Bluetooth connection
Please, anyone know how to do a Bluetooth connection between adapter IQAN-G11 and a Windows PC with IQANRun installed ?
multiple address on multi component system
Hi IQAN Community,
I am working on a multi-component system where there is a MD4-7 connected to an XC23 through a J1939 CAN bus.
Both of these devices have an ID tag corresponding to an address 4. There is no problem during most days, but I do have intermittent errors like the one below.
Any ideas on what causes this error message?
CAN Module documentation
Is there a way to print the list with 'name identifier bit offset length..' for a CAN module.
If not it should be implemented and perhaps integrated in the project documentation function.
A copy function so that one could paste for example in excel would also be nice.
IQANdesign crash saying "One or more errors occurred", version 6.01
Save your IQANdesign project on a network drive from Windows Server 2019
Right click the folder and select "Always availible offline"
Turn off your wifi and connect network cable to MD4
IQANdesign usually works fine in this setup, but when sending project to MD4 there is a 25% chance of a crash.
When saving a changed project there is a 10% chance of a crash.
This happens most often the first time IQAN is used during the day. I have sent in a few bug reports from the program.
Module name does not update instantly
When changing the name on module on 5.06 the name in centre of the page does not update until you move away from the module and back again.
dropdown menu access when goes offline after simulation/online mode iQanDesign
We are unable to access dropdown menu when we quit simulation until we change the page and come back.
This seem to be the same issue when connected online. The access to dropdown are not refreshed and see to be updated only on page refresh.
Normal ?
DM1 Priority Order
We think it would be a great idea if we select the order that DM1's are transmitted as required. So in the DM1 page, you could select the order say 1 - 10. Then as the DM1's become active, they move to the indicated priority position.
This allows us to show an operator the most important DM1's first. Like if there is a low voltage issue that causes many issues and many DM1's that are not actually the issue so we can promote the low voltage one to the front.
DIN Channels do not show Pull up or Pull Down (LS or HS) options
In IQAN Design 4,5 and 6 when adding a module, in my case an MC43, the DIN channels do not show if they are pull-up or pull down . This caused us many hours of frustration not know that there was a Pull down DIN option.
The only place to find this is in the instruction book. the DOUT channels do indicate LS and/or HS options. I request that this feature be added to all applicable versions of IQAN design. This should also be considered for other types of I/O that have sync or source options
TSC1 engine speed limits variable value
Why is it not possible to use an integer channel for the property low and high speed in the TSC1 channel. The arrow down is displayed next to the input field and the help text say that the possible value types are constant channel. Or should I use an other channel?
I have programmed several enine types in the software which have different high and low engine speeds.
I now use Iqan design 6 but also in 5. In Iqan design 4 only a integer number was possible. Because of the change of the help text, I suppose that you are mented to change the functionality.
Can you change this for design 5 and 6?
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