Project not saving

minh lam 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 1

I recently encountered this. I had a functional parameter that I would enter the default for. When I would save and close out then reopened the project, the default was not saved. I have also thought this happened to a math function as well where I would enter in some commands and saved but when I reopened the project, the commands were not there anymore. The only way I could get it to save properly was to re-order the calculation order. Is this a known issue, I don't know why the calculation order has anything to do with the program's ability to save the project. Using IQAN design 5.03


Can I have one piece of software that I can configure to use one of two different sets of control messages?

Dave Hitchman 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 1

So in this scenario we have system A and system B, they are identical apart from component X which comes in variants I and II, I want therefore 1 software with a parameter I can set to say whether X is I or II. Now I and II use the same messages for some things but different messages for others, when using variant I then sending the messages used by II might be a problem, and vice versa so I really want to be able to switch whole messages on or off depending on the variant - perhaps to set the transmission method to on trigger and not trigger it and to switch the method for the ones I want to continuous with the right rate. I cant see how this is achieved in 'code', is it even possible?


J1939 transport protocol transmit rate

Rick Yorke 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 3

Making use of J1939 > COMPID enabled and J1939 > SOFT enabled on the MC43 with IQAN . Have encountered an issue where the Transport Protocol Data Transfer (PGN 60160) is occurring at too fast of a rate.

It was observed that the data packets for the COMP ID and SOFT ID messages is being transmitted at a rate of ~540us. The J1939-21 standard indicates a minimum of 50ms between packets.

This fast rate is causing issues with the receiving device, in particular handling the SOFTID as in this case it is 11 packets. The COMPID (5 packets) is being handled for the most part.

Is there a way that the Transport protocol packet rate can be set, or is this truly an issue in the firmware?


Parker Fork Lift High Tech font

Brendon 5 months ago in IQANdesign 0


I am having issues with having a font appear properly.

When I use the Orbitron font it doesn't render properly.

The font is from the Parker Lift MD4-7 HighTech theme.  

What is strange to me, is that when I open the example file,Parker Lift MD4-7 HighTech theme,  the font renders properly, but when I add that font to a new project it does not render properly.

I have downloaded and installed the font from Google Fonts.

Any insight on why this could be happening is appreciated.

I'm using version Design and Simulate


No uniCAN handle

Kevin 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated 5 months ago 2

I'm getting this error when downloading to MD5:

Image 4340

Image 4341

Trying to download software using NI 8473 but seems to error before even establishing connection with the display. I noticed the MD5 does not have built in resistor and I have not installed one as yet, could this affect the download from PC?


View settings

chuck streb 5 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 weeks ago 3

How can I view settings for my machines without logging into them. I have the setting files *.irsx


I would like to read certain parameters I will us in my control from a file

Dave Hitchman 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 1

I want to be able to use 'constants' in my IQAN read from a file, for example perhaps using the same control system across multiple vehicles but having some vehicles with a lost maximum speed. One way I would use in other systems is a vehicle configuration file to rad the values from. 

I saw the 'variant option selector' which sounded like it might be part way there but it complains it wants n option group and I have no idea how that works never mind if it is the right thing to use


Communication Error IQANgo

Mitch H 5 months ago in IQANgo updated 5 months ago 4

I have been receiving reports of our service guys having trouble with connecting to our machines via IQANgo. We have seen this message on 3 different phones and 2 different machines. One had a fresh download of the program, another deleted the app and reinstalled it after receiving the error, and the third had the second one try after they received the message.

The first was a customer and the problem cleared after he returned a subsequent day. The second and third are our service guys and have had no issues connecting to other machines. Any ideas on how to fix or avoid this?

IQANgo latest version

Image 4335


View settings IQANrun 7

Wilfred Sijtsma | Hytrans® 5 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 3

How can I view the settings in IQANrun 7 from a settings file or clone file? I would like to print these, but I can't get them onto the screen at all. Thanks in advance for the explanation.