
ISO 26262

GRANJOT 4 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 1

Dear Gustav.

Could you please tell me if the MD4 is ISO 26262? 




Touchscreen issues

Ethan Zeman 4 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 4 years ago 6
I have seen increased reports of customers who have had to replace MD4s due to failed touchscreens.  The MD4 will still work fine but the touchscreen will quit responding.  I've had a few returned for review and it almost seems like the screen is delaminating (see attached photo)?

Most have occurred after several years of operation so not particularly early hour failures, but I would still expect a longer life from a touchscreen (my phone for example gets much more use and abuse).

Just wanted to put this out to see if others are seeing the same issue or if Parker is aware and has made any improvements to the screen over the years?


MD4-10 - Axis Video Encoder M7011 -MJPEG link for 4.07

Damir Pinezić 5 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 7

Hi all,

I have read all forum topics which include connecting IP camera to the Parker MD4, and try almost every combination of URL and still didn't found the right one.

Does anyone knows what URL should I use and maybe why I could not get stream from this Axis Video Encoder(M7011), it states in datasheet it suppports MJPEG and with VLC I can connect and stream rtsp but when I check in VLC stream info it sjhows that it uses MPEG4.

1. I have set right ip addressa and subnet mask 192.168.128.xxx/

2. I have enable anonymous access on Video encoder

3. use every possible link I could found (axis-media/media.amp, axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi, mjpg/video.mjpg)

Is it possible that this video encoder does not support MJPEG even if it states this in documentation?

Does anyone have experience with this video encoder model?



MD4 using a three wire speed sensor rather then encoder for unidirectional pulse count

Codie 5 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3

Hello Is there a way to use a GS60 speed sensor with the MD4? I have not tried it yet but would really prefer to use a three wire sensor then an encoder. 


MD4 functionality after screen crack

Cole Koster 6 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 5 years ago 2

Say the MD4 screen is broken or cracked, would the I/O and CAN messages still work on the module, assuming no damage to the board in the enclosure?



Chris Litwin 6 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 4

The MD4 documentation states to use 1.5K ohm resistor on the +RTC circuit. Is the 1.5K ohm the only type that is usable, or is there a range that will work?


Faulty/broken MD4

L P C 6 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Aleksey M. 4 years ago 6

We have had multiple MD4 units (7 and 10 inches) no longer powering up.

Do you have any idea what could cause that?  We're using fuses to protect the units, but sometimes they still seem to fail on normal operation.


MD4 Graphical Error?

Kevin 6 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Matthew Herzig 6 years ago 4

We have a customer that is experiencing graphical errors with an MD4. S/N 1535280044. Customer is complaining that the display sometimes is black, sometimes white and sometimes multicoloured lines:

Image 1324

Does anyone know why this could be happening? It appears to be happening sometimes at startup, but also when machine is running (randomly dropping out). Im not sure if its the hardware issue that was changed a couple of years ago on the MD4?


MD4 Low Side Outputs

Jimmy 7 years ago in Master modules / MD4 0

I have multiple MD4-7 low side output permanently latching off when it is driving a relay after a month or 2. Over the course of 2 years this seems to only be happening on the last few units I received, but not on any of the older ones. The current maximum on the output is 300ma and the relay I'm driving has a maximum inrush of 350ma for less than 1us, and it has a built in surge protection suppressor diode... I would normally say ugh I should have been more careful but I have quite a bit of units with all the same relays driving off of the same outputs without problems. has there been any component changes in the past couple months to these units? Anyone else have any thoughts on what might be happening? 


Safe mode! Application not loaded

Theleo De Bruyn 7 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 3 years ago 6

Hi there!

I've got a small problem and i had this before but it went away every time but i dont know how to fix my problem

if i start up my MD4-5 it shows our own startup screen (this is good) and then, after the startup, it shows an error message:

Image 1172

and it stays in this screen.

I've connected the Bat+ to 24V bat- to the ground and the RTC to the 24V with a 1.5K resistor.

is there any reason why this could happen?

Theleo De Bruyn


Hello, Please check if you have connected the Adress tag?

If you start-up IQAN MD4 display's without Adress tag , it will start up in safe mode