Not reproducible

MD4-10 Blue Screen while Ethernet Disconnect

Dragos Popa 1 year ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago 5 1 duplicate


We are using a MD4-10 (IQAN-6) as main controller for our vehicle. Recently, a bluescreen appeared while we were disconnected from the vehicle via the controller's ethernet port connexion; we were measuring. When it disconnected, I also felt a small static shot from my laptop (I don't know if this is related to the error but it is something I have noticed when it happened). The error code is os_error(0x1000002) with run fault pid 90131. I have looked on IQANForum and I have seen this error before but not from the same source.

We are fixing the wire ethernet connector on the vehicle but is this something that has a precedent ?

Have you seen this type of error before?

Image 3908

Thanks for the support.



MD4-7 can't send project

lbartik 1 year ago in Master modules / MD4 0

I am using a MD4-7 on my test bench for one month approximately.  It seems to be corrupted.  I can no longer send projects via ethernet or PCAN from IQANdesign 5 or 6.  I have also tried a coworkers laptop and failed.  When I send a project, the display momentarily blue-screens then restarts the existing application.  IQANdesign eventually reports "No Reply."

Image 3902

The only way I have been able to send a new application is in safe-mode by removing the ID tag resistor.

Are there any other recovery steps I can attempt before sending this display back to Parker?


MDL2 error code on start up

SJ L 1 year ago in Master modules updated 1 year ago 1


I have an old machine using the MDL2 master module and on start up it is showing blue screen error:

Proc: OSP sys MainProcess

Code: 3.17.2-BUS2-800631BA 

Is there any way to salvage this (delete logs?), or has this unit served its time and is on its way out?

Thank you.


Project Documentation Error

I CAN GO 1 year ago in Master modules / MC3 updated 1 year ago 2

Good Morning,

I have completed my first project in IQAN Design and while looking at the project documentation, I noticed what would seem to me like an error. Please see the attached screenshots on how the one pin list  shows pin C1:4 under the Master Module as being ADDR-L and under the Gateway module it shows C1:4 as being CAN-H. What am I missing?

Image 3861

Image 3860


MD4-7-T1E2 vref error A

jerry rowe 1 year ago in Master modules / MD4 0

We powered up 5 new systems, all identical programming and 2 of the displays show this error. 

We aren'y connected to the VREF A. We're trying to get some factory support but haven't been able to get any response on this. 


DOUT LS issue with LED

Brendon 2 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Chris Litwin 2 years ago 3


I have 4 LEDs each connected to a DOUT LS channel on an MC43.

The issue I have is they each turn on faintly even when the output is off.

Once the DOUT is on the light appears brighter.

The LEDS themselves are 12V LEDs like this one (though each is a different color):


I don't currently have a Current Limiting Resistor inline, would not having that cause this sort of behavior?

Or is there something else I am missing about operating LEDs off the DOUT channels?


CCC for Chinese Market

Andy Pauly 2 years ago in Master modules updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1


I am exporting

- Parker IQAN-MC43FS (20085123)

- Steuermodul Parker IQAN-XC43 (20085183)

- Bluetooth Adapter Parker IQAN G11 (20085100)

- Kamera Kit Parker IQAN-SV-120 (20085106)

to the chinese market for our new prototype facility. CCC is required for the import, otherwise we are faceing an almost impossible custom clearance to China.
Do you have CCC approval for the above products. What should we do when you do not have CCC???


Andreas Pauly


MD4-10 display turning white and can't communicate

Dragos Popa 2 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 2 years ago 3


Our company's electric vehicle is using a MD4-10 display/controller with the IQAN software. Yesterday, the MD4-10 suddenly started to show lines of color on it and turned white. After a reboot, the screen seems to open but only showing a white screen and we are not able to communicate with it through an IQAN ethernet connexion.

We are trying to figure out what exactly happen so we do not repeat this mistake on the spare display that we have. 
I believe something similar happen in 2015 on another post and it had to do with the supply being too low. But it was mentioned that that issue was fixed. Furthermore, we supply 12V to the Display with a 2 A fuse as well as the RTC protection circuit that is suggested in the manual. 

- Our negative connexion is connected to the negative of the 12V battery through the vehicle's chassis. However, we also supply everything including another MD4-10 the same way. Could this cause this type of issue ? Does it need to be directly connected to the negative of the 12V battery?

- Can a short circuit between the power supply and the RTC input cause a fault of the screen, or just prevent the screen from being turned off?

Image 3641

Thank you for your support.
