How does an open load error effect the operation of a PWM HS+LS output.

Kerry Brock 1 month ago in IQANdesign updated by Chris Litwin 1 month ago 1

I am testing logic with a MC43 and using a PWM HS+LS output.

In the system we are using both sides of the output (+ and -) to drive two individual devices.

Both should never operate at the same time.

To simulate one of the device not operating, we unplug one of the solenoids.

With logic, this automatically causes the other side of the output to now function.

Basically, if the + side fails, it should switch to the - side and operate.

We are getting an open load error on the output with one of the solenoids unplugged and it does not allow us to operate the other solenoid on the PWM HS+LS output.

Is the output designed to shut off both sides if one side detects open load or should the other side work if one side detects open load?

As an example:

Image 4494

If the solenoid between C2:67 and C2:15 is unplugged, but the solenoid between C2:67 and C2:31 is plugged in and fully operational, should we be able to command it with an input signal of -100?


How to Perform CPU Overload Testing for the Parker MC43 Module?

Sayan Biswas 1 month ago updated by Lars Bolduc 1 month ago 1


I’m working with the Parker MC43 module and need to perform CPU overload testing to ensure it handles high loads effectively and remains stable under stress. Could anyone provide guidance or best practices on how to conduct CPU overload tests for the MC43 module? Specifically, I’m looking for:

  1. Testing Methodology: What are the recommended methods or tools for simulating high CPU loads on the MC43 module?
  2. Configuration Details: Are there specific settings or configurations within the MC43 module that I need to adjust to perform these tests?
  3. Monitoring: What tools or techniques should be used to monitor CPU load and performance during testing?
  4. Thresholds and Limits: Are there known thresholds or limits for CPU usage on the MC43 module that I should be aware of?
  5. Troubleshooting: What common issues should I watch for during stress testing, and how can I address them?

Any advice or resources related to performing these tests would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help.


Open load error with feature disabled

NEricson 1 month ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 2

I'm using Iqan Design I have DOUT-HS open load detection turned of on a MC43. I am still getting an error on the screen for open load. The circuit only has a Deutsch W2S-SDT-12V wedge lock for a load. Is there a problem with the software? What am I doing wrong? In this configuration on our machine this plug does not get used. Is there anything else i can do with the software to stop the error?


TOC2 Error Code

Kerry Brock 1 month ago 0

I have a TOC2 flashing an error code that is not shown in the instruction book that I can find.

The left LED is steady green and the right LED flashes red, on/off every half second.

I am trying to get the application file from the TOC2, but when I try the two scenarios happen:

1. If I have the property "Low speed" checked, I get a "No response from IQAN system" message.

2. If I de-check the "Low speed" property, I get a "Invalid application. Please send a valid application to the IQAN system and try again" message.

I am guessing the flash code and messages are related.

What would cause the flash code?   Thanks!

The goal here is to get the application file from the TOC2 to help out with programming.

It does have a standard TOC2 part number, but we don't know if the application file has been changed.


i cannot import idax into iqango

chuck streb 1 month ago in IQANgo updated 1 month ago 5

i can see the file but it is grayed out ! i have the file on onedrive and on the phone but i am not able to import it !


Socket Error

Jake Martin 1 month ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 1

When programming a cluster on one of our dumper machines, we get a Socket Error #10061 saying connection refused, it is able to complete the rest of the process completely fine programming the body controller etc. 


Is there any convenient way to migrate the MC43 code to MC43FS module?

Sayan Biswas 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 1

Is it possible to select a language in IQAN design for GUI development

toby 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 1

I am adding a language to our system and was wondering if theres a way to switch the language so that the display pages will show it. A lot of the translations I have are much longer than the english words and are all overflowing and it would be much easier to edit them to fit if you could change the language in IQAN design. I tried to see if I could switch the default language to the new one, but it doesn't let you.


Pulse count to frequency solution

Jim DeVolder 2 months ago updated by Russell Gunn 3 days ago 1

has anyone successfully used this tool?  The pulses increment by 0.5 each time and the new pulses Qcode is not working


Language Selector

Chris Litwin 2 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 month ago 1

Is there a way to change the language outside of the preferences menu? For example, I have digital parameter to change multiple things and want to also have that parameter choose the language.