Under review

Message box color

John Frost 3 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 1

I need to change the background color for the pop up message boxes. I am using white screens so the messages pop up black text with a gray back ground. It is difficult to see in the sun. I need a white back ground.


Encoder set up

John Frost 3 years ago 0

Why is there no information any where on setting up an encoder. You have to set the Max Pulse to 1 and the Scaled Max to 4 . There is no description anywhere on how to set these values.


Opening 4.07 file in 6.06

Michael Carlyle 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 2

When trying to update a older 4.07 program by opening it in 6.06 - I get an error Corrupt file.  I can open it in IqanDesign 6.04 and save it and then it will open in 6.06 so I can keep going but there seems to be a bug in 6.06.

Image 2794


IQAN Develop

Argy 3 years ago updated by Igor Cegiełka 2 years ago 3

I am trying to connect to a TOC-8 and I am getting a no response error from IQAN Develop.

The Green LED is on. There are no Orange/Red LED's on.

I am using a Prolific USB-to-Serial port communication cable.

All connections seem right.

My Com-port info is pasted below.

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Could it be the com speed?

Image 2784


generating "OK to start" functionality outside the DDC function

Andy 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

Hi People

I'm only relatively new to IQAN Design and am stuck and need help.

In a design I'm working initially without a display I was using a Digital Digital Compare function to test that a Joystick was centered and that the mode of operation for the joystick wasn't changed while the Joystick was anything but centered. The DDC function worked absolutely fine including detecting JS being uncentered at startup and preventing machine motion until it was released.

I added a display and the DDC caused an error message to appear on a display whenever in simulation I did something like start the system with the JS uncentered. I looked for a switch in the DDC functions properties where I could switch off the creation of the display error but couldn't find one. I don't want the error displaying because I believe that building the error handling means that the issue is no longer a system error which Ive handled with a separate on screen pop up message that says something like " center Joystick to re-enable motion" which is far more user friendly than the default error message the system puts up on a display.

So I built my own equivalent of DDC using "latching OR" functionality which does everything I want but unfortunately doesn't detect the 1 bad instance of a JS being uncentered at startup time, thereafter its does detect it being uncentered when an operating mode change is made that would be unsafe to do without the JS being centered before allowing motion to occur.

So my question is, is there a function or variable that is exposed to us and available in QCode or as a function object that is TRUE while in startup and False when not. In Ladder Logic for PLC there is usually a Data register or Coil that is true for the first loop of the code and false thereafter.

Alternatively if I was to set a digital parameter as default True and then programmatically set it as false after the first time a JS centered is detected and could then use that as an additional latched OR input into my safety function. However I don't seem to be able to programmatically change the value of a digital parameter in QCode and the manual defines the use of variables, even if named the same as an existing channel to be then treated within the QCode as a separate Local variable with the same ...confusing...name as the existing channel. Having read that the QCode editor advise "Hint at Position 5: Expression unused" that the defined variable is unused now makes sense.

I hope that's clear:-

In Summary:-

1) Can I turn off the error message on the display for when a specific compare function fails the comparison, especially if I'm not comparing physical inputs like voltage or current that would suggest a hardware failure, for which the resulting error message is entirely appropriate. Not looking to turn of all error mesasages, just those associated with specific compare instances

2) Is there a system parameter or function I can test that shows whether the system is in startup or moved to steady state?

3) Can I use Qcode to change the stored values of digital parameters DP or Function Parameter Channels FP

Happy for any advice you can provide




Windows 11

Michael Carlyle 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated 3 years ago 4

Has anyone upgraded to Windows 11?  Any problems with Iqan software/drivers etc.?


IQAN6 project to IQAN5

Ville Laine 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by anonymous 3 years ago 6

Ok now it happened.

I have a IQAN5 project that includes MD3 and accidentialy opened it with IQAN6.

Frustrated that I need to have multiple different versions installed.

Is there any way how I can convert IQAN6 back to IQAN5.

Or please add MD3 legacy support to IQAN6 like XA2.


example solution for a single 2 axis Joystick used to control dual tracks on a machine like a dozer

Andy 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ryan Bland 747 2 years ago 7

Hi People

I'm relatively new to IQAN but have been programming industrial PLC's for years. A few years back I used a dual axis 0.5 - 4.5v DC joystick and an IDEC PLC to create, among other solutions on the machine a drive motor tracking system for a large machine that is about the size of a D9 dozer that used a single joystick to control fwd-rev and turning. I may not be looking that well but I cant see any example of a single 2 axis joystick that is used to control a tracking system, rather all the examples provided with the software seem to have a separate input controller for each side (like an excavator) which is pretty simple to achieve, unlike the more complex (I think) math required to handle the 2 axis to 2 separate pump dual direction control.

Can anyone point me at an example I can use for this use case?

On this same machine I used a pair of modbus over RS485 ultrasonic height measuring transducers to control the machines working head height. Does anyone know of a set of ultrasonic height transducers that can run natively over canbus, or a modbus to canbus converter that I can use to deal with that function from the IDEC solution using IQAN?

The solution I have in place has heaps of individual inputs and outputs and hence the wiring on the machine is complex and of a single hub and spoke style rather that the more distributed multiple hub and spoke that a multi controller iqan solution would provide. Ideally I would like to look at moving from the IDEC PLC solution (Not that there is any issue with the IDEC controller, just the whole machine wiring complexity)

Thanks for any guidance you can provide


Andy Saywell


Live measure of look-up tables

NEricson 3 years ago in IQANdesign 0

Would be nice to be able to view live, for tuning reasons, what block of the lookup table is being calculated. Not sure if its possible but it would be handy in a program of mine. 


is there a way to move display pages from one md4 to another in the same program?

Jesse j Kilde 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated 3 years ago 1

Is there a way to move display pages from one md4 to another in the same program? i have merged 2 programs with the intent of having all the display pages on one module. It is not allowing me to move them.