' drop-down would include 'Value and Unit'.  Right now they are separate, so if you want to show the value and the unit, you have to add another text element.


Posibillity to visually occupy both OUT a and b, High Side Dout in List view

Fredrik Forsberg 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 2


On the IQAN MC4x modules it is possible to pair outputs to supply higher amperage.

In IQAN Design in the List view in the System layout, it is only the OUT_XXa that is visually occupied.

It would be nice if there were a option to visually occupy both OUT_XX a and b.

The problem is that i save the lists to pdf and use them to communicate the I/O information with our recourse's for making the electrical diagram. As it is now its easy to make a mistake when using paired outputs. OUT_XX b is not occupied in the list, meaning it wont make it in to the electrical diagram if one forgets that it should be a paired output.



Hidden pin code

Christoffer Fager 7 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 4

Would it be possible to hide the number after you entered digit?

So once you have pushed the number it becomes a (*) instead of the number you have pushed?

Under review

Root Access Logs Download with Service Access

JamesV 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 months ago 8

I would like the ability to have a value and event log which can only be viewed or cleared with root access, but will be saved into a clone when the clone is taken by a service tech with only service access. This way a service technician can download a clone in the field and send it to me and I will be able to access a higher level of logs than they could see. 

I have tried linking the "visible" parameter to an IDC that is true only with root access and leaving "enabled" as yes, and every combination of view and clear access levels but have not been able to get what I want. Do you have any suggestions?



I need to print Few stored details of customers from MD3 through a printer.

SANDEEP RAJAN 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Nicolas Vargas 5 years ago 6


I need to print few stored data of customers from MD3 display like,

1. Customer Name

2. Vehicle ID

3. etc.,

via thermal printer.

The printer available in markets are bluetooth / USB enabled. I use G11 Bluetooth dongle connected with MD3. 

Can someone help me in interfacing the bluetooth printer with MD3 via G11 bluetooth dongle / USB.

Also, Please provide support for me in understanding the program modifications required for same.


Sandeep R

+91 99520 55137 

Under review

Show PCC header and text in keypad PIN code dialog

Dingoma 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 9

we have an application with 3 different pin codes for operator, service and technical department. We want to know if is possible that the message requiering pin code explains wich pin is needed. Something like "USER PIN CODE", "SERVICE PIN CODE". Service and technical pin code varies, so if for any reason operator needs service pin, we can send him, but it is only valid for a period of time. We need to know that the operator is on the correct page (not trying to use service pin when themachine requires the technical's department pin)