4 Camera streams and Log Queue goes to 100%

mdonaldson 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated 7 months ago 1

While working on some screen navigation improvements I noticed on the MD4 with 4 cameras streaming on the same screen the Log Queue (SIC) creeps to 100% in 5% increments. We don't have anything that would be attempting to add to the logs. Cycle Util = 18%. With 2 camera streams it goes to 5% but then appears to catch up and goes back to 0%, then repeats.

It doesn't appear to affect anything so this is really curiosity.  (IQAN 6)

Image 4232


CAN bus status in channel

rrodriguezh111 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 1

How can I monitor the status of can bus error? I want to know if it is possible to monitor this into a internal variable. Using a MC43 as master controller.

Image 4230


Simulink in External Function

Marcel 7 months ago in IQANdesign 0

Is it possible to place a Simulink model in an External function?


can IQAN 6.08 run on windows surface tablet

David Sullivan 7 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 1

else if

Grumpy Vern 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Christopher Fridstaden 7 months ago 1

Do consecutive else if statements stop at the first true? For example, I expect the code below makes result = 3.

if false then


elseif false then


elseif true then


elseif true then 






Internal variable false but result true

Rich Saunders 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 6

My internal variable is false but my result is true and it is not a latching function? 

Image 4207


TFC word-wrap and concatenation

lbartik 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 3

I  want to use a Text Formatting Channel to concatenate two or more text parameters into a single cohesive blob of text to overcome the 100 character Text Parameter limitation and help format the text neatly.  I found two bugs:

  1. TFC doesn't carriage-return/word-wrap when using a fixed pixel width.  Static text labels do word-wrap correctly.  TFC should also word-wrap rather than truncating to a single line of fixed width.  The designer shows TFC word-wrapping but the simulator and real display do not word-wrap.Image 4200
  2. My TFC is freezing and failing to concatenate some of the strings in the attached example.  The channel measure tool in IQANdesign shows the TFC updating and concatenating two TPs correctly but the real display and simulator view do not refresh.  

IQANdesign shows the TFC updating:

Image 4201

Real display and simulator TFC freezes in state 1 when TPs are on state 2:Image 4199

Please see the attached example, you will find the concatenation works some of the time but not all of the time:

junk test TFC bugs.idsx




Does 7.00 also have a fix for case 57049

M van Zanten 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 5

Does 7.00 also have a fix for ref case 57049 (IQAN 6.08.24). Sometimes it is very difficult to get to the ID tag our machines so removing it takes a lot of effort. It would be very nice if a firmware update could be performed without removing the ID tag.


Incorrect Relational Function

Chris Litwin 7 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 months ago 11

Why does the below relational function evaluate incorrectly? sensorInput of 37.50 should evaluate to a result of 60. It does the same when I try using Object List.

Image 4195


IQANconnect goes free

As of mid February we have released IQANconnect so that no more connection fees apply.

The IQANStore is updated accordingly.

More information about how it works can be found here IQANconnect article

Have fun connecting!