
How to reconize a changing Integer parameter channel

Carl 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 4

Hi All,

What can I use to activate a channel when a Integer parameter channel is changed?

For instance, the channel goes from 3 - 4 and I want a true that its different from its previous setting.

We tried the "High or lower" math but it doesn't seem to recognize that its self is bigger or smaller than its self.


Having problems with channel assignments in Iqandesign 5

Richard Staite 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 9

I am currently working on a project which was originally created using 4.07 but now using 5 to continue with. All was going well until I exported some of my function groups to use in another simpler test application. 

I am now finding that in my original application file, some of the channels are showing as Red and are labelled unassigned, however if you try to drag and drop them to their original assignment locations they wont assign, and if you look at their original locations, the assignment is actually there already - can you help please?


Open Load on XA2 DOUT

mgoutier 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Hossein 7 years ago 3

I have a digital output on an XA2 (MD4-7 controller) that showed orange in IQAN Design and indicated open load. This was good to me as I was troubleshooting some odd problems. I added some functionality to the project basically saying if I am commanding the output but it is not true shut my machine down. The problem is once I did this I disconnected the solenoid (unplugged din connector with built in led) to test my logic and it didn't show open load as I thought it would. with the din connector disconnected I cycled power to my MD4 multiple time and tried to recreate "open load" again and could not. I checked all wiring and the coil resistance and everything looks good. 

I also am not getting an intermittent no contact on that particular XA2 module which I was not getting before the program update. This particular program has 5 XA2's. Also the system ran for about 600 hours with out issues. 

Any ideas would be a great help. 


IQAN 5 MC43 output (HS+LS)

Frank GUO 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 1


It looks like there is no direct way to add digital out (HS+LS) on MC43. The only way I figure out was add a digital out (HS) and then change it to HS+LS. And sometimes, they are grey out.


PGN "On Request"

Carl 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 10

Hi Guys,

I am using the "J1939 frame output" for broadcasting some messages and would like them Send Method "On request" How do I set what the request is?


Newbie On Switching Values

Carl 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 4

Hi Guys,

Newbie here, was CodeSys, now starting IQan.

I have a project where I have two values (Two 5v sensors) operating all the time and I want to send the value of these over can on the same SPN etc but the one to send is requested by another SPN.

So I have sensor A and sensor B. Both use the same SPN 2927.

When SPN 3928 received equals 1, Sensor A value is sent on SPN 2927. When SPN 3928 equals 2, Sensor B value is sent on SPN 2927.

What do I use to set which value is be sent on receiving the SPN?



If I understand this correctly, you have two sensor inputs coming in on VIN channels.  You wish to output one sensor value or the other onto the J1939 bus based on the value of a J1939 input parameter.  You can only read SPNs, so if you want to send a J1939 CAN message, you will need to use the JFOUT channel and populate it with JPOUT parameters.  The input to the JPOUT parameter can then be a MATH channel with the appropriate logic to select the desired sensor value.


SV Camera into MC43 on MD4/MC43 multi-master system?

David Holcomb 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 3

I am curious if SV cameras can be used on a multi-master application, where it could be wired into ethernet port on an MC43 and shown on a MD4 ?  

This would be a multi master system with master and diagnostic busses between MC43 and MD4.


MC43 COUT.... V4 limit is 2500mA, but V5 is capped at 2000?

David Holcomb 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 3

Building a project with an MC43. 

In design 5, it seems that the limit for a COUT is 2000 mA.

In design 4, i can set it up to 2500 mA.   

1.  is there something that I'm missing  for setting it up to 2500? 

2.  is there any way to 'parallel wire' and run multiple COUTs? 



Newbie, memorize Channel Help

Carl 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 2

Hi Guys,

All new to IQAN so sorry for the simple questions but have to start some where.

I am doing a project where some options are to be stored either true or false.

The message comes via CAN J1939 and then an SPN. So I have two options, both on two different SPN's and I want them to be memorized and stored where when one is received as true (01) then the opposing option memorized will go false. There wont be a part when both SPN's are received as true


I simply added the two memorizing channels to the look at the SPN's and set to "STORE". the "Reset Value" was the opposing memorize channel. But nothing works?


soft start time[ms]

Supratim 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jan Gillesen 5 years ago 2

In DOUT there are two functions.

One is Delay on [ms] or Delay off [ms] & the other is Soft Start time [ms] or Soft stop time[ms].

what is the physical effect of Soft start or Stop when we are operating a relay. As per our understanding it will ON or OFF when it reaches the required voltage. So it may be usable for some other load but for any relay or solenoids has it any effect?


The DOUT Soft Start function is ment to be used when energizing solenoids valves, when you need to create a more soft switching of valve and actuator behind the valve. (Prevent Bang-bang switching) . 
Soft start should NOT be used for energizing solenoids of relays, as a relay needs to switch fast to prevent contacts burning. 

The Peak and Hold function you could use  also for (larger) relays, engergize solenoid with full power, than reduce PWM current to reduce current consumption.