
chuck streb 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 1

i have an error Result := (StatusTypeOf(PDO_0x18FF0455) = stError)

PDO_0x18FF0455 is an input canbus message

Does this mean the can packet is bad? what exactly does this mean?

Where do i find information on this?

Thank you

Image 4480


Can I flash MC43 code into MC43FS?

Sayan Biswas 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 4

I have received IQAN design for MC43 controller from development team. But I am having MC43FS for testing. Can I flash the same code into MC43FS controller instead of MC43?


MDL2 and IQANdesign 4.07

Chuck Emmons 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 2 months ago 1

Can I use IQANdesign 4.07 to update my MDL2 application?


Component Navigator attached to edge of monitor screen

Ken Thursby 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated 1 month ago 2

When I open component navigator it is attached to the edge of my screen.  If I resize the window away from the screen edge I can then move it.  However,  once it touchs any other screen edge it will attach itself there.  My coworkers don't see this behavior.  We are all using multiple monitors and they can freely move their component navigator from monitor to monitor like any other window.  This is the only window from any of the applications I use that exhibits this behavior.  Is this a setting I can turn off?  


Crash when deleting adjust items from adjust groups

705David 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated 1 month ago 3

Recently upgraded to IQANDesign 7.02.

I created a handful of adjust items and put them in a group during the commissioning process of a new design.

When I attempt to delete the Adjust Items from the Adjust Group, IQAN Design crashes. I'd like to delete them out of the group so they cannot be adjusted in the future but I cannot seem to find a way to do this.

If it were only a few, I could delete the Parameter Channels in the code but there are very many to delete. Does anyone know a work around?


RESET open load

Grisel, Evert-Jan 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Chris Litwin 2 months ago 1

Does someone knows if it's possible to reset a COUT open load error?

Now the output is disabled when a open load occurs until the system is shutdown and repowered.


real 32 bits big endian

AS_energy 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Dartagnan Léonard 2 months ago 3

Hello, I would like to use a 32-bit real number in big endian, but when I choose real, I cannot select it and it defaults to little endian. Does anyone have a solution?


Description for components

Timo 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 1

Description for components are not shows in the project documentation


MD4 watchdog reset

Matt 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 weeks ago 4

Image 4461

I just had one of my machines that's running a fairly standard program for us have a watchdog reset. Can anyone tell me from the contents of this screen what might have led to this?