
MD4-7 blue screen

Ed Schippers 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 7 years ago 16

Hi, sometimes at start up a blue screen appears and the system does not boot.

any ideas?Image 234


J1939 Error - Caterpillar ECM

Luke Ricker 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 12
IQAN 3.18. MD4.
Communication with Caterpillar ECM over J1939.

When the machine control system is first powered up, and the engine is not running, the System Log logs several J1939 events related to a couple of PGNs.
Has anyone else seen this before?
I don't believe it is the PGN timeout, as there are several ECM PGNs with timeouts that don't log errors.
Anyone have any idea what "J1939 Error" Means?


As you can see, there are five J1939 errors that consistently show up on power cycle.
Image 185

One of them is Engine Oil Pressure. Here is the PGN:
Image 186

And the associated PIN:
Image 187

MD4 Graphics Options

Richard Staite 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 4
It would be nice to have the option of changing the Text size within Text Buttons and also change the height and colourings of the button area.
Another nice option would be to be able to fill in areas bounded by lines with blocks of colour which could be selectable by another channel. I know that this is possible by creating colour images and then imputing them but this would be a much easier method.
Another thing which we seem to get requests for regularly is the ability to graph items on screen. I have asked whether this might be possible before but up til now this functionality has always been too video processor hungry - I wonder if the new spec of the MD4 might now be able to cope with it?

Visual compare tool

AxelC 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by A DOMS 11 months ago 9
The ability to compare project file with a visual tool would be nice.
Because for big project the text files compare is difficult to use.

web interfacing options for G2

Zach 9 years ago updated by Tuomas 7 years ago 4
I need some server side automatic report generation abilities, and some web tools.

Might be dreaming, but if I could get either Myspace.com former webdesign abilities or Obsidianportal.com wiki design abilities that would be awesome. Would like to put up banners and backgrounds for my company along with links to my company website.

Javascript would be cool, though I think basic html would be enough.

For the automatic reports, I want to be able to have the server login to the machines each day and try to extract some fuel usage and performance. Logging in with IQANrun is nice, but I want the machine and server to contact me.

I can setup text messages from the machine. So that is cool. However, some of my programs are maxed out in memory, and it would be nice to put the burden on the server instead of the controllers since I perceive that the server would be better at the job. Should be cheaper than adding a module for memory or something like that, though I could be wrong.
(some of my machines just have many options all in one program)

Ability to setup automatic reports on machine stats collected and distributed by the server
Ability to set backgrounds, banners, and general appearance for customers looking at their web portal
Ability to create wiki pages for the customer management of their machines


Configurable sample rate in IQANRun mesurements and graphs

Marc Daigneault 9 years ago updated by Jon Baier 6 years ago 4
I would like to see a configurable sample rate when creating graphs using IQANRun. Currently, the parameters are logged at the same speed as the system cycle time (i.e. 10ms in our case), which means 100 samples per second for each parameter

Some signals we are trying to log over a few minutes makes for huge files that are difficult to manipulate in Excel.

I would like to see the possibility to log parameters at 500ms, 1s, 10s, 30s intervals.

Thanks !

IQANrun Free for tablets 3.16 now available

Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago updated by Chris Prestley 7 years ago 13

What's new?

  • Now with support for Android tablets
  • Portrait mode support
  • Logs: Refresh button added
  • Adjust: Reset to factory default added
  • About tab changed to drawer menu
  • The usual performance and stability improvements
Image 87

Image 18

Get it on Google Play

partly locking of application in IQAN design

Martin 9 years ago 0


we have a costumer, which would like to make an CAN-Interface for different trucks by himself.

We would like to allow this only, if we can lock in our application all things, except CAN-Interface Module for Truck.

I have tried to make some locks in the application, but this is not possible as I needed. For example I cannot lock the Menu.

Is there a possibility to lock everything, except one software module?
If not, can you program something for us?


IQANscript 4.00 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANscript updated 9 years ago 0

Highlighted features

Improved layout of script pages

The new grid component allows you to place controls in columns also, not only rows as before.

Image 260

New script control - Gauge

Added an analog gauge, to make values on script pages more visual.

Image 261

Script debugging

Support for breakpoints, pause and step when running a script from IQANscript. Also shows value and status of script actions in IQANscript as they execute in IQANrun. To add a breakpoint, click to the left of the script action.

Image 262

Call external software

Added Execute Program script action. It is possible to pass arguments to the other program, and decide whether the script will wait for the program to exit before continuing.

Image 263

For more details, see release notes.


MC3 APP In Problem

Kevin 9 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3

I have a problem with a system that uses APP in and out between three modules, one MD4, two MC3. I have found that one MC3 does not appear to be receiving APPIN's. When I monitor the modules in IQAN Run, all modules appear to be talking successfully. When I look at IQAN Design the APPIN's on the module that's faulting says Error, Timeout and its red not green. On the module that's sending the APPOUT, the function block APPOUT is green and OK. Its almost as if the modules are not starting at the same time and the timeout for the first APP in to be received is being reached?

Is there any way of finding out more information about this error?

The machine was working OK for some time and it just happened randomly and now im unable to recover the machine. We also have other machines running this software and same software version and it appears OK.

I have extended the 50ms cycle time to 100ms,on all three modules with no success. Is there any reason why this could have happened? Running Design 3.19.9.