
MD4 real time clock and internal temperature sensor issue

David Dufour 8 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by mehdi tech87 3 years ago 8


I have several issue comes from a customer who run MD4/MC31 multimaster system.

They have MD4 who are not anymore able to keep the RTC.

To be sure, I took a kit apart and tested it myself. Finally, I move the MD4 alone and tried it with a very small program. Only value to show date/time/temp.

When it boot, the RTC is resetted and the temperature is OK (around 40 Celsius).

But when I update the date/time from iQanRun, the date and time appear to be OK, but the internal temp goes to -1C and give critical error.

I did a short video to show what I did and to show what's append.



There is some picture to complete:

Image 800

Image 801

Image 802

Image 803

Image 804


Blank MD4 SCreen at start-up

Jean-Marc Zanni 8 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 3

I am using an MD4-7 screen on a test bench. 3 out of 4 starts I get either a White Screen or a black screens with some colored dots. Once I saw what seemed to be blocks of black and white.

Looks like the video driver is not starting properly. The application appear to be running since the canbus messages are being generated.

Can this be caused by the regulated switching power supply during start-up or do I have a defective MD4 screen?

Thanks for your inputs.


MD4 Screen burn-in time without screensaver

David Parkinson 9 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 5

How long does a static image need to remain displayed on an MD4-7 screen before image burn-in is noticeable?

Assume worst case. (Worst case being probably full brightness with high contrast graphics??)

What is the recommended time-out for when a screensaver should start? Would just dimming it for the screensaver avoid burn-in? How much should it be dimmed?

The MD4 instruction book (rev 2015-12-02) says:


The IQAN-MD4 TFT display, like other computer screens can have a ghost picture

occur if a static image is left on the display for extended periods of time. For the best

viewing over the life of the product we recommend using the screensaver functionality.


To avoid burn-in, use the screensaver on the display


Standby mode for MD4

Adem Dilbaz 9 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 1

Hi everyone,

We want to adding a new feature on MD4 controller. When the system locked function is true, standby mode should be active because of energy-saving.

Best regards.

Image 337

Not reproducible

Freeze of the touch screen on MD4

AxelC 10 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 9

We are using an MD3 and MD4 as screen on our system.
They print the same info from one CAN BUS

They are on the same system than a generator quite noisy, and when the generator start we loose the touch on the MD4, only the touch.

  • The screen still work good
  • the Md3 act normal

Did any body experiment the same kind of issue?

I don't have a scope on site I am investigating right now on the issue. I will try to
Power supply the MD4 from an other power source
Isolate the power suply if it doesn't work
I will try to add a capasitor if I have time.


M4 Safe Mode

Richard Staite 9 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Johan Lidén (Product manager) 9 years ago 4
Does anyone know if its possible to do a safe mode boot up of an MD4 Scrren.

I have a customer who attempted to move the location of an MD4 and in rewiring has got the wiring wrong! The screen will not now complete its boot up cycle and the diagnostics bus is not available to try to interrogate the machine.

There seems to be a tiny recessed red button alongside one of the screws on the rear of the screen - is this a safe mode button?

Wrong IdTag! Error on MD4

Ethan Zeman 9 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 5
Our system runs with a MD4, 3 MC3s, and an XC21.

On two separate machines now (with identical systems) we have received customer reports of an issue of the IQAN system stopping functioning during machine operation.

On the MD4, the screen will say STOP System Message: IQAN-Master Wrong IdTag! system

I have been told that power cycling will not fix the issue. The only way to resolve is to unplug the Deutsch connector from the back of the MD4 and then plug it back in.

This is an intermittent issue. The machines can run 100+ hours before the issue repeats.

The customer was advised to check resistance on the ID Tag (resistance was correct) and to check the pins and wiring condition at the MD4 for any anomalies or corrosion (nothing identified).

Do you have any guidance on this issue?


Battery for MD4

Julio Caraballo 9 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 years ago 3

I think that inlcuding an internal battery would be interesting in order to maintain RTC values.


fantastic display

Frederick Prigge 10 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Johan Lidén (Product manager) 10 years ago 2
I really like the MD4, my customers are all impressed, keep up the good work!

MD4 problems when backlight is 70% or above.

Niklas 10 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 years ago 7

If you adjust backlight in the MD4 higher then 70% the screen brightness gets unstable starts vary in brightness up and down.