
IQANconnect Issue

Kerry Brock 4 months ago in IQANconnect updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 months ago 2

I am getting a pop up message "Failed to connect to IQANconnect server" when I click on "Connect remote."

I have checked my proxy settings and I have "Use system proxy settings" selected.  I am on my home internet and also tried using internet access through my phone.  I have not had this issue previously and used it several times, but have not tried it in around 6-9 months until today.  I am using IQANdesign since the system I am trying to access uses that version of IQANdesign.

Image 4365


Setting cycle time and Simulink model step size in IQAN

Veeresh 4 months ago in IQANdesign updated 4 months ago 2

I'm trying to test a timer logic implemented in Simulink model which has step size 10ms, whereas IQAN cycle time is set as 5ms, but the output is not as expected. But this works exactly as expected when i set IQAN cycle time same as Simulink model step size.

What might be the issue? I tried changing Simulink block property 'synchronized' in IQAN but no success.

My further implementation would also be using Simulink top model with 2 reference models of different step size. So, IQAN cycle time = 5ms, Simulink model ref1 = 10ms and Simulink model ref2 =20ms. What should be the approach to ensure timing requirements?  Any help on this would be great.

Thank you in advance.


Crash when zooming in/out on in page editor

Pierre Fagrell 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by jan 5 months ago 3

I just had IQANdesign 7.02 crash

I changed to a display page and started to zoom in to see the text better

Then it popped up the regular dialog box to make a bug report. The display page was still resizing slowly in the background

Before I had time to fill the text in the program exited completely including the bug report box

The message was something about "Illegal floating point" in some QT library

Under review

SVG startup graphic issue

Jamy 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 1

I was using SVG file for the startup graphic. It worked fine until update It started showing the Parker Logo. I tried deleting and re-importing. It showed imported and connected to the master module startup image, but still the Parker Logo showed at startup. So, I ended up changing the file type to PNG. This worked. Are SVG files no longer supported for startup images?


How to flash idax to MC43 ECU? Do we have any flashing instructions available?

Veeresh 5 months ago in IQANrun updated 5 months ago 4

How do we flash IQANDesign application to ECU? What all hardware connection we need? Do we have any flashing procedure document available?


IQAN ActiveX Controls:

Hard Amin 5 months ago in IQANsimulate updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 5


I am facing issues working with IQANSimulate control.xlsm file. I receive compilation error when I try to browse the project file. Is this due to incompatibility in IQAN Simulate version vs the reference the VBA uses ?

Image 4354


Deleting a connected state in a finite state machine causes IQAN design to crash

toby 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 2

Whenever I delete a state in a finite state machine that has state trasitions connected, it crashes IQAN design. If I delete all the state transitions first, it will allow me to delete it without crashing. 


variant issues iqndesign

chuck streb 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated 4 months ago 7

i check the project it gets to 90% a wait and then a  crash

i am guessing if it cannot get past that it will not upload

i sent all the crashes to parker by answer yes to send it in.

Under review

Multi-Master Uploading Error

River 5 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Markus Seppänen 4 months ago 11

I am having trouble uploading an .idax project file to a multi-master bench test system (two MD4-7). Electrically, the two modules are connected to 12VDC and each other via a diagnostic CAN-A connection. I am connected to the computer via ethernet and C3 port. The series of events was as follows:

  1. Various uploads during initial testing were successful and allowed me to develop the system.
  2. After ~>1 week of uploads, the errors began. Error is as follows:
    1. Send project to device, select device as recognized by IQANdesign
    2. MD4 screens go blank and sometimes show Parker Logo
    3. Sometimes a blue screen (Attached image) flashes (~0.5s freq) on headmaster MD4 for ~30s
    4. IQANdesign popup shows "Sending project to system, No reply from master module"
    5. Then MD4s revert to previous program
  3. After a weekend of not touching the MD4's, a program was successfully uploaded a single time, but has not worked since then
  4. Programs can be uploaded to isolated MD4s, but cannot be uploaded when the two are linked via the diagnostic CAN-A connection.
  5. Issue persists to empty project with just two MD4-7's and diagnostic port CAN link, and using different CAN ports for the diagnostic line.

Image 4350

Under review

Extract log from clone file

Ville Laine 5 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 1

I really need to extract logs from the clone file directly to avoid unnecessary trip to customer to try to retrieve just the log file.

I have only clone file with logs because they could get that in the field without IQANRun freezing. 6.08

One log is big and it takes ages to load the clone file in the IQANRun. IQANRun informs many times during opening that it seems that the application is frozen and offers to close it.

I can get the clone file loaded just by continuing the opening even when the IQANRun states that it is frozen.

Same is true when trying to receive log file from the machine in the field. It takes ages and informs multiple times that the application is frozen, but I think if you just push continue it will eventually get the log.

Why it takes soooo long and how do I get the logs out from the clone file?