Unexpected behaviour from PID-regulator

Pierre Fagrell 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 4

I have a behaviour from the PID-regulator which I don't quite understand. Usually it works as expected but in some situations it ends up in a state where the output is zero even though command and feedback channels are different.

Can you please explain what I'm missing here?

  • Command channel = 100
  • Feedback channel = 32
  • P = 4
  • I = 0
  • D = 0
  • Enable = True
  • Output = 0

Image 4282


IQAN Script to execute only if IQANconnect is online

Jean-Philippe Parent 6 months ago in IQANscript 0

I have a script that loads an ini file with an iqanconnect key generated from a separate Python script containing the list of all units in the field to connect periodically to every unit for fault monitoring and preventive maintenance monitoring. The script loads the file and attempt to connect. If the unit is online, everything is fine but if the unit is offline, I have to wait the entire timeout to go to the next machine. Is there a way to access the data shown in the IQAN Connect page BEFORE attempting to connect? The info is available in the IQANrun Connect window but can I access it in my script? Or ping the server with an iqankey to get the state (Online or Offline) before attempting to connect?


IQANrun 7 No CAN adapters found

ilyas evrensel 6 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

Image 4281

With IQAN Run 6, I was able to connect to devices via CAN and Ethernet from my computer. However, it does not see the devices in 7. If you have any ideas as to why this might happen, I would like your support.


IQANrun 6.08 bug on measure graph

A DOMS 6 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

I resized the windows with the graphique on a big screen (4k) at my office,

but now I'm disconnected to this big screen, and I can't see the line to resize the graphique view.

it's hidden at the top.

I tried to resize the windows over my laptop screen (FHD) but I can't show the line to resize the graphique windows.

Image 4275

I just found a similar screen, so I could resize the windows and now have access to the line to resize the graphic part. 

I'm lucky to do not be on a plane or somewhere I can't connect a big screen !

Image 4277


Set value's parameters in adjust groups

jan 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated 6 months ago 2

Is there any way to set same min/max/step size value's in multiple function/integer parameters in adjust groups ?

If yes, someone know's how, if not, would be a great feature

Now every value must be set seperate

Not a bug

Can´t import settings in variants projects

Jesus 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 3

In Variants projects using IQANdesign the import settings option is disabled.

Why is it disabled in these projects?


Easier way to propagate several outputs

A DOMS 6 months ago in IQANdesign 0


When propagating several outputs from a function group, 

you have to right click and go to "propagate outputs" and select the outputs to propagate.

But when you have more than 10 outputs to propagate, it's very long to do it each time.

Maybe could you let the menu open, and lets us to click on all outputs we need to propagate ? and the menu close when clicking on the page

or maybe something like, allow multi click by holding CTRL key ?


MC43FS log results not in order or jumbled up?

Kevin 6 months ago in IQANrun updated 6 months ago 2

We have 12 values being logged every second, and I have downloaded the log to find that every 4 minutes and 15 seconds the time counter resets back to 2 hours and starts counting again at 02:00:00. Weirdly earlier results (an earlier index number) also appears to have the same behaviour around 01:00:00 and then it strangely jumped to 02:00:00. It then continues to go back to 02:00:00 every 4 minutes 15 seconds.

Image 4261

I understand the MC43 does not have a clock and we know start 154 is the information I need to extract, but I would have expected the timer to begin at 00:00:00 and carried on counting up until the ignition was cycled and log stated 'Start 155'.

Can I assume they are all in the correct order based on the index value rather than the time? ie. greater index value = most recent log and timer counting is not relevant?

See below a similar record earlier where it jumps from 01:00:00 to 02:00:00:

Image 4262

The log is set to recycle so can hopefully discount filling up the controller and it not being able to handle the quantity. This log is set to occupy 95% of the log memory.

IQAN 6.08.


Variant Option Select

skh69nova 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 months ago 5

After setting up project as variant with Variant Option Select, when I export I receive Invalid Context Error.

Do all channels into a "Variant Option Select" have to have same name for it to work? as that only thing I can come up with after examining those that don't error 

Image 4260


Is there a way to make the byte numbers start at 0 instead of 1 in the J1939 Frames?

afnan elhamshari 6 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 6 months ago 1

Basically the question. I am trying to get the bit and byte numbering to start at 0 instead of 1 in the J1939 frames.