Multiple messages with identical PGN

Alex P 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Kerry Brock 6 months ago 1

How do I capture messages in IQANdesign 6 (I can update if required for feature) with the same PGN? I have multiple pumps on one CAN network that feature J1939 style addressing, and each of these pumps has an identical status message in the .dbc file with the exception of their source address - the messages are PDU1 J1939 PGN. I have unsuccessfully tried importing these messages using CAN Generic Frame, but it seems IQANDesign overrides this and reads it as a J1939 Frame In and looks at PGN instead of extended CANID. How can I collect the information for each of these pumps separately in IQANDesign?

For reference, CAN IDs in HEX: 

Pump 1 address = 0x18FF2301x

Pump 2 address = 0x18FF2302x

where PGN is FF23 on both pumps.

Under review

Cannot Export Files from IQANgo on Android

Alex Macintosh 6 months ago in IQANgo updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

A customer notified me of an issue with IQANgo on Android - when attempting to export a log file from the app an error window appears as shown in the attached image. I managed to reproduce the issue myself on another Android phone. Both phones have the latest Android version, as far as I know this has just started with the the latest IQANgo app version 7.02. May you please investigate?

Image 4306


Disable DM1 on Bootup

Gord 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1


Is there way to disable DM1 Out on bootup for a period of time while everything starts? Same way logs can be disabled.

Thank you,



I have a requirement to send TSC1 to two different destination addresses

Dave Hitchman 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 3

I did NOT design the messages required for this system so please dont blame me or tell me I need to change them, this is not in my control.

But the requirement is for TSC1 to go to destination 10 AND destination 90.  I cant have 2 messages with the same  PGN it complains, I cant see how to specify two destination addresses for one message. I am aware of 'broadcast' but do not believe at the moment the two components will pick up the broadcast rather than looking specifically for their own address. 

Does anyone have a clue how I can solve this issue?


Shutting Off Engine With Timer

Deanne 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by jan 6 months ago 1

I have an application that has a seat switch timer. When the seat switch sees a negative flank and stays false for 8s, I would like the shutdown the engine. I have the shutdown JFIN configured but I am not sure how to go about sending a message to the engine to command it to shutdown.


j1939 parameter outputs lengths - why cant I do 3 bits? I can read 3 bits! Get errors if I try and use 3 bits on an output

Dave Hitchman 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 6 months ago 1

As the question asks

When I create an output j1939 parameter I am offered 1, 2, 4 bits, 1 byte (8) and 2bytes(16).

The parameter I am asked to output is 3 bits (there is a 3 bit input version of it and I am just trying to gateway it through) but I cant set the output parameter as 3 bits, I get an error


I have a message that I need to add a checksum INTO...

Dave Hitchman 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

The j1939 message/frame I need to create has a counter/checksum in it. 

Now I can calculate the checksum using the constituent values of the frame (e.g. byte 1 is a 4 bit control type and a 4 bit mode), but I would rather use the bytes of the finished message so the checksum can be done more 'generically' without caring what is in those bytes. 

So assume the output j1939 is called Fred maybe there is something like Fred.byte(1) or similar I can use in the maths, I cant see it but maybe someone knows of something I missed. 

Then I would like the function (calcChecksum) to be available to ALL frames (Fred, Bob, Delilah...) without being rewritten - also dont really see how that can be done but at the moment until Fred.byte(1) etc. is sorted it doesnt matter.


Master Module timeout

NEricson 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

In order to meet CE with my system I have to power up different modules for different operations, this also involves switching between two e-stop switches. I perform that operation with a basic rocker switch. Because of the rocker switch operation, at times there is a VERY brief interruption in power to my main master module (MC43). Normally this doesn't affect the machine but every once in a while I get a no contact on that module. The only way around that is to have my main module set to "Optional" which I would rather not do. Can a timeout be implemented for master modules? I just need it to ignore 1 or 2 cycles during that switch. 


Unsupported byte alignment

Dave Hitchman 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated 6 months ago 2

Unsupported byte alignment in J1939xxx.dbc

Signals using Motorola byte order may not span over multiple bytes unless they are byte aligned. These signals have not been imported.

This is an issue, I dont choose where the signals are, nor the byte orders size etc etc etc they are specified by others. Now I am prepared to admit being a software bod that doing some fiddling with non byte aligned integers can be tricky but other applications dont complain about this so perhaps it is time to put some libraries in to cope. 

More over it is certainly a problem that in a database with several dozen signals, maybe more than a hundred just telling me you ditched some without telling me specifically which you ditched makes sorting the mess even harder. 

If you cant fix the byte alignment issues you are having please at least list the problematic signals so we can try and do something about it.


object list examples

chuck streb 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

i need some documentation on object list, not straight forward!