PWM for controlling fan and coolant pump speed / schematic PWM signals

Chris D 3 years ago in Master modules / MC4x 0

Hello everybody,

I'm working on a project, where i want to control the speed of a brushless SPAL fan and a BOSCH cooling pump via a PWM-Signal from a PARKER MC43.

However, I'm running into some issues with this.

1- First of all, I dont know how to wire the components. The fan und the pump, both have only 3 pins when it comes to PWM controlling. 24V + ,  24V ground and the Sinal pin for PWM. On the MC43 i do have 2 pins per PWM signal. Could anybody show me how to wire those components? I added a unfinished schematic:

Image 2876

Maybe I'm missing something completly obvisous here but additions to not knowing how to wire these components, I don't understand what has to come on the PWM*/E* pin of the fan. From the picture it looks to me like this pin needs a PWM signal, wich is switched to ground. I'm not an electrical engineer but from what I understand, there is a difference between GND (-) and  not having a actual potential difference. Like when something is on two pins connected to 24V DV there is no actual potential difference but there is no GND. Can anyone explaine what needs to be connected to the PWM*/E* pin of the fan?

2- The second point is, I found this threat on the Parker forum wich comes kind of close to some of my problems:


Where is written:

" You could use the PWM output on e.g. an XA2 or XC10 to do this, but there are a few limitations to think of     The most important is the off-state leakage current on the highside driver. This is just as relevant for the case when one  wants to use DOUT as a signal to another controller. If you do not pull the output to ground, you will see a voltage on the output pin that is close to +BAT level. The other will have some voltage threshold that you must be sure to be able to come below.

It is very probable that the PWM input on the other device have a pull-down resistor in the kOhm range. Then you will need to add an external pull-down resistor to load the signal. Which is tricky because this low resistance component will also have to cope with the power during the on-phase.

Another limitation you need to consider is the PWM out range. As the IQAN PWM outputs are primarily intended to drive valves, none of the outputs go all the way to 100% MR.

For modules that has undercurrent detection (like XC10), you might need to switch this off, depending on how much you load the output."

When it comes to the MC43 Module, are these problems still the same or has anything changed since that?

Because this Answer is around 5 Years old. Sorry if there are some obvious solutions to my problems, I'm still quite new in this.


Wireless connection between master and expansion module

Tuomas 3 years ago in Master modules updated by Lars Bolduc 3 years ago 1

Do you have any recommendations for wireless connection between master (MC4x) and expansion module (XC4x)?

-Distance about 20m.

-Master module is in machine cabin what have metal frames


MD4 crash during blue screen

Dragos Popa 3 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 3 years ago 4


We're using a MD4 display with IQAN Design 6.06 and during one of our session of sending the project over to our MD4 (meaning a blue screen was displayed) the module lost power and shut down. After rebooting it, the MD4 display did not reopen and even if we power it separately with an external power supply the module still does not power on. 

Do you know what we could do ? Or what the problem might be? 


MC41FS CAN Faults - Clarification please.

Julian Robinson 3 years ago in Master modules / MC4x updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 months ago 3

Hi there, I have an application with an MC41-FS connected to engine ECM and genset J1939 on CANB input. IQAN There are other devices on this J1939 as well such as instrumentation devices. These are all contained within a genset canopy and bolted under a train. The MC41 is used to control a single relay, thats its only function. Its not connected to any screens nor "Multi Master" system over Diagnostics A CAN for example. It does broadcast its status and other info like internal temps/status/fan speed etc using custom PGNs onto the same J1939 on CAN B.

This common J1939 CAN datalink is connected to the main group of Multi-Master controllers (MC43FSx3 and MD4-7x2). So the MC41 is indirectly linked to MC43FS on its CAN D using public J1939, just not the official Parker CAN Diagnostics link etc if you can follow that. It was not possible to use expansion modules for many reasons, MC41FS had to operate independently of the train when genset runs in isolation (not on the train) for testing etc.

There are 3 gensets on each train, therefore 3x MC41FS modules connecting to each MC43FS over 3x individual public J1939 datalinks.

I am also monitoring the J1939 using telematics, so I can see these devices operating semi real time.

Recently in service (12 October 21) all three MC41FS modules stopped communicating on CAN J1939 - all within about 20 minutes of each other. Train was in service and between stations. All other devices were fine and did not stop operating nor flag errors etc.

During monitoring , 3x MC41FS internal temps are well below 50 deg C at all times. Temperatures don’t seem a problem.

Yesterday we were able to attend the train while being serviced. I attempted to connect to the MC41FS's over J1939 CAN using IQANrun, and there was no response. We could not open genset to check lamp status as this is a sealed unit. So we only had the option to power down and on again. This cleared the issue and all the modules CAN network came back online again.

  • I have read the article regarding the No Contact CAN errors and possible causes for this. There could be many reasons why this module may have problems, but the unit has been in service since July 2021 which is 3 months now. No other device has locked up (ie the MC43s modules are connected to the same J1939 datalink
  • Looking at the MC41FS System Logs, there were historical errors with the Relay (Critical Error) but these were in July 2021, and since this time, there have been 5-6 System Started log events, meaning to me that the MC41FS was powered down and back again as part of battery isolation etc. This was the period when the genset was being commissioned and power supply and wiring issues were probably encountered regularly
  • There were no System Errors recorded in the log folders since August. Nothing at the time of the CAN Buss Off issue in service
  • The MC41FS has TDA enabled, so the MC43FS is used to send TDA PGN to the MC41FS over J1939 for date time alignment


  • The article on No Contact references that CAN errors are accumulative before the CAN goes into Buss OFF status. Are CAN faults / issues cleared on reset? I would have thought so. Would this have been accumulative even though there were resets?
  • With reference to 2x nodes sending the same CAN Identifier: Does this refer to the entire 29Bit header ID or the PGN only? Ie I see no problem if two nodes send the same PGN, provided they are not the same Source Address?
  • Has there been any helpful updates in recent IQAN FW releases after this 6.05.18 version that will help re-set the CAN if there is a Bus Off event?

Its very hard to troubleshoot this situation from afar I know, and the only thing I can possibly consider changing is the application of the MC41FS or the FW or both.

Does anyone have any helpful comments/suggestions?




Parker MG Vref circuit

Kim 3 years ago in Master modules updated 3 years ago 1

Hi! Im trying to figure ut a dilemma on a Mg module.... 
Problem is that a servomotor controlled by Vref and position sensor (3 cables) 
Starts to pull backwards as soon as you turn it on, its suposed to fint its own 0-position 
Just found 2 wires (vref + and -) short-circuited on another component....or atleast they where badly damaged. 

Question! Does the MG protect the vref from a short....and how long woud it theoretically whithstand this? 
And and is there any one knowing how to meassure this if my Mg has any broken component? thanks// Kim  
Borås, Sweden

Hej! jag försöker reda ut en rejäl huvudvärk med en MG modul.  
denna styr bla. en servomotor som får fnatt och börjar dra baklänges helt plötsligt. den skall egentligen hitta en nollpunkt och stanna där men strömsätter man den så är det något som ger signal att den ska dra konstant baklänges. 

Hittade idag ett par kablar som troligen kortslutits ( Vref  plus och minus ) fast till en annan sensor som övervakar hydraultryck. Kan en kortslutning orsaka haveri i Mg´n ? Eller har den kortslutnings skydd i sig ( isåfall hur länge klarar den en kortis ? )   

Samt hur mäter jag om Vref är trasig? Eller har vi någon här som är kunnigare än en lekman på att mäta upp en Mg lite snabbt?  Mvh// Kim 
Borås, Sweden


mdl-2 usb

mohmmad aljasem 3 years ago in Master modules updated 3 years ago 1

I am purchased a new IQAN MDL-2 and Trying to get a clone from an older one and install it on the new one . The only connection that i have is a USB but its not connecting at all with IQANrun , tried 3 different cables and its still always showing that its USB(Offline). any help in this matter ?


view angle MD4 with part number 20085164

Laura 3 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 3 years ago 1

The view angle of the MD4-5 with part number 20085164 is a -70” till 70” view angle.

But in the upper angle about 25”-60”  the display is not clear or readable. We have mounted the display vertically, and because of different heights the option flip is for us not a solution. 

When we sent an application to the display the blue screen is clear, no read problems, how is this possible.

We are really dissappointed about the touch screen changes of the MD4-5 between the 20085164 and the older 200777773

Kind regards,



MD4-5 replacing a MD4-7 Process

Myles Martinez 3 years ago in Master modules updated by pabbineedi rk 3 years ago 9

What is the correct installation process for this? This is new to me so i have limited experience. Customer has a damaged MD4-7 and we have a MD4-5 to replace it. Will i be required to run the IQAN software for the install procedure or will i be able to configure what i need on the the screen? Thanks in advance.


MD4-7 clock reset

Adrien Léauté 3 years ago in Master modules / MD4 updated 3 years ago 2


we got some issue with a MD4 display where the clock reset all the time, we think that it could be some faulty components inside.

have you heard about similar issue

