Issue with JFOUT sending to a DA

Kerry Brock 11 months ago in IQANdesign 0

I am having an issue in IQANdesign 7.00 when I set the destination address in a JFOUT channel to either "Assigned Module" or the actual SA number.  I get a "No Contact" message.  When I use IQANanalyze I can see the CAN frames from both the IQAN master (MC43) and the third party device.  If I set the destination address to a value not used by any other module on the bus, I no longer get the "No Contact" error and I can read the CAN messages sent from the third party module.  The CAN structure of the message is a little odd to me, as messages from both the IQAN master and the third party module use the same PGN number, 61184 to send information between the two modules.  This structure is part of the CAN protocol used by the third party device.  I cannot figure out a way to send a CAN frame (JFOUT) to a specific SA without getting the "No Contact" error.  I even tried changing the "J1939 source address" line in the JFOUT to 39 instead of "Default" and it did not seem to affect the "No Contact" error.


qcode MAC channel - MinOf multiple if else statements

Pawel Pekala 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 11 months ago 2

How to run MinOf function within MAC channel using qcode if multiple if else statements are used? 


[1] If ......... else .....

[2] If ......... else .....

[3] If ......... else .....

[4] If ......... else .....

[5] If ......... else .....

[6] If ......... else .....

MinOf ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6])

Is this possible with qcode using just one MAC channel?

Thank you 

Not reproducible

Difficulty sending programs to new MD4s running 6.08.28

Matt 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 4

I'm frequently seeing issues sending programs to brand new MD4s which are running firmware 6.08.28. The main issue I'm seeing is messages saying no reply from master module. Yesterday I had one brand new module where I tried sending a blank project from iQAN design 6.08.30 several times before it went in.

We only ever send projects to the modules over a direct ethernet connection. This is occurring with different cables and even when sending projects using iQAN run. Is this a known issue?


IQANrun7.00 - Logging ID not auto filled when starting to type the username

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago 4


Just start to use the new version of IQAN 7.00.

In IQANrun7, when you want to loggin, if you start to type an ID saved, it didn't appear like in the older versions of IQANrun.

For exemple, if I type juste the letter E 

in IQANrun7 nothing appear :

Image 3939

in IQANrun6, the ID is automatically filed :

Image 3940

A new good thing is, it keep the last ID used filed.

But when you are changing between several ID to check if everything OK during developpement, it will be a lack.

If you can put back this function, it would be very nice !


Multimaster No contact error with external module connected to both master but works

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 3


I'm using two MC43 that are both linked to a remote controle(generic) by canbus B.

Image 3934

I have a display on my remote and I can send information through 4 RPDO to show data on the remote screen.

It's working well from my master MC43[0], but when I send my canbus messages from the MC43[1] I have a "no contact" error message that appear BUT the crazy thing is, I still receive my data on my screen !

Image 3935

Image 3936

I see the data on the screen and I see it also with PCAN-View :

Image 3937

So the data is sent, but my master think there is no contact.

I had the same problem before with my both MC43 calculators and a MD4-7 that was in the project.

I had some touch buttons on my MD4-7 screen and when I sent the data from MD4-7 to masters, It was OK with MC43[0] but no contact with the MC43[1], BUT I still receive the data.

Is there something wrong on my multimaster system ?


Alien Module Detected

Gord 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1


When I view my IQAN project in IQANRun I see that the master module is reporting Alien Module Detected.

I have two IQAN projects.

Project A is a multi master project with a MD4-7 (ID tag 0) and MC43FS (ID Tag 1).

Project B has a single MC41FS (ID Tag 7)

The other CAN ports on all these controllers are connected to a number of different devices.

All controllers CAN A are connected together. In IQANDesign CAN A is setup as the DIAG bus and for J1939 traffic. The master module communicate with each other via J1939 PGNs.

Everything appears to be working properly except I see this message about alien module detected. I assumed since these are two separate projects and all master controllers have different ID tags they should not care.

Is this a bug? Design issue?

Another issue is that when uploading Project A is causes Project B controller to also enter a programming state even though it will not be programmed. Is there not a check that is done by the controllers to see if they are a target that is going to be programmed? Is this another bug?

I am using IQANDesign 7.


Is "Show send/get options dialog" no longer part of IQANdesign?

Kerry Brock 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 4 1 duplicate

I was sending a project file to a system with IQANdesign 7 and the Show send/get options window was not popping up when I send the project file.  I checked in the Tools and Options section and did not see the check box or line to select this option.

IQANdesign 5.07:

Image 3930

IQANdesign 7.00

Image 3931

If the removal is intended, what are our options to select sending the options that were available here?


Multi master programming issue:

Hard Amin 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 2 months ago 4

Hello, I have 3 master connected on single CANbus MD4-7, MC41FS, MC43FS with two different programs. I downloaded program to MC41FS on bench and then I connected it to the network with rest of the 2 masters. Now when I am try to load another program to MC43FS then I find that MC41FS also goes into programming mode, which creates trouble as we loose some functionality as it looses its IO ports. Is this the intended behavior? Please suggest 


Simulink models possible in MC43FS/42 FS ?

hongxiang yu 11 months ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 days ago 3

Is that possible deploy simulink models for MC43 FS/ MC42 FS in IQANdesign 6.08 ?


How do I create a generic j1939 application?

Tony Contrada 12 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Kevin Grover 11 months ago 1

I am new to using IQAN Design and I have a J1939 CAN bus application that I need to create.

Basically I have two buttons that will control a J1939 linear actuator. When I press one button the actuator should retract and the other button extends the linear actuator. Each actuator is controlled over a CAN bus with a specific J1939 protocol that I will have to configure manually. I need some help getting started with this application. Thanks...