trouble with decimals in lookup table

sharif 5 years ago in IQANdesign 0

Anyone else having issues entering decimals in a lookup table?  Sometimes the decimal takes, sometimes not.


TSC1 CAN message queue

Ali Idrici 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1


I am trying to implement on iQAN a "TSC handler" and a "TSC1 CAN message queue". Both items are defined in the J1939 standard. This question is open-ended and might not have a simple answer.

Essentially, it is assumed TSC1 CAN messages will sometimes be read by our MD4 at a faster rate than we can process them in our 10 ms cycle time. When this happens (if it does happen), a queue is needed to ensure TSC1 CAN messages that could not be processed during a cycle time are stored and accessible by our TSC handler for processing during the subsequent cycle time. Our queue is expected not to overflow since TSC1 messages have a timeout value within the queue.

Here are my questions:

1. Does iQAN design already have the tool needed to queue CAN message at the software level

2. If not, I am thinking of using the following method:

     A. read every input CAN frame and identify new messages (i.e. those that were updated since the last cycle time)

     B. copy every new message's data-frame content into an array that is large enough to prevent overflow

     C. process as many TSC1 message on the array during the remaining time of the current cycle time period.

     then go back to step A when a new cycle time begins.


MP4 or GIF into project?

Kevin 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jonas Bengtsson 5 years ago 1

We would like to import a short video (3-4 seconds) into our MD4 project but cannot find a way to achieve this easily.

It states in IQAN Design that a simple animation can be achieved by inserting several images but we wondered if there was a reason why video had specifically been excluded? If the hardware is capable would it be possible to request inserting this into IQAN Design in the future?

Anyone have any suggestions for a possible solution please? I can break the images down but I'm aware it could be several static images required to form a 3 second clip that isn't too jerky!


Installing 6.02 Install IqanRun 2?

Jean-Marc Zanni 5 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 4

Recently installed update to IqanRun 6.02 using the Link on Parker page.  It did install 6.02 then it proceeded to install IqanRun 2. 

Any Reason?

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User Number Input MD4

Carl 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jonas Bengtsson 5 years ago 1

Hi All,

Is there a nice simple way to have a button on the MD4 display that will pop up a number key pad asking the user to create of change a PIN that doesn't require them knowing the default? The idea is for our radio Bluetooth PIN code. The user just selects four number on the key pad, this is then sent out as a CAN message. We can display the current PIN via CAN in etc.


Pulse count raw value with decimals

Pierre Fagrell 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

I have a pulse counter that I want to read the raw value from. According to the manual I should set:

Max = 1000

Scaled max = 1000

However I still get half pulses, how is this possible?

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Qcode error symbol on wrong line

Pierre Fagrell 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 2

When scrolling in a Qcode function with errors the red warning squares do not end up at the correct line.

It would be very helpful to have this when fixing a copied function with many Undefined variables.

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Expired License after unccessful connection

Antonio Garcia 5 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 4


After trying using a license from order PAR200320-9387-12132, by means of Android IQANSync, G11 in the system, and a remote connection from IQANDesign, connection was automatically refused by the system because the master unit was not properly configured to accept remote connections.

Being so, a well configured application was sent to the local technician, so he could send it directly from his smartphone to the machine, once again by means of iqanSync and G11.

He tried from several smartphones, but it was impossible to update the application locally ( due to different kind of connection errors), so in the end it was impossible to stablish a successful remote connection.

Because of that, the license wasn’t really used for its purpose, apart from trying initialising the connection...you can check it if you can. The thing is it was consumed.

I think, even if some sort of comunnication was used for initialicing the remote connection, the licenses shouldn't be consumed until a properly connection was stablished. i.e, after connection authoritation from the master. And not from the very first bit send or received.




J C. Crow 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

What is the proper syntax for the QCode MEM functions. I am trying to use QAdd, QSubtract, and QReplace. In some instances I want add 1, subtract 1, or jump to a predefined value based on four IDC channel status. 


IQAN run for PC without licence

Kristjan Kuusk 5 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 2

Does our clients can install IQAN Run for free to computer without licence key? Like they can do with tablet.