
MD4 real time clock and internal temperature sensor issue

David Dufour 8 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by mehdi tech87 3 years ago 8


I have several issue comes from a customer who run MD4/MC31 multimaster system.

They have MD4 who are not anymore able to keep the RTC.

To be sure, I took a kit apart and tested it myself. Finally, I move the MD4 alone and tried it with a very small program. Only value to show date/time/temp.

When it boot, the RTC is resetted and the temperature is OK (around 40 Celsius).

But when I update the date/time from iQanRun, the date and time appear to be OK, but the internal temp goes to -1C and give critical error.

I did a short video to show what I did and to show what's append.



There is some picture to complete:

Image 800

Image 801

Image 802

Image 803

Image 804


Overload Errors when PWMOuts are Off

Ethan Zeman 8 years ago in Master modules / MC3 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 4

We have just updated from IQAN 3.19 to IQAN 4.06.

We are now seeing over load errors on several solenoids being controlled with PWM out signals.

The overloads only occur when the outputs are off. When they are on (90% Duty cycle) the errors go away.

I believe I remember reading something about circuit failure detection being active even when outputs are off as part of an IQAN 4 update.

Any recommendations on how this could be resolved?


Reason for not using diode protection on COUT's?

Kevin 8 years ago in Master modules updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1

What is the reason for not being able to use diode protection on COUT's? The manual for the MC3 for example states 'Do not install diodes across the coils', just wondering why this is noted, is there a specific reason?

Also there are a selection of other methods of suppression, resistors etc. Can resistors be used? In terms of diode suppression, is the TVS diode not to be installed in the same way as say a standard diode is not to be used?



Zach Dockter 8 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1

Does the MC43 have a Real Time Clock? Does it need one?


F3+F4+Up buttons problem in MD3.

Nuri ALAŞAHİN MPG 8 years ago in Master modules / MD3 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1

I am using IQAN design V3.19.7.4013. When I pressed F3+F4+Up buttons in MD3 same time, openning the main menu page. But I don't want this. This is a problem for me. What can I do for this.

You can see this problem the following video.

Youtube video


Ethernet Communication Port

Chris Prestley 8 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by ham m 4 years ago 4

With the new MC42 and MC43 master modules, I see you have the ability to communicate via Ethernet communication port. Where can I find this part? Image 617


MC41 as slave

Krzysztof Bręk 8 years ago in Master modules / MD3 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1


It will be possible use MC41 IQAN module as a slave?

How use MC41 and Panel MD3 together in same project?


MC3 Current Consumption (and any other module)

Kevin 8 years ago in Master modules updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1

Does the current consumption of the module (170mA @ 24V) increase if we start connecting sensors on the VREF pins or does this value include the max draw on both the VREF (140mA x 2)?

Does this apply to all master / expansion modules?


Measurement of current consumption on MC3 Vref

Kevin 8 years ago in Master modules / MC3 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 1

Is there a way of detecting how much current draw there is on the VREF supply on an MC3?

I have experimented with a SIL2 pressure transducer connected to an MD4 (don't have an MC3 to hand) and noticed that disconnecting the -VREF and leaving +5V supply and VIN signal wires connected to the controller will generate 2500mV signal into the MD4 VIN. This is not desirable as it simulates a pressure in the system which is not true. I can only imagine its how the internal electronic circuit is manufactured inside the transducer causing the false signal, but its not unique to one manufacture of pressure transducer. The current consumption of the sensor drops from 6mA to zero when the -VE is removed, wondered if this would be a good way to detect disconnected -VREF connection?

Aside from the method above or monitoring for a sudden change in VIN signal within the software, can anyone suggest any other solution to this issue?


MC3 Output Error on Start Up

Ethan Zeman 8 years ago in Master modules / MC3 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 8 years ago 4

One of our field units is getting the an "Error" on start-up. It occurs on every startup.

After the error is cleared, everything is working fine. The solenoid(s) showing the error function with no issue.

In the past we have seen open load and overload output errors but not just a generic error message. We replaced the MC3 module and the problem was resolved.

Just curious on what this means? Thanks

Image 513