Under review

analogue (0-10 V or 4-20mA) output from iqan

andyr 10 years ago in Other updated by Jos Lentfert 2 years ago 11
would the software designers consider adding standard industrial analogue outputs (0-10VDC and/or 4-20mA etc) as outputs options aswell as the existing current outputs to enable interfacing to external third party hardware- only option at present is to do this via third party CAN to analogue converter modules via CANopen

Interest for IQAN LSL Lever with Friction detend

Jos Lentfert 10 years ago in Levers updated by Nick Pridham 4 years ago 6
Are there more users that have interest in, or require, LSL Levers with friction detend
This for applications like throttle control, Drive control (speed) including forward/backwards, Speed control eg.

​Add photo sensor on MD4 for brightness auto adjust

Pawel Pekala 7 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 0

Add photo sensor on MD4 for brightness auto adjust


Power saving/Idle mode for modules

Fredrik Forsberg 7 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1


It would be nice to be able to set some kind of power saving/idle mode for a module.

Meaning it could be in power saving mode with a very low cycle time and inactivated I/O's, waiting for a trigger event.

In our application this could be used as for e.g. a diesel heater timer. Then we could integrate the diesel heater to the iqan display.



obsolete hardware database

andyr 3 years ago 0

i see once again on the forum desperate users are chasing around for obsolete parts to maintain existing older systems. We are a Parker distributor and Iqan specialist ourselves and as such have quite a lot of obsolete and/or older hardware on the shelf we no longer specify for our new applications- I imagine there are many others in a similar position with kit lying unused that other users need urgently. How about a forum based database or similar where holders of kit they don't need can upload details, to indicate their unwanted stockholding and potential buyers could offer against? 


When Can I expect an XC4 family of modules?

Forrest 7 years ago in Expansion modules updated by Johan Lidén (Product manager) 6 years ago 11

The MC41/42/43 looks like a great series of products, but I am reluctant to go with a 3 or 4 master system. When can we expect a series of expansion modules along the lines of the MC41/42/43? or am I stuck with the XA2 indefinately for current outputs?


4-20mA , 0-5,0-10 VDC industrial command signals

Steve Liljestrand 7 years ago updated by Theo 6 years ago 4

The MC4x now has Current loop inputs (4-20 mA) but no 4-20 mA Output. 

Does Parker IQAN ever plan to offer a module (ICP Compatible) with Industrial output command signals Such as 4-20mA , 0-5VDC and 0-10 VDC?

I work with some Hybrid applications that integrate Industrial PLC's with IQAN Mobile controllers.

We are often struggling with signal integration between the two platforms. I know there are CAN to Analog solutions but they cost money and take time to integrate.


IQAN-MC4x family ready for production

Johan Lidén (Product manager) 8 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by TKM 4 years ago 2

Image 559

Our latest generation of controllers are finally ready for production. The IQAN-MC4x family is the fastest and most capable controller range we have ever done. It comes in three sizes to support any application size, from the entry level task oriented control up to the high I/O configuration for complete machine control.

First out from the production line and available now for deliveries is the performance optimized version of IQAN-MC43. The IQAN-MC41 and IQAN-MC42 will start shipping next month (December 2016).

Work is ongoing with the Functional Safety versions and units capable for implementation of SIL2/PLd safety functions is planned for production Q3 2017.

Find more detailed info at: http://solutions.parker.com/LP=7632


EMIC7 - Mini joystick with pushbuttons (LC6 base)

Niklas 7 years ago in Levers / LC6 0


We have developed a new joystick for heavy duty mobile equipment. The joystick with its customized grip comes mounted on a Parker LC6 base.



  • 3-axis analogue (X,Y,Z) all with dual sensors to provide a diverse signal redundancy.
  • 7 pushbuttons with good tactile feeling.
  • Compact and ergonomic design
  • Light weight, only 200g.
  • Left and Right version


We have an “IQAN version” with pin assignment made for IQAN XC21 module so no extra wire harness adaptation is necessary. You’ll find that version on page 5 in the data sheet.


We are supplying this product to both small customers and larger high quantity OEMs. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want a quote for your project!

E-mail: info@hydraulkompaniet.se or phone +46 (0)90-121550


The joystick is developed, assembled and tested in Sweden. We ship worldwide!


Link to data sheet:



Link to our web shop where you can order them directly:
