
Resize channels

jan 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 weeks ago 4

Once resized single or multi channel, it is not possible to return to original size, 

only able to return to original size + appr. 2 grids

Is this normal ?

No Issue with function groups


Heap check failed

Brendon 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated 10 months ago 2


What is a 'Heap Check Failed' error, and could it be related to slow navigation between screens?
I am also seeing 'Error Initializing embsup.dll' in the Project Statistics.  Wondering if that is related.

I am getting the error on a MD4-10, using IQAN (though I inherited this project, it may have originated in an earlier version).

Project is about 11MB.

I see there is another post about this here.  Not sure what the solution was though.

Would simply upgrading to Version 6 resolve this, and would that potentially resolve the slow screen issue.

Also I have no issues Simulating the project.  When the app is loaded to an MD4 it loads fine, however it navigates between screens very slow.


Array in Initialization

Brendon 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 months ago 3

Would be nice to be able to using an Array in Initialization.

I'm currently storing Screen ID's in an array, this array doesn't change so would be nice to initialize it, and not have it calculating each cycle.

I'll likely post a second idea about this, but on the topic of Arrays, would be nice to be able to store text in a Array.


Disabling Function Group effect on performance

Brendon 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated 10 months ago 3

Does Enabling/Disabling a Function Group have any effect on performance?
Does the code in the function group still run when it's disabled?


IQANScript to connect using IQANconnect key instead of machineID?

Jean-Philippe Parent 10 months ago in IQANscript 0

On the production line, the IQANconnectkey is written down by the operator in our system at the same time as the machine ID is set manually in the truck. Depending on the operator, the machine ID set in the truck might be different than the machine ID in our internal documentation. 

IQANscript uses the machine ID instead of the IQANconnect key. Is there a server somewhere accessible to correlate the IQANconnectkey and the machineID set in the machine?


Cant connect via Bluetooth using Design 7.0?

Kevin 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago 2

We have a G12 installed in a system, and I seem unable to connect using IQANDesign 7. IQAN Run 7 works fine and I can see values etc but if I monitor in IQAN Design it refuses to connect. The flash sequence on G12 is 'connected' but I cant seem to get it to work, it eventually errors.

I may be missing something, does anyone have any advice? IQAN Go on the mobile appears to work fine, no issues.

Image 4007Image 4008Image 4009

Has CAN traffic changed from 4.07 to 5.08?

Kevin 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated 10 months ago 2

We have a system with MD3 and XA2, the XA2 expansion CAN is made wireless using Maknetek transmitter and receiver. No issues for around 10 years service. 

Recently upgraded the MD3 to touch screen MD4-5, rest of the system remains identical. We have copied the application file across exactly but are experiencing intermittent drop outs of the wireless bus, resulting in CAN no contact XA2 messages on screen. They are brief and not permanent, only loss for a moment.

The manual for wireless transmitter and receiver states that the bandwidth is limited (understandable) and thus it will miss transmission if too much data is sent. Is there increased CAN traffic on expansion bus when going between (MD3) and 5.08? The data we are sending and receiving in the software is identical, just wondering if there is more being sent behind the scenes for example module management, diagnostics etc? 

We slowed the polling on expansion bus, and this seemed to help, although because its intermittent we wont know for a week or so. Just seeing if it could be a possibility.


Is the reset value on an event counter the same as a default value on start-up?

Deanne 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by mdonaldson 11 months ago 1

I have an event counter in my program that is used to control 9 different setpoints, based on a button press. On start-up, I want the value to default to 6. Does the reset value on the event counter channel act as a default value?


MC34FS Module Dropout On Update

Kevin 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago 2

We have a system with 1 x MC43FS, 1 x MD4-7, 1 x XC21 and 2 x MC41FS, running

On MC43FS we have 2 x CAN Open encoders on CAN Bus E that are sending PDO and heartbeat information as soon as we apply power. These are configured to run at 125kbps. We established that when updating the project it would update all the modules except MC43FS which hangs and crashes out. It seems to begin updating the MC43FS module (does it last in line after all the others), but stops halfway through and crashes out. System has to have power cycled and screen says no application and have to reload the software. Occasionally it will load in, around 10% success rate. When it drops out i get flash 'no application available' as in instruction manual.

Unplugging one encoder and IQAN will allow me to update the system including the MC43FS with occasional dropout.

Changing the bus speed of the encoders has improved it, seems to allow me to update the system with both encoders connected smoothly, occasionally hangs but significantly better.

Is there an interaction between the MC43FS firmware and speed of CAN devices? We had this issue a few years back on a MC3 and that was conflicting speeds on firmware check before boot. Seems it may also be present on these newer modules?

Weirdly also it says 6.08.24 for the MC43FS, however we are using 6.08.30. I noticed the IQANDesign 6.08.30 only has this for the MD4 and not the MC43FS, which mislead me somewhat when trying to establish the fault.

Image 4001

Image 4002


CANopen VFD Control

Justin Wagner 11 months ago updated by Sigurd Olav 11 months ago 1

Has anyone had any success using IQAN and CANopen to control and monitor VFD parameters?

I've seen a fair amount of VFDs that have CANopen communication modules as options, just wondering if anyone has had any success stories or recommendations.

I'd much prefer J1939 for ease of programming in IQANdesign, but I haven't seen any VFDs that support J1939 messaging.