XC43 Flashing normal (yellow) with CAN-BUS no contact error on master module and in IQANdesign.
I've got two XC43's on a machine. One on CAN-BUS-A & the other on CAN-BUS-B. Both modules are flashing yellow normal operation but the master module says A-BUS no contact & B-Bus no contact. When I run the program in IQANdesign connected to the machine, I also see no contact on both modules.
Why are the two XC43 modules flashing the normal operation flash code and not the CAN error/no contact error flash code?
Powering down modules in runtime
I have to modify my system and add 2 expansion (or masters if necessary) to meet safety standards. Only 1 module can be powered at a time. Is there a way to do so without having errors every time one is powered down?
GT Gateway Internet Connection over WiFi
I am a mechatronics engineer working for a company manufacturing service trucks and grease pump systems used in the mining industry in Australia. My role is writing the IQAN software as well as testing and commissioning the finished machines. We have an IQAN system (MD4-7 + XC41) installed on a grease pump system with a Parker Modem (PSVG-IQAN-C2E1M3W1U1) for telemetry. We have installed this modem and have even placed orders for more through our local Parker rep with the understanding that it has WiFi capability, however I cannot get this to work and it only seems to acquire an internet connection on 4G. Specifically, I cannot sign into the WiFi client tool even though I have administrator rights on parkermobileiot.com (I have no problem logging in and have set up the users. templates and widgets and receiving data without problems over 4G). The mine sites where we are testing this out next week all use WiFi and feedback from our sales rep suggests WiFi meshes are a general trend for all sites in Australia where 4G access is limited or not available. Ideally, I would like WiFi to be working by next week so we can demonstrate our device - is this possible? If not, when can I expect WiFi to be working with these modems?
Look forward to your response. Thanks in advance.
What's the max current on pin 23 and 35 MC41 FS
What is the max currant on the -V-ref on pin 23 and 35
Display Iqan MDM
Witam, mam problem z programowaniem wyświetlacza Iqan MDM, czy mogę zaprogramować lub odczytać program dla danego urządzenia za pomocą serwisowego, pobrałem program do tych wyświetlaczy MDM, czy muszę wykupić licencję na korzystanie z niego czy jest on darmowy
moze by mi ktos pomogc bo mam wyświetlacze i chciałbym je zaprogramowac bez rozcieńczania pamięci na inne urządzenia
Wyświetlacze nie są już dostępne i wystąpił problem ze starszymi urządzeniami
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc
Serial info
What does the serial number mean on an MD4 and MC41?
I think it starts with production year and weeknumber, but what do the following numbers mean?
GT portail and agreement
We are a Parker Store looking to test drive a GT (IoT) on one of our machine we resale (Forestry Equipment)
I notice there is a trial version for 6 month and that will be perfect to run the test (Part#165341)
I open the portail link and it ask for a password (Login), is that Login the same as PHConnect or do we get a Login following our purchase on PHConnect?
Also it says a set up need to be perform for each Gateway (Master Tag) and it require a special agreement. Can this agreement be set with local Parker sales or how does it work?
Gateway Baudrate Configuration within IQAN (j1939)
In our application, we are using a Parker Gateway (4G PSVG-IQAN) to talk with a standard J1939 CAN bus. |
On some vehicles, this ends up being a 500k CAN bus. By default, the device supports 250k J1939. |
We then have to then keep track of this difference, per vehicle, and if we ever send a service part, I have to know in advance and spend more manual effort to have the gateway updated before it gets plugged in. |
Is there a way to make an improvement to the current "Ask Parker for Firmware update" process that is not self-service?? |
Best Possible Solution: Have the gateway be auto-baud rate and not send any data packets on J1939 until it listens for the bus speed... i.e. it will then support 250k/500k without user configuration. |
Alternative Solution: Have the gateway with a software-configurable j1939 baudrate which is a configuration parameter that can be set within the IQAN environment... I still would have to keep track, but at least I could be in control of the change-over and not dependent on an OTA update from Parker directly. |
Thoughts? |
Anyone else with this challenge? |
We would gladly pay to have this feature developed in a timely manner. |
XC44 HS+LS Overcurrent Update
I am still unable to reply to previous posts with the same error being reported as before when I attempt..
In reply to Gustav's comment on this post: XC44 HS+LS Overcurrent Follow Up / Hardware / IQAN
"Ok, the disabling of the function group explain at least a part of the behavior you see.
When disabling the FG, the DOUT deactivate. Diagnostics is still running, so when disabled all checks for output off are running. In IQANdesign you will only see channel status disabled though.
At what events do you disable? Only before cutting the highside externaly?
Or also during normal deactivation of the output?"
The function group is only disabled on Estop. Before an estop event the output functioned as normal, the estop being triggered starts the overcurrent issue.
Original post: XC44 HS+LS Overcurrent / Hardware / IQAN
MC41FS Critical Errors
Hi there,
I have a critical problem with MC41-FS stand alone controllers (ie it’s not connected on Multi-Master system). FW level
We see operation continuous for about 2 months with no error, then multiple devices on the same mahcine just stop working ll within minutes of each other (with no CAN output) and no reported/broadcast faults or recorded System Log errors. This problem is seen on multiple machines now, and a pattern is emerging of this failure. Resetting 24V power, resets the module and the error.
Clearly having a module just stop operating with no reported or logged system errors is very dangerous, as we have no means to quickly diagnose.
We have managed to collect the LED blink code when in error state: This sequence is not listed in the manuals.
Blink code
4x RED
- There are 3x MC41-FS modules per machine (all independent)
- MC41FS power supply is continuous 24V
- The machine has a "main" Multi Master system which comprises of 2x MD4-7 and 3x MC43FS modules all on MM system.
- The 3 independent MC41FS modules are connected to each MC43FS module on J1939. As far as MM system is concerned, the MC41's are another J1939 module on the common J1939 line.
- The machine MM system is operated with switched power supply (24V)
Originally I thought this was possibly a CAN bus issue, but no other IQAN modules are reporting CAN bus errors (ie the MC43 modules) as they share the same J1939.
There is one possible interaction between MC43 and MC41 module that could be contributing (depending on what the fault LED codes are from above). The MC41FS module has enabled TDA for time sync, and the MC43 is configured to send TDA PGN onto the shared J1939 continuously every 10 seconds to time sync the MC41FS. As mentioned above, the MC43 modules are connected on switched power, and the MC41 on continuous. So very night the MC43 (and full MM system) is powered down overnight). I am unsure if this is a problem, or has no effect.
Please can someone contact me to discuss this directly. I am not able to share the project file publically.
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