IQANscript 4.00 released
Highlighted features
Improved layout of script pages
New script control - Gauge
Script debugging
Call external software
For more details, see release notes.
MC3 APP In Problem
I have a problem with a system that uses APP in and out between three modules, one MD4, two MC3. I have found that one MC3 does not appear to be receiving APPIN's. When I monitor the modules in IQAN Run, all modules appear to be talking successfully. When I look at IQAN Design the APPIN's on the module that's faulting says Error, Timeout and its red not green. On the module that's sending the APPOUT, the function block APPOUT is green and OK. Its almost as if the modules are not starting at the same time and the timeout for the first APP in to be received is being reached?
Is there any way of finding out more information about this error?
The machine was working OK for some time and it just happened randomly and now im unable to recover the machine. We also have other machines running this software and same software version and it appears OK.
I have extended the 50ms cycle time to 100ms,on all three modules with no success. Is there any reason why this could have happened? Running Design 3.19.9.
application input output vs j1939 input output for master modules
If I understood it correctly, an MC2 master received a digital value from an MD4 master module via an application in/out pair.
Then in another location in the program, the MD3 and MD4 exchanged information through J1939 pgns.
How do I know when to use Application in/out or J1939 in/out?
Md4 and frequency
It is possible to measure a frequency with a md4 ?
360° Rotation of Gauges
I have an application where I am using a gauge to display the position of a rotating object. I make the 12 o'clock position the 0° point. I noticed that as my input is rotating from clockwise, that the needle on the gauge rotates counter clockwise from 359° back to 0°.
It would be nice to have the gauge continue to rotate in a clockwise direction as my input crosses the 0° threshold.
COUT Open Load message disable
In our application a bidirectional COUT output is used. In some machine configurations the second valve is not connected but this results in the Open Load message being sent on the display. Is it possible to disable this error message on the display?
Generic CAN frame in
Hello quick question because i was not able to find it in the iqan design documentation but am i right in assuming the Generic frame in channel is a "tigger" like function? What i mean is does it update when for example my sensor send back the data does it register that it has received that frame and trigger for example the parameter reading?
MD4-5/MC42 examples
I am seeking sample projects for the IQAN Design program to enhance my skills, starting from a beginner level. I would greatly appreciate any resources or examples that can support my development.
Thank you for your assistance.
Interactive message
It would be nice if it was possible to hide the close X button on the interactive massege.
this way the buttons must be used. and a selection must be made
socket error when trying to connect to IQANsimulate
Hi, when starting simulate form design I get the following error;
the simulation will run, but startup is slow, and design will not show actions (green squares)
Running 7.03
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