
OUT pins a/b

Peter Tan 10 months ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 months ago 2

Apologize that I have to use the wired topic.  Otherwise the submit window will go to search result and not be able to submit my question.

Why there are OUT_xxa and OUT_xxb?  Are there any relationship between them?  Have to use them in pairs?

Image 4175


Open Load status not resetting in all situations

Russell Gunn 11 months ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 1

I am having a problem with the open load detection on a COUT on am MC43FS

  1. I am running IQANdesign
  2. The manual indicates that the output detects open load two different ways which may be true, but the controller responds in three different ways.
    1. When the output is off, if the load is disconnected, the controller will set the open load status to TRUE, when the load is reconnected, the controller will set the open load status to FALSE and allow normal operation.
    2. When the output is on and passing some normal current, if the load is disconnected the controller will set the open load status to TRUE and turn off the output, if the load is reconnected, the open load status remains FALSE, and the output remains off until the command is set to zero. Setting the command to zero causes the controller to reset the open load status to FALSE, after which the output will respond to a normal current command.
    3. When the output is on, AND some fault causes the resistance of the load to increase such that less than 50% of the commanded current can be pushed through the load, the controller will, set the open load status to TRUE and turn off the output. Unfortunately commanding the output to zero does not cause the controller to reset the open load status to FALSE. This acts like the open load status is latched to TRUE if it was tripped by “extreme saturation”
  3. It is my belief the third response is a bug in MC43FS because, a MC2 running IQANdesign works as expected I.E. commanding the current to zero would reset the open load status to FALSE Such that the controller could lower the current and try again.

More (HS)* (LS)* MC43FS

Dartagnan Léonard 1 year ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 3


I have a applciation with alots of safety control Dout. 

Like i could read a the page 97 and 99 of the instruction book manuel of the MC43FS. 

We can have 5 Dout.

In safety function we need to combine one HS and one LS pin to a output. 

In Dout i have acces to 5 direcly and would need 6. 

I would like to know if it is possible to use the pin C2:71 HS and combine with a other LS for example C2:16 ? 

Else my other solution would be to use Cout as a ON/OFF signal output unidirectional. 




Using a resistance output sensor on MC43

Deanne 1 year ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Anders Olsson 1 year ago 1

A customer has purchased a resistance output level sensor (240-33 ohms). I have tried to find more information regarding converting this to a VIN, but couldn't find too much. I am wondering what else needs to be done other than incorporating a voltage divider in their circuit.


MC42 supply

hongxiang yu 1 year ago in Master modules / MC4x updated 1 year ago 3


  I have a project MC42 for embedded Simulink models which is only possible in MC4x. But I got a information that Parker do not produce MC42 module anymore.  Is that true ?  If yes, Have any solution for simulink models in IQAN ?   


DOUT voltage when not enabled

Kai Rasporich 1 year ago in Master modules / MC4x updated 11 months ago 2


I am having some trouble with the Parker MC41. I have a display button on another MD4 that enables / disabled the output on Pin 45 (DOUT-HS). I am seeing a proper system voltage of 12.26V when the value is true, however when I set it to false Pin 45 goes to 11.68V. Is this normal behavior? Should I have some sort of diode in there to get the desired on/off I am expecting?

Thank you.


VIN combined with CIN

Kevin 1 year ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 1

The MC43FS manual states that:

Note that for the MC4xFS, a voltage input combined with a current loop input is not
sufficiently diverse if the two signals are following each, the higher gain error has to be

Does this mean a single sensor measuring voltage (single output from the sensor) into a VIN and also current from the ground of the single sensor into a CIN? Is this what is defined as combined? ie. singe sensor, 2 inputs.

We are planning on using a single voltage output sensor providing a single VIN, and a separate sensor with 4-20mA signal output into a dedicated single CIN. Notes in the manual suggests we cannot do this because they are not crossed, even though they are independent sensors, different technologies and have separate wiring. What's the restriction and why, is it because it uses the same AD converters in the module? The pins are not shared (cannot be configured as voltage inputs or current inputs) so unsure of the reasons behind this.

Just looking for clarification really as the statement seems to suggest we may be able to if....'the higher gain error has to be
considered'? Both the sensors we are planning on using are not crossed (signal outputs increase as pressure rises, one voltage the other current).



DOUT LS issue with LED

Brendon 2 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Chris Litwin 2 years ago 3


I have 4 LEDs each connected to a DOUT LS channel on an MC43.

The issue I have is they each turn on faintly even when the output is off.

Once the DOUT is on the light appears brighter.

The LEDS themselves are 12V LEDs like this one (though each is a different color):


I don't currently have a Current Limiting Resistor inline, would not having that cause this sort of behavior?

Or is there something else I am missing about operating LEDs off the DOUT channels?


Digital out low side outputs

Nicolas Francoeur 2 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

Is this MC43 output configuration is correct?

Can we power a load at higher voltage than the MC43 power for output 30 to output 46?

Image 3629


Fault Capacity of -VREF

Alex Macintosh 2 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 5

In the IQAN MC4x/XC4x instruction book on page 67, it is recommended that sensors requiring a supply of more than 5V have their returns connected to -VREF instead of chassis ground. I understand the reason for doing this is to minimise sensor error, however, if the sensor supply is shorted to -VREF there will be a large fault current through the -VREF pin. What is the fault current handling capability of a -VREF pin? Furthermore, if this pin is not capable of handling high fault current for the time it takes for a typical thermal circuit breaker to trip, would powering the sensor from a digital output with current limiting be a preferred option?