IQANScript to connect without human intervention

Jean-Philippe Parent 11 months ago in IQANscript updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 2

I'm trying to run an IQANScript from the command line. The goal is to probe every truck in our field once in a while, eventually to be used to schedule software update during the night, when the truck is not operational. The script has to be running on its own without human intervention, but everytime I'm trying to connect using IQANconnect, it pops a message for the user to enter the credentials. The only property in the CONNECT action from script is the machine ID, and the action to LOGIN is not working either in from or after. Is there a way to prevent the pop-up and connect automatically? 

Image 3998


Set date/time from IQANrun 7 on module without RTC

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANrun updated 11 months ago 2

An other bugs, or bad evolution also in IQANrun 7,

I am using two MC43 on my machines, and I know MC43 don't have RTC.

But I added an external RTC to my project, and to set it, I use IQANrun to set Time and Date in my calculator, and then I can send the good Time and Date in my external RTC.

Each time I start my machine, my external RTC set my calculators and they are with the good time and date.

But now, if I understand well, because using MC43 (without RTC), setting Time and Date is not allowed in IQANrun.

Image 3947

I spend hours and hours to make it working :



create a clone file with run 6 from an Iqan 3 application, reopen clonefile not possible anymore

Laura 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1


We create a clone file with run 6 from an Iqan 2 application with MDL2, reopen the clonefile not possible anymore, because the MDL is in design not supported anymore.

Image 3996

How can we open the clonefile in this case?

And when it is not possible, why is it possible to create a clonefile with Run 6 of an application version 2.63

Kind regards



LC5 query

Ash 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 11 months ago 2

Are there any example programs for the LC5 joystick?

Currently utilizing the 2007699 (lc5-c01-mpb2w2t1) joystick

using iqan design 6.02. I get the LC5 and link it to an MC43 on system layout but how do i get the axis outputs and button digital io? I can find no EDS file or instructions as to PDOs for the outputs?

Thanks in advance


password creation at IQANRun 6.08

Petra 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1

Our service computer with IQANRUn is defunct and we received new one. But the new computer with IQANRun is without any password stored. How do I generate new password in the program? There is no possibility to get it from the old computer so I cannot get the iqd file. Unfortunately this basic problem is not explained anywhere here.


Impicit value type conversion

Grisel, Evert-Jan 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 months ago 6

Since version 7 I get a "Impicit value type conversion" warning when I use a Derivative function in the activation part of a value log item.

Does anyone have a idea how to solve this?

Image 3952


IDC Delay on / off time limit

Grisel, Evert-Jan 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1

Why is the IDC delay on / off time [ms] limited at 3276750 in version 7

(and unlimited in version 6)


XC43 PWM out HS+LS internal free wheeling diode

Shannon Tyler 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 11 months ago 2

We are swapping out from the XA2 to the XC43 and we originally thought we were going to be using the PWM HS output so we attached a ark suppressing diode on the 4-way 3-pos cart valve (HSP 10-47CB-0-v-24ER). We however ended up using the PWM HS-LS output which has a internal free wheeling diode. Is the newly installed ark suppression diode going to case problems down the road. and is it best practice to just use the internal diode on the PWM HS+LS output?


IQAN D6 Corporate licence expires soon

Angela Conte 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 11 months ago 2

Hello, our corporate D6 licence expires 11/06/2023. if we do not renew, what is the impact to our users?   We do not want to go to version D7 just yet.   We want to make sure that we can still use the current version. Please advise.


IQANrun 7.00 - Bugs report

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANrun updated 3 months ago 18


In IQANrun 7, in my adjust group to set current values,

If I select "Positive Direction" or "Negative direction" under MIN CURRENT, I have an error message, when clicking in an other parameter. I have to click cancel or done on the right side of the screen to get out, even when I didn't change anything.

As you can see here, I have my value set to 300mA and I didn't changed it, so I have this error message.

Image 3946

Because if I select "Positive Direction" or "Negative direction" under MAX CURRENT, or START SLOPE, or STOP SLOPE, I haven't any error message when clicking in an other parameter.

It's much better without error messages !