
FSM in project documentation

Jan Gillesen 8 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 2


Is it possible to include images of the finite state machines in the project documentation? Using screen captures works fine for me for now, but I tend to use them more and more in pretty important functions (they are amazing). So it's not a big deal for me right now, just noticed it isn't there.

(Using 4.00 still)


Property Inspector Input Channel - "contains" search, or Boolean search

cdvorak 9 years ago in IQANdesign 0

When selecting the input channel to be used for a gauge, or value on the display it is nice that you are able to just type in this field and it will bring up selections. However this only works if you start with the same name as the input channel. It would be great if you could use wild cards, boolean type, or "contains" searches in this field.


Dual Axis bubble level

Zach Dockter 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 9 years ago 1
Could a grid field be created for the display modules to dynamically move an image along an X-Y grid dependent on two variables?
i.e. What I am trying to create is a virtual dual axis bubble level similar to the one on most smart phones.
Under review

Use serial number

Dingoma 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 9
Is it possible to use the serial number of modules to make calculations?
I want to detect if user changes parts, or has a specific serial number.

IQANdesign 3.19 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 0
This update solves several MD4 related bugs, some that were reported here on the forum.

Important problems solved:
26199 MD4: Blue screen due to utilization peaks. Fixed.
26227 MD4: Not all CAN frames are sent Under rare circumstances some CAN frames would not be transmitted. Fixed.
26686 MD4: Cant download to multimaster system with many MD4. Fixed.

If you are using the IQAN-MD4, it is recommended to update to this version.

For more details and other cases, see:


IQANsimulate 3.15.15 released

Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago in IQANsimulate updated 10 years ago 4
There was a couple of bugs introduced in IQANsimulate 3.15, that we now have fixed. Please use Help > Check for updates to download the new version.


IQANdesign 3.16 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated 10 years ago 0
IQAN Creative Studio 3.16 in now released, the main changes are in IQANdesign.

Highlighted features and changes

1810 Add new module MD4-10

The 10" (26cm) version of the MD4, the IQAN-MD4-10, has been added to IQANdesign. 
Image 81

24020 MD4: Decrease minimum cycle time

The minimum cycle time on the MD4 (all versions) have been decreased from 25 to 10 ms.
Image 80

Highlighted problems solved

24563 MD4: Backlight flickers in supply voltage range 12-14V

The MD4 had a function that automatically reduced backlight for supply voltages <14 V. This reduction caused the display to flicker for small supply voltage variations in the range 12-14 V, and has now been removed. 
Note: There will still be a decreased backlight intensity below 12.5 V due to hardware restrictions.

For complete release notes on IQANdesign, see:


can variable updating

Zach 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1

Has anyone else had an issue with spn warnings getting stuck on?

They update when I pass another spn message on the can, but some don't seem to turn off until instructed of another change.

Is there a way to trigger my spns to be checked and updated?


DMAC & MAC - Store Value - New property request

Nick Pridham 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 4
It would be nice to have a store value property for these channel types. This is very useful when calculating totalising statistics. For example: the total angle movement of a boom can be calculated with a MAC running the derivative calculations and a memorising channel storing the value on a timer loop. 

A store value property in the DMAC/MAC makes it a bit neater. 

Backlight auto-adjuste

Florent Mirieu de Labarre 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 3


My customer use product during the day and the night. The problem is in night the backlight is too hight. It is possible to change with the menu, or with a button to switch in night mode. it's work but is not auto-adjuste.

Three possibility to do an auto-adjust-backlight

1 - add a light sensor (light Garmin GPS)

2 - add a function who calculate the sunrise and sunset with latidude/longitude in input. I have made this fonction it is works great. But if the system loose date or the customer change place (it is possible with our product), it doesn't works. Like that there a number 3

3 - add a GPS module on your module (now a GPS module is very low cost (5$)), like that always on time, you have the real speed, and you can use the auto-adjuste-module
