
New stile for adjust menu

Dingoma 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2


Sometimes, when our customers try to tune the crane, they get confused with plus/minus "menu"

Usually, at least for a crane, plus and minus adjusts aren't similars in values (start, stop, min and max) for one movement, I think it would be an improvement to allow customer to modify values in different screens for plus and minus movement. It would be a good improvement to include a photo of the movement that they are adjusting.

Image 236



mgoutier 9 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 5

I new here, and new to the software platform, so hello to everyone. Although I am new to the IQAN platform I am very familiar with PLC programming and basic logic.

I am tasked with converting a bunch of MDL programs to MD4's (as we aren't going to be able to get any MDL's soon) and as I dive into this it seems like there should be a much easier way to do it.

Can someone do a quick write up of the most efficient way to complete this task?



How to handle popup messages when video is running?

Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated 9 years ago 4

Integer vs. real values

Arno Heeren 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2
the answer might be interesting also for other users:
When should I use integer and when real values?
CAN-communication is one example where I see benefits using integer values.

IQANrun 4.00 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANrun updated 9 years ago 3

Highlighted features

New connection type: IQANconnect

A new way to connect remotely via Internet where you pay per connection. The IQANconnect service is available for beta testing, more information will follow.

Image 253

Component navigator

The component navigator from IQANdesign is now available also in IQANrun. Use Ctrl-J for quick access.

Image 252


IQANrun 4.00 is fully compatible with version 3. It can be used for all operations such as adjust or accessing logs in version 3 system. IQAN Active Studio version 4 includes the IQANrun 2 setup file for use with older systems, and IQANrun 4 will give the option to automatically launch version 2 if connected to a system running that version.


backlight in multi display setup

Ed Schippers 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1
Multi display setup, MD4-7” (master) and MD4-5” (non touch) I want the backlight of the 5” display to match the 7” It would be nice if this could be done by using the backlight setting of the master by means of a system information output or an option in the backlight control setting of the other display to bind it to the setting of the master. Instead of an extra adjustable parameter.



Ability to change mathematical channel type (MAC, DMAC, IMAC)?

Gary Posey 9 years ago updated by Roy den Drijver 3 years ago 3
It would be great to be able to change the math channel type after it is already created and used within the program. This would be especially useful since when converting an .ida2 to a .ida3, all math channels become real numbers, and in a lot of cases integer channels must be used.

Possibility of using USB stick for downloading data?

Kevin 10 years ago updated by Tyson Lambert 9 years ago 6
Would there be a possibility of downloading log files by simply connecting a USB stick to a master module USB socket? Perhaps would need some IQAN software to 'unlock' access to logs so they can then be extracted and viewed and .csv files?

Also it could be useful if we could also have the ability of downloading programs this way, although security could be an issue.

NMEA 2000

Kerim 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Alex Deyhle 1 year ago 8

Hello forum users,
I would think to use weather station for a mobil project by IQAN. Weather station use NMEA 2000 communication protocols.So I did internet research. The NMEA 2000 protocol is based on the j1939 higher layer protocol. Can I use iqan module for NMEA 2000 protocol ?


IQAN training schedule 2016 update

Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jan Gillesen 8 years ago 12

The 2016 schedule for IQAN training's are now available:

IQAN trainings Sweden

IQAN trainings US

IQAN training UK, new IQAN training in UK arranged at NFPC

During 2016, there will be both introduction level training, and training days focused on the IQAN Creative Studio version 4 updates.