Adding Qcode/object list to project documentation

JasonC 6 months ago in IQANdesign 0

As far as I can tell, there is no way to show Qcode or the object list in the generated project documentation. If there is a way, please point me in the right direction. If there isn't, it would be a nice feature to have in the next release.


Screen change time

Rich Saunders 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

I have an application using a  MD4/7 screen with MC43FS master, on start up the first screen loads OK, but when I change between screens for the first time it takes a while to load the next page, after the first time, in subsequent changes the delay is not present, Is there any way / any tricks I can use to reduce this initial delay? or is it just a product of size of the graphical content that has to be loaded? 


paged protocol values

Samarkande Rassil 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1


I am working on an external function for a battery system.

Basically, we have many "Slave BMS" on our network and I want to see the cell voltage that they all send me thought CAN Messages. The thing is that those information are sent thought a multiplex message. So, I've used your Paged Protocol feature to indicate which data contained what I wanted and it has worked really well.

Now I want to assign a parameter to the page value. like that when I use that external function, I can setup different BMS_ID depending on my setup. However, it seems to only accept number. Is it me that is not using the correct type of channels?

Image 4253

Thank you for your time,  


Graphical fault

Kevin 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

MD4 running 7.01

When calling up a PIN code entry and it sits partially over a button behind, failure to enter correctly (so the keypad disappears) seems to show a graphical bug, one on the IQAN enter pin message button, and one on the partially blocked 'SETUP' button we have on a screen.

Doesn't appear to affect functionality so purely aesthetics.

Image 4251


Why do I get red connecting lines on iqan designer 7

Dave 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 2

I dont see any error during a project check, most lines are grey but a couple red.

Oddly it came around, I had an unused value from a can message and deleted it, that set the can message red,  claiming it wasnt connected back to the system layout, no amount of dragging and dropping fixed that, the only option was to delete the whole can message and re-add it. This strikes me as a bug anyway (surely I should be able to remove an unused value without breaking everything - I can add one without breaking everything). But what is the red trying to show me and how can I find out?


Unassigned iqandesign 7

Dave 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

So I am totally new to this. I  used the Tools drop down to add some signals from the CAN j1939 database, seems to show the signals I expect and I can see them in my project, can use them etc etc. However it says they are 'unassigned'. Searching shows lots of ways to 'assign' them for all sorts of older versions of IQAN which dont appear relevant in IQAN 7 - for example I cant find the 'application logic' screen apparently in 6.03 but have found system layout which allowed me to create a module and drag and dropping from my application window to that seemed to allocate all bar TC1. Any idea why this fairly difficult to find a description of doesnt work for TC1? 

I am sure the system is really good once you get to understand it all, just learning so bear with me while I suffer as I always do with something new  :0

Thanks in advance.


Language memory usage in non-display masters

Johan Palm 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 3

It appears that text and translations thereof are stored locally on the master controller on which it is declared, even if the master in itself has no means of displaying it (e.g. on an MCx as opposed to an MDx).

Couldn't the text instead be stored on the master display(s) on which the text is actually shown, to reduce the flash memory usage on controllers that do not have a display? Depending on your implementation, I guess such a modification also has the potential to reduce the Master/Diagnostics bus load.

Text can easily occupy hundreds of KB, which is a substantial part of the MCx flash memory.



variables used to name files

Nathan Depcik 7 months ago in IQANscript updated 7 months ago 2

could IQANscript support using variables to name files for "script report" and "save variables". I have tried surrounding the variable with percentage signs and it treats it as a character. 

this can be useful for users to rename the files to unique names such as the Machine ID and be able to store it without needing to rename it after.


Classic OBD CAN bus

mojtaba alavi 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Matt 7 months ago 1

how we can use IQAN-MD4 to communicate with a module that it only send or receive messages via classic OBD CAN?


Subcontract service to improve big project architecture

A DOMS 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated 7 months ago 2


Could you purpose a kind of subcontract service to help improving big project ? 

To review everything ?

All differents input/output, link between two MC43 and external devices... 

How to architecture every subfunction and modes ...

Maybe you have IQAN specialist in France you can recommend ?