
application input output vs j1939 input output for master modules

Zach 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 5
I wondered about application inputs and outputs vs j1939 inputs and outputs for master module communication.
If I understood it correctly, an MC2 master received a digital value from an MD4 master module via an application in/out pair.
Then in another location in the program, the MD3 and MD4 exchanged information through J1939 pgns.

How do I know when to use Application in/out or J1939 in/out?

Md4 and frequency

Masia Jean-Baptiste 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 6


It is possible to measure a frequency with a md4 ?



360° Rotation of Gauges

John Wambold 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 7

I have an application where I am using a gauge to display the position of a rotating object. I make the 12 o'clock position the 0° point. I noticed that as my input is rotating from clockwise, that the needle on the gauge rotates counter clockwise from 359° back to 0°.

It would be nice to have the gauge continue to rotate in a clockwise direction as my input crosses the 0° threshold.


Qcode function "inside"

alexandre platel 33 minutes ago in IQANdesign 0


i make some programs on Parker Iqan 6 sometimes, especially, for mobile and crawler cranes.

I'm finalizing a program for automatic telescoping system,

but i'm struggling with the function "inside" used with Qcode.

Any assistance please ? I don't know what to write after "inside", to be honest

Image 4513


What does a PCOUNT input that is set to accumulate pulses do when it exceed its 7 significant digits? 999999.9

Russell Gunn 3 days ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 days ago 1

I am using a PCOUNT input that is set to accumulate pulses to calculate a very low frequency. I am using the count change over 10 seconds, so I am not interested in the actual count, just the change. It is not difficult to deal with a roll over that a hardware counter would experience without losing an accurate delta, but I do not see any indication that the PCOUNT rolls over or how it behaves when it exceeds 7 significant digits. I.E. 999999.9 (a decimal is needed since the counter increments by 0.5 on the rising edge and another 0.5 on the falling edge of a pulse) This seems like a big number but a 20K Hz input would exceed this every 45 second. (This could cause problems if using two counters to capture the differential of drive track position counters at high speed)

I have my application mostly working by resetting the counter, but because the PCOUNT channel does not support an internal reset capability like an event counter channel. The reset must be initiated by external logic, which does not play nice with the pulse inputs and appears to miss pulses during the reset.

This is probably complicated by the fact that the counter increments by 0.5

I may be able to make this work using the input in the non-accumulate mode and summing it in a math channel where i have more control when I reset the value.


Iqandesign 7.02 - j1939 PGN 60416 not reading off the bus

Michael Carlyle 3 days ago in IQANdesign 0

I updated a current program from 6.08 to 7.02 that that contains our own DM1 reader which requires reading in PGN's 65226, 60416, and 60160 for multiple SPN's from the engine.

PGN 60416 is not updating off the bus in 7.02 (it reads fine in 6.08).  I realize that there is a warning for "invalid Identifier "but that has been there in 6.08 as well and it still worked).  The values can be sniffed off the bus for the byte starting at bit 41 which can be seen changing form 202 to 227 and back but the Iqan is only reading 227 and therefor not getting the correct PGN for the BAM message (it switches between 65226 and 65251).  In Iqananalyze you can see the value is 202 but the Iqan 7.02 version of the program will not update the value for byte 6 on PGN 60416 ...it stays at 227.

Is this a glitch or is it something that has been blocked in Iqandesign 7.02 for some reason?


Does MC43 support CANopen? if not with what method i can implement CANopen?

Veeresh 3 days ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 days ago 1

Does MC43 support CANopen? if not with what method i can implement CANopen?


"Maximum 9 simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Veeresh 5 days ago in IQAN toolbox for Simulink updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 days ago 1

In IQANDesign, under application logic -> simulink model, i'm unable to load multiple top level models(.ism's). Is this a limitation? If yes, then what do you mean by "Maximum 9 Simulink models allowed in IQAN"?

Does this mean top level model can only have 9 simulink models? i understand "9 is the highest priority" one can assign to simulink models but What happens if there are more than 9 simulink models under top model with multiple models assigned to same priority? 


IQANDesign MC43FS issue with .ism

Sayan Biswas 5 days ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 days ago 1

I'm able to use .ism in IQANDesign under MC43 Module But unable to load i.e. ism under MC43FS module. Does MC43FS module has this limitation?


PSVG GPS coordinates

Brendon 5 days ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 days ago 1


Anyone know if it is possible to get the GPS data, specifically coordinates, from the PSVG into the IQAN program?