
5.04.8 window will not scroll up when switching function groups

J C. Crow 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 4


I recently updated from 5.03 to 5.04. When switching between a larger function groups  to a smaller on it will not allow you to scroll up to the top of the function group.  It locks the window with it scrolled down below the top of the view.

I also noticed channel blocks moving on the work space after editing properties. 


Comparing hardware computation capability

Tyler Grandahl 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated 6 years ago 3

Is there any means of comparing the computational capability of different IQAN hardware?

Basically, how do I know how well or even if an application I want to develop will "fit" on say an MC3 or an MD4 or any other master controllers that all have different hardware limitations and even architectures under the hood?

Is there a means within IQANsimulate to know if a master controller would run out of RAM, or have trouble finishing within the specified cycle time?

Is there any way of providing a high level relative comparison between hardware modules? EG execution time for a standardized function, or a maximum number of channels of a given type? Can you tell me if a MD4 has x time the capability of an MC3 on any axis?

When looking at the processor speed and amount of RAM in the MD4, I'd expect that it'd be fairly hard to overwhelm it. But then again, I have no idea how efficient the internal data structures of IQAN are and how demanding other threads running for the UI might be.


Parker ACC50 accelerometer frequency?

Thanos 6 years ago in IQANdesign 0


I was looking for a vibration sensor to use with MC41.

I have got the Parker's ACC50 accelerometer as this is advertised as vibration sensor among others.

It has an output 0-5V and measures G  (+-1.5G 1-axis). 

Although, I would like to measure frequency and amplitude as well.

Is it possible to use that sensor and convert the data to frequency live or later?

If no, is there any vibration sensor that can output frequency / amplitude?

Thank you.


Generic can bus more than 255?

Thanos 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 2


I am new to iqan and I work on a project where I have connected an arduino uno with several sensors on an MC41 / MD3 via generic can bus.

I have managed to transfer correct values for most of the sensors up to number 255 (1byte). i.e temperature, humidity, sound do not need more than 255.

Although, I use an accelerometer /gyroscope where it can go up to +-2000 dps (degrees per second). As I mentioned before I can get correct values up to+-128 dps. 

As a solution I tried to send 2 bytes for the gyro and read 2 bytes in iqan as well. That just changed the scale. i.e -2 dps became -512 dps. Also, I played with less bits in iqan but still the same. I get correct numbers only when using 8bits. 

Is there any way to split the bytes in iqan and read the correct value more than 255?

Any other idea to solve this would be helpful.

Thank you. 


Out Of Memory MD3

Paulo Cupertino de Lima 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 2

Image 1525

These are the memory specifications of my system, when I try to send the project to my HMI, it goes into safe mode with the following message Out of memory, could anyone help me to solve this problem, 

thank you


no reply from IQAN connect server?

Kevin 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 2

We have tried accessing a machine remotely and have the following message, is this a problem a Parker end? We have tried 2 PC's and have the same message.

Image 1524


LIN compatibility ?

J Kelly 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 5


Does IQANdesign support devices which communicate using the LIN protocol?

The aim is to use this device for standard parameters such as voltage, current and charge.  

An example to illustrate this would be useful. 

Thank you


Test connection to system before project check

Kevin 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jonas Bengtsson 6 years ago 3

Sometimes (due to our own fault) we forget to check the system is either connected to the computer properly or ignition is switched on. Our projects typically take a good 5-10s to check, then when clicking send it errors saying system not connected, forcing us to re-select send project and go through the project check again. It does not sound like much time, but can sometimes be frustrating waiting for it top check again.

Is there a way of alerting you (after selecting send command) that the system is not connected so it doesn't close project check and force you to have to resend, then check the project again? Just an idea, other people may also find this useful.

IQAN Design 5.03.


Error, stopped critical

Giel Coopman 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Neeraj Chirmulay 6 years ago 7

In a new controller we tried to load a program, but did not succeed completely. Then the LED of the controller blinks 4 times red and 1 time yellow followed by 17 times yellow. And when we try again to connect, the master module can no longer be found. Is there something we can do?

Image 1514


PWM frequency for L90 valve

ramasubramaniansathishr 6 years ago updated by Aderas verdes 9 months ago 6

Hello sir,

I am working with a Parker L 90 valve. The recommended PWM frequency is 100 to 125 hz. I wanted to understand the reason behind.Does this has anything to do with the Resistance/inductance of the coil ? Like the rise time of current in coil ?

If I run the coil with high PWM frequency say 2000 hz , will the current ever reach to maximum (I = V/R) ?

Is the recommendation of 100 hz only for avoiding switching losses or it has to do with performance as well .





In other systems you can maybe set the PWM frequency and dither frequency separately.

You would add a small oscillation (the dither) on top of the PWM to avoid stiction and hysteresis.

In an IQAN system the PWM frequency is low enough that it creates an oscillation by itself, thus the PWM frequency is also the dither frequency.